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A repo containing parallel, high-performance TPC-H data generation utilities


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A utility to generate TPC-H data in parallel using DuckDB and multi-processing

tpch-datagen-ci Supported Python Versions PyPI version PyPI Downloads


Because generating TPC-H data can be time-consuming and resource-intensive. This project provides a way to generate TPC-H data in parallel using DuckDB and multi-processing.

Setup (to run locally)

Install Python package

You can install tpch-datagen from PyPi or from source.

Option 1 - from PyPi

# Create the virtual environment
python3 -m venv .venv

# Activate the virