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Releases: gem/oq-engine

OpenQuake Engine 3.17.0

12 Jul 14:19
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[Michele Simionato (@micheles)]

  • Raise an early error if the user disable both realizations and statistics
  • Internal: added dbserver.user in openquake.cfg
  • Solved the hanging of classical calculations due to large zmq packets
    and reduced memory occupation

[Marco Pagani (@mmpagani), Michele Simionato (@micheles)]

  • Added support for the "direct" method in MRD calculations

[Michele Simionato (@micheles)]

  • Reimplemented the conditional_spectrum calculator as a post-processor

[Paolo Tormene (@ptormene), Michele Simionato (@micheles)]

  • Raise an error when the same parameter is set in different sections
    of the job.ini file

[Michele Simionato (@micheles)]

  • Fixed tau-phi inversion in LanzanoLuzi2019
  • Fixed another bug with conditioned GMFs appearing as the error
    array[m, n, bad] = exp(mean_covs[0, g, m, n], im) TypeError: list indices must be integers or slices, not tuple

[Claudio Schill (@claudio525)]

  • Fixed sorting bug in the sigma_mu adjustment factor in
    the Kuehn et al. (2020) GMM

[Michele Simionato (@micheles)]

  • Fixed a subtle filtering bug in conditioned GMFs
  • Fixed shakemap calculations to take the risk IMTs and not the hazard IMTs
  • Extended shakemap2gmfs to amplify the GMFs based on user-provided vs30
  • Removed sorting of the sections in the multiFaultSource reader to keep
    the rup_idxs consistent with the order in the files
  • GMFs too small to produce losses now give a warning rather than an error
  • Fixed bug in get_ry0_distance breaking conditioned GMFs
  • Made sure lon and lat are rounded to 5 digits in the site collection

[Graeme Wheaterill]

  • Fixes to bchydro_2016_epistemic, eshm20_craton and lanzano_2019

[Michele Simionato (@micheles)]

  • Extended sensitity analysis to file parameters
  • Introduced new loss type residents

[Marco Pagani (@mmpagani)]

  • Fixed bug in get_profiles_from_simple_fault_data affecting KiteSurfaces

[Michele Simionato (@micheles)]

  • Fixed the rupture exporter in presence of GMPETables
  • Optimized the postclassical phase
  • Fixed a serious issue in the classical calculator with tiles
  • Vectorized the association assets <-> hazard sites (up to 32x speedup)
  • Fixed bug in disaggregation calculations associated to an error
    in the line [mag] = np.unique(np.round(ctx.mag, 6))
  • Optimized the calculation of geohashes by using numba

[Paolo Tormene (@ptormene)]

  • Extended total_losses to include business_interruption

[Michele Simionato (@micheles)]

  • Recognized occupants_avg field in the exposure
  • Optimized reading the exposure (both speed and memory)
  • Optimized the rupture sampling for MultiFaultSources and improved
    the parallelization for MultiFaultSources and MultiPointSources
  • Made the parameter truncation_level mandatory
  • Fixed the damage state header in the aggrisk outputs
  • Changed the order of the IMTs to be by period and not lexicographic
  • Fixed the realizations extractor for scenario calculations reading
    ruptures with multiple different tectonic region types

[Kendra Johnson (@kejohnso)]

  • Fixed a bug in disaggregation by Lon-Lat-TRT when there are multifault
    ruptures and multiple sites

[Michele Simionato (@micheles)]

  • Deprecated the conversion in the exposure
  • Added new loss types "area" and "number" for usage in risk calculations
  • Made the contexts immutable and fixed mutability bugs potentially
    affecting the modules akkar_bommer_2010, bindi_2011_ipe, can_shm6_inslab,
    lanzano_2019, youd_etal_2002, zhang_zhao_2005, cauzzi_faccioli_2008_swiss,
    chiou_youngs_2008_swiss campbell_bozorgnia_2014
  • Changed the disaggregation algorithm (see manual)
  • Added a view risk_by_rup
  • Internal: added command oq compare med_gmv <imt>
  • Extended extract/ruptures to extract a single rupture given the rup_id
  • Fixed a bug in classical_damage causing a ValueError: could not broadcast
    input array from shape (X,Y) into shape (X,)
  • Added check for missing site parameters

[Paolo Tormene (@ptormene)]

  • Internal: reduced the size of the gsim column in the view
    required_params_per_trt in the .rst report

[Michele Simionato (@micheles)]

  • Optimized the generation of events
  • Fixed the GMFs CSV importer so that it can import exported GMFs even in
    the presence of a custom_site_id
  • Implemented sampling for mutex sources with grp_probability
  • Introduced extreme_gmv parameter in the job.ini
  • Introduced a new output "Annual Frequency of Events" and refined the command
    oq plot event_based_mfd?
  • Moved the minimum magnitude filtering after the rupture sampling
  • Changed the internals of rupture sampling and fixed the generated MFD
    in the case of a same source appearing in multiple logic tree branches
  • Fixed a bug in scenario calculations causing a mysterious IndexError in the
    line rctx.clon = c.lons[rctx.sids]
  • Changed the disaggregation exporter to add a column with the IML
    associated to the PoE for the mean disaggregation outputs
  • Internal: added a parameter override_vs30 in the job.ini

[Marco Pagani (@mmpagani), Michele Simionato (@micheles)]

  • Fixed a bug in the source writer when writing NonParametricSources

[Michele Simionato (@micheles)]

  • Changed the conditional spectrum storage and fixed the exporter to export
    all PoEs

[Marco Pagani (@mmpagani)]

  • Fixed conditional spectrum with investigation time different from 1 year

[Michele Simionato (@micheles)]

  • Fixed documentation of the Extractor for hazard curves and maps
  • Fixed bug in oq zip: when starting from a directory different from the
    job.ini directory, .hdf5 files for nonparametric ruptures were not included
  • Honored minimum_magnitude for MultiFaultSources
  • Overhauled the experimental postprocessing framework and fixed many
    bugs in the compute_mrd postprocessor

[Anirudh Rao (@raoanirudh)]

  • Added a verification test suite for the Conditioned GMFs calculator

[Michele Simionato (@micheles)]

  • Added output rates_by_src
  • Fixed method '/v1/ini_defaults' returning NaNs for the site parameters
  • Added output mean_disagg_bysrc for single site calculations with use_rates
  • Added command oq reduce_smlt
  • Fixed reinsurance calculations when there is a single loss type
  • Changed the source seed generation to not depend on the source ID suffix
  • Tracebacks were printed 3 times in the console: this is finally fixed
  • Forbidden duplicate sources in atomic groups
  • Forbidden duplicate mutually exclusive sources
  • Fixed conditional spectrum calculator with multiple sites and implemented
  • Fixed the source ID generation for CollapsedPointSources
  • Fixed the error message for wrong weights in the gsim logic tree file
  • Fixed KeyError in calculations using the EasternCan15Mid with PGA
  • Replaced hard-coded limit to 25 levels in the MRD postprocessor
    with a simple warning

[Kendra Johnson (@kejohnso)]

  • Added a job parameter 'reqv_ignore_sources', which indicates which
    sources - specified as a list of thier source ids - should not be collapsed
    using the equivalent distance

[Michele Simionato (@micheles)]

  • Extended (re)insurance calculations to manage insurance deductibles at asset
  • Internal: added a parameter use_rates to compute statistical hazard curves
    in terms of rates, not probabilities
  • Internal: changed disagg_by_src to work in terms of rates
  • Added command oq runsite <lon>,<lat> for mosaic PSHA calculations
  • Enhanced --reuse-input to reuse preclassical calculations if possible
  • Normalized IMTs in the minimum_intensity dictionary (i.e. SA(1.)=>SA(1.0))
  • Fixed event based calculations running out of memory due to hazard curve
    arrays being instantiated without need

[Julián Santiago Montejo Espitia (@SantiMon1417)]

  • Contributed the GMPE Arteta et al. (2023) for crustal events on northern
    South America

[Michele Simionato (@micheles)]

  • Setting both sites and site_model_file now works also for models
    with nonstandard site parameters, like EUR

[Paolo Tormene (@ptormene)]

  • Added AELO mode for the engine webui, providing a web form to insert input
    values and launch a calculation. Input values are validated and the
    progress of the calculation can be monitored through the webui. On
    completion, the server sends an email to the job owner, providing feedback
    about failure or completion, with a link to retrieve a traceback or to
    browse the calculation outputs. Corresponding tests were added and the
    existing tests for the webui were improved, cleaning up calculations after
    they have been checked.

[Michele Simionato (@micheles)]

  • Changed the default: now all realizations are consider in disaggregation
    calculations, not only the one closest to the mean hazard curve
  • Added feature infer_occur_rates for multiFault sources
  • Sampling the ruptures was raising a BlockingIOError sometimes

[Kendra Johnson (@kejohnso)]

  • Made it possible to use extendModel for multiple branchSets in the
    source model logic tree

[Michele Simionato (@micheles)]

  • Added an exporter for disagg_by_src
  • Implemented mean disaggregation outputs, with the means computed in terms
    of rates, not probabilities

[Kendra Johnson (@kejohnso)]

  • Corrected a bug when using the reqv feature: all sources were
    collapsed instead of the ones with the specified tectonic region types

[Michele Simionato (@micheles)]

  • Changed the lon-lat binning algorithm to produce 4 times less bins
  • Fixed it must not set the shared_dir
  • Optimized disaggregation in performance, memory consumption and data
    transfer; also changed the task distribution algorithm

OpenQuake Engine 3.16.5

12 Jul 08:37
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[Kendra Johnson (@kejohnso)]

    the NGAEast and NSHMP2014 GMPEs

[Michele Simionato (@micheles)]

  • Fixed the hanging of classical calculations due to large zmq packets

OpenQuake Engine 3.16.4

29 Jun 08:55
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[Antonio Ettorre (@vot4anto)]

  • Upgraded Django version to version 3.2.19 with some security fixes

[Claudio Schill (@claudio525)]

  • Fixed sorting bug in the sigma_mu adjustment factor in
    the Kuehn et al. (2020) GMM

[Graeme Weatherill (@g-weatherill)]

  • Fixes to bchydro_2016_epistemic, eshm20_craton and lanzano_2019

[Marco Pagani (@mmpagani)]

  • Fixed bug in get_profiles_from_simple_fault_data affecting KiteSurfaces

[Michele Simionato (@micheles)]

  • Fixed tau-phi inversion in LanzanoLuzi2019
  • Fixed shakemap calculations to take the risk IMTs and not the hazard IMTs
  • Removed sorting of the sections in the multiFaultSource reader to keep
    the rup_idxs consistent with the order in the files
  • GMFs too small to produce losses now give a warning rather than an error
  • Fixed a subtle filtering bug breaking conditioned GMFs
  • Fixed bug in get_ry0_distance breaking conditioned GMFs
  • Fixed the rupture exporter in presence of GMPETables
  • Fixed severe bug affecting the classical tiling calculator
  • Fixed rounding bug in disaggregation (in the line
    [mag] = np.unique(np.round(ctx.mag, 6)))
  • Fixed the error message for wrong weights in the gsim logic tree file

OpenQuake Engine 3.16.3

16 May 10:17
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[Kendra Johnson (@kejohnso)]

  • Fixed a bug in hazardlib.geo.surface.multi affecting the disaggregation

[Michele Simionato (@micheles)]

  • Fixed the damage state header in the aggrisk outputs
  • Fixed the realizations extractor for scenario calculations starting from
    ruptures with multiple different tectonic region types
  • Fixed a subtle mutability bug affecting various GMPEs
  • Fixed rupture sampling in the case of a same source appearing in multiple
    logic tree branches
  • Fixed a bug in classical_damage causing a ValueError: could not broadcast
    input array from shape (X,Y) into shape (X,) in some situations
  • Fixed the CSV importer so that it can import exported GMFs even in
    the presence of a custom_site_id

OpenQuake Engine 3.16.2

21 Apr 14:22
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[Michele Simionato (@micheles)]

  • Fixed a bug in extract_agg_curves affecting the QGIS plugin
  • Fixed a bug in scenario calculations causing a mysterious IndexError in the
    line rctx.clon = c.lons[rctx.sids]

[Marco Pagani (@mmpagani), Michele Simionato (@micheles)]

  • Fixed a bug in the source writer when writing NonParametricSources
  • Removed the conditional spectrum calculator (it was experimental and
    not working properly in many cases)

[Michele Simionato (@micheles)]

  • Now we log only when the DB schema is really upgraded
  • Fixed the documentation about extracting hazard curves and maps
  • Fixed KeyError in calculations using the EasternCan15Mid with PGA
  • The minimum_magnitude parameter was ignored for multiFault sources
  • Replaced hard-coded limit to 25 levels in the MRD postprocessor
    with a simple warning
  • Fixed bug in oq zip: when starting from a directory different from the
    job.ini directory, .hdf5 files for nonparametric ruptures were not included
  • Fixed a 32 bit / 64 bit bug in the hinge function of Kuehn et al. (2020)
  • Forbidden source IDs with dots (".")

OpenQuake Engine 3.16.1

01 Mar 09:51
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[Michele Simionato (@micheles)]

  • Fixed event based calculations running out of memory due to hazard curve
    arrays being instantiated without need
  • Sampling the ruptures was raising a BlockingIOError sometimes

[Kendra Johnson (@kejohnso)]

  • Fixed bug in extendModel with multiple branchsets

OpenQuake Engine 3.16.0

16 Feb 16:06
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[Matteo Nastasi (@nastasi-oq)]

  • Bumped oq-libs to version 3.8.0

[Michele Simionato (@micheles), Paolo Tormene (@ptormene)]

  • Fixed the agg_curves extractor to also extract individual curves, thus
    fixing the QGIS plugin visualization

[Michele Simionato (@micheles)]

  • Optimized the rupture sampling for MultiFaultSources
  • Supported collect_rlzs together with disagg_by_src to avoid running
    out of memory in models with many realizations and many sources

[Marco Pagani (@mmpagani)]

  • Implemented the correction of Lanzano et al. (2019) as described in
    Lanzano et al. (2022)

[Michele Simionato (@micheles)]

  • Fixed disaggregation calculations when too few tasks were generated

[Anirudh Rao (@raoanirudh), Michele Simionato (@micheles)]

  • Changed the algorithm used in classical_risk and classical_bcr
    calculations to take into account the risk_investigation_time

[Michele Simionato (@micheles)]

  • Added a warning for pointlike sources with magnitudes >= 8
  • Optimized the disaggregation by using our own truncnorm_sf function and
    not scipy

[Anirudh Rao (@raoanirudh)]

  • Implemented Conditioned GMFs as defined in Engler et al. (2022)

[Matteo Nastasi (@nastasi-oq)]

  • Removed python3-engine-master and python3-engine-worker ubuntu packages

[Michele Simionato (@micheles)]

  • Internal: renamed rup_id -> seed in event based calculations to avoid
  • Parallelized the reinsurance calculation

[Marco Pagani (@mmpagani)]

  • Completed implementation of grp_probability for SourceGroups with mutex

[Michele Simionato (@micheles)]

  • Huge improvement of the task distribution when using zmq; also, used
    less memory on the master node
  • Fixed context collapsing in the multi-site case
  • Optimised postclassical, both in terms of memory in the master node
    and reading performance in the workers
  • Added parallel.multispawn facility in oq engine --multi --run
  • Improved oq engine --multi to run at most 5 jobs at the time
  • Fixed bug introduced in engine 3.9 producing wrong numbers in the case of
    mutex ruptures (i.e. the New Madrid cluster in the USA model)
  • Added --venv option to the universal installer to install in custom places
  • Bug fix: the avg_losses-rlzs output in classical risk was stored
  • Speed up preclassical calculations in presence of complex fault sources and
    similar; for instance there is a 3x speedup for the SAM model

[Trevor Allen (@treviallen)]

  • Added class Allen2012_SS14 to Allen (2012) GMM to incorporate Vs30 scaling
    based on Seyhan & Stewart (2014) amplification factors
  • Added classes SomervilleEtAl2009NonCratonic_SS14 and
    SomervilleEtAl2009YilgarnCraton_SS14 to Somerville et al (2009) GMM to
    incorporate Vs30 scaling based on Seyhan & Stewart (2014) amplification
  • Added Allen (2022) GMM for Banda Sea earthquakes observed in the North
    Australian Craton

[Michele Simionato (@micheles)]

  • Moved the horiz_comp_to_geom_mean functionality from the gsim logic tree
    to the job.ini
  • Optimized the parsing of XML files (35x for the Alaska model)
  • Bug fix: ModifiableGMPEs with underlying tables were not receiving a
    single magnitude when calling the compute method
  • Rewritten ModifiableGMPE to avoid a subtle memory leak

[Matteo Nastasi (@nastasi-oq)]

  • Add WEBUI_PATHPREFIX variable to add a prefix to usual webui web path

[Michele Simionato (@micheles)]

  • Fixed the exporter of avg_losses-stats when using collect_rlzs=true
  • Mitigate the issue of ultra-long planar ruptures affecting many models
  • Forced the usage of collect_rlzs for large exposures when computing
    avg_losses with many realizations
  • Bug fix: min_mag and max_mag were not honored when using a
    magnitude-dependent maximum distance
  • Reduced the memory consumption when using the ps_grid_spacing approximation

[Marco Pagani (@mmpagani)]

  • Added a method to compute the mean rate density of two IMTs
  • Added the possibility to define the edges of disaggregation bins
  • Added a couple of utility methods to the weichert module

[Michele Simionato (@micheles)]

  • Introduced automatic tiling for extra-large calculations
  • Added command oq purge failed
  • Fixed memory leak in the tiling calculator by resetting the ProcessPool
  • Fixed an indexing error breaking the GMPE AtkinsonBoore2006 with
    stress drop adjustment

[C. Bruce Worden]

  • Extended the AbrahamsonEtAl2014 GMPE to extrapolate the vs30

[Michele Simionato (@micheles)]

  • Reduced the number of warnings when the horizontal component is not
    convertible into geometric mean in ModifiableGMPE

[Guillaume Daniel (@guyomd)]

  • Added the highest magnitude bin to the Stepp (1972) completeness analysis
    and improved the legend in the plot

[Manuela Villani (@mvillani)]

  • Added the Wong et al. (2022) ground motion model

[Marco Pagani (@mmpagani)]

  • Added a constant_term attribute to the faultActivityData uncertainty
    model, with a default value of 9.1 for backward compatibility

[Michele Simionato (@micheles)]

  • Removed support for Python < 3.8

[Prajakta Jadhav (@Prajakta-Jadhav-25), Dharma Wijewickreme (@Dharma-Wijewickreme)]

  • Added GMPE for Zhang and Zhao(2005)

[Michele Simionato (@micheles)]

  • Added conditional spectrum calculator in hazardlib
  • Fixed the performance report that failed for NGAEast GMPEs
  • Reduced the memory consumption in large classical calculations
    (in make_contexts)

[Marco Pagani (@mmpagani), Michele Simionato (@micheles)]

  • Fixed the calculation of conditional spectra

[Michele Simionato (@micheles)]

  • Corner case bug: in the presence of parent site collection and a child
    site model the engine was associating the site model to the parent
  • Strongly reduced the slow tasks and memory consumption in event_based_risk
    calculations and removed the need to keep (a lot of) the gmf_data table
    in memory
  • Fixed a performance issue in event based risk calculations, due to the same
    aggregation IDs being computed for each task
  • Increased sys.recursionlimit to solve a rare pickling issue and made
    the engine continue even if _csm is not stored
  • Added a parameter max_aggregations with a default of 100,000
  • Changed the risk calculators to reuse the hazard exposure (if any)

[Antonio Ettorre (@vot4anto)]

  • Bumped h5py to version 3.7.0 and added fiona 1.8.21

[Marco Pagani (@mmpagani)]

  • Added the get_dip and get_strike methods to the gridded surface

[Michele Simionato (@micheles)]

  • Added calculation of reinsurance-risk_by_event and reinsurance-aggcurves
    given a reinsurance.xml file
  • Supported absolute values for deductible and insurance_limit
    in insurance calculations (before we supported only fractions)
  • Reduced precision in the header of the UHS csv files
  • Managed the case with CoVs = 0 for the beta distribution

OpenQuake Engine 3.15.0

12 Sep 09:22
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[Michele Simionato (@micheles)]

  • Added a check on sum(srcs_weights) == 1 for mutex sources

[Kendra Johnson (@kejohnso)]

  • Fixed disaggregation by lon, lat in presence of multiFaultSources

[Michele Simionato (@micheles)]

  • Replaced command oq download_shakemap with oq shakemap2gmfs
  • Raised an error for missing required IMTs in ShakeMap grid files
  • Extended the custom_site_id to 8 characters
  • Restricted the accepted characters in risk IDs
  • Extended disagg_by_src to mutually exclusive sources (i.e. Japan)
    and managed "colon" sources specially

[Anne Hulsey (@annehulsey)]

  • Contributed Mag_Dist_TRT and Mag_Dist_TRT_Eps disaggregations

[Michele Simionato (@micheles)]

  • Internal: added a way to disable the DbServer from openquake.cfg or
    by setting OQ_DATABASE=local
  • Implemented total_losses, even for insurance calculations
  • Optimized "computing risk" in the event_based_risk calculator (~30% faster)
  • Changed the magnitude binning formula, thus fixing some disaggregation
    calculations (for instance when there is a single magnitude for a TRT)
  • Changed the aggrisk/aggcurves exporters in presence of insurance losses
  • Internal: changed how avg_losses, src_loss_table and agg_curves-stats are
    stored to simplify the management of secondary losses
  • Internal: we have now repeatable rupture IDs in classical PSHA

[Pablo Iturrieta (@pabloitu)]

  • Added support for negative binomial temporal occurrence models

[Marco Pagani (@mmpagani), Michele Simionato (@micheles)]

  • Added support for disaggregation in case of mutually exclusive sources

[Michele Simionato (@micheles)]

  • Fixed error message when trying to compute disagg_by_src with too many
    sources: in some cases, it contained a misleading reference to point sources
  • Reorganized the Advanced Manual; changed the theme to be consistent with
    the OpenQuake manual
  • Internal: added command oq db engine_version
  • Added a check for required site parameters not passed correctly
  • Fixed ps_grid_spacing approximation when the grid is degenerate
  • Logging a warning when starting from an old hazard calculation
  • The extra fields of the site collection were lost when using --hc

[Julián Santiago Montejo Espitia]

  • Implemented the Arteta et al. (2021) subduction model for Colombia

[Michele Simionato (@micheles)]

  • Added host field to the job table (dbserver restart required)
  • --exports=csv was not honored for the realizations output; now it is

[Paul Henshaw (@pslh), Sandra Giacomini]

  • Ported the OpenQuake manual from latex to reStructuredText format

[Michele Simionato (@micheles)]

  • Entered automatically in sequential mode if there is not enough memory
  • Raised an early error for missing risk IDs in the vulnerability files
  • Changed the definition of aggrisk again to ensure consistency with the
    average losses

[Tom Son (@SnowNooDLe)]

  • Added width and hypo_depth estimation to Campbell and Bozorgnia (2014)

[Michele Simionato (@micheles)]

  • Improved the precision of the ps_grid_spacing approximation
  • Added a check for missing mags when using GMPETables
  • Fixed a bug in upgrade_nrml -m for point sources with different usd/lsd
  • Automatically discard irrelevant TRTs in disaggregation calculations

[Ashta Poudel, Anirudh Rao (@raoanirudh), Michele Simionato (@micheles)]

  • Added the ability to run connectivity analysis in event_based_damage
    and scenario_damage calculation with an appropriate exposure

[Tom Son (@SnowNooDLe), Michele Simionato (@micheles)]

  • Added ztor estimation to Campbell and Bozorgnia (2014)

[Michele Simionato (@micheles)]

  • Using PointMSR when the reqv approximation is enabled
  • Internal: changed the rupture storage for classical calculations
  • Optimized rupture instantiation for point sources
  • Optimized distance calculations for point sources

[Tom Son (@SnowNooDLe), Claudio Schill]

  • Simple performance improvement of Kuehn et al. 2020 model

[Michele Simionato (@micheles)]

  • Changed again the string representation of logic tree paths and added
    an utility to build trees from literal lists
  • Fixed the field source_info.trti in the datastore to point to the
    correct tectonic region type index and not to zero
  • Added a check for inconsistent IDs across different kinds of risk functions
    (i.e. fragility and consequence)
  • Fixed a logging statement that could run out of memory in large calculations
  • Optimized iter_ruptures for point sources by vectorizing the generation of
    planar surfaces by magnitude, nodal plane and hypocenter

[Tom Son (@SnowNooDLe)]

  • Implemented a missing piece in Chiou & Youngs (2014) model
    Predicted PSA value at T ≤ 0.3s should be set equal to the value of PGA
    when it falls below the predicted PGA

[Marco Pagani (@mmpagani)]

  • Added the possibility of disaggregating in terms of epsilon*
  • Added a method to compute the cross-correlation matrix
  • Added Hassani & Atkinson (2018)
  • Added Hassani & Atkinson (2020)

[Michele Simionato (@micheles)]

  • Fixed disaggregation returning NaNs in some situations with
  • Bug fix: not storing far away ruptures coming from multiFaultSources
  • Implemented CScalingMSR
  • Optimized context collapsing in classical calculations
  • Setting ps_grid_spacing now sets the pointsource_distance too
  • Saving memory in preclassical calculations on machines with 8 cores or less
  • Changed the magnitude-dependent maximum_distance feature to discard
    ruptures below minmag and above maxmag
  • Added the ability to estimate the runtime of a calculation by using
    the --sample-sources option
  • Fixed a wrong formula in modifiable_gmpe.add_between_within_stds
  • Reduced the stress on the memory in classical calculations, thus
    improving the performance
  • Setting the truncation_level to the empty string is now forbidden;
    some GMFs calculations not setting truncation_level can now give
    different results since truncation_level=None is now replaced with

OpenQuake Engine 3.14.0

12 Apr 14:22
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Release 3.14.0

[Michele Simionato (@micheles)]

  • Changed the definition of aggrisk: dividing by the effective time
  • Internal: removed flag save_disk_space since now it is always on
  • Slightly changed the collapsing of nodal planes and hypocenters in
    presence of the equivalent distance approximation (reqv)
  • Extended oq reduce_sm to multiFaultSources
  • Fixed the check on unique section IDs for multiFaultSources
  • Implemented multi-aggregation with a syntax like
  • Removed the obsolete commands oq to_shapefile and oq from_shapefile
    and turned pyshp into an optional dependency
  • Setting num_rlzs_disagg=0 is now valid and it means considering
    all realizations in a disaggregation calculation
  • Rounded the magnitudes in multiFaultSources to two digits

[Marco Pagani (@mmpagani)]

  • Extended ModifiableGMPE to work with GMPETable and subclasses

[Michele Simionato (@micheles)]

  • Upgraded shapely from version 1.7 to version 1.8: this causes slight
    changes in the results for most calculations
  • Removed the not used (and not working) functionality applyToSourceType
  • Raised an error when the total standard deviation is zero, unless
    truncation_level is set to zero

[Tom Son (@SnowNooDLe)]

  • Fixed a typo and a few bugs within Kuehn et al. (2020) model to include
    Z2.5 when the given region is JAPAN

[Michele Simionato (@micheles)]

  • Changed /extract/events to return events sorted by ID
  • Changed the default amplification method to "convolution"
  • Fixed a bug with discard_trts sometimes discarding too much
  • Raised a helpful error message when ensurepip is missing
  • Fixed parentdir bug in event_based_damage
  • Fixed sorting bug in the /v1/calc/run web API
  • Internal: introduced limited unique rupture IDs in classical calculations
    with few sites

[Prajakta Jadhav (@Prajakta-Jadhav-25), Dharma Wijewickreme (@Dharma-Wijewickreme)]

  • Added GMPE Youd et al. (2002) and the corresponding site parameters

[Michele Simionato (@micheles)]

  • Fixed the exporter aggrisk-stats in the case of zero losses
  • Vectorized all GMPEs and forbidden non-vectorized GMPEs
  • Raised the limit to 94 GMPEs per tectonic region type
  • Optimized the NBCC2015_AA13 GMPEs
  • Optimized the GMPETable and the derived NGAEast GMPEs
  • Fixed a 32/64 bit bug in oq export loss_maps-stats

[Marco Pagani (@mmpagani)]

  • Added a more flexible version of the GC2 implementation
  • Added caching of distances in multi fault ruptures
  • Added the NRCan site term to the modifiable GMPE

[Michele Simionato (@micheles)]

  • Optimized .get_bounding_box, .polygon and .mesh_size for MultiFaultSources
  • Fixed bug in presence of mixed vectorized/nonvectorized GMPEs
  • Extended oq postzip to multiple files and oq abort to multiple jobs
  • Internal: changed to install the venv in /opt/openquake/venv
  • Fixed a BOM issue on Windows when reading job.ini files

OpenQuake Engine 3.11.5

10 Feb 14:19
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Release 3.11.5

[Michele Simionato (@micheles)]

  • Fixed a 32/64 bit bug in oq export loss_maps-stats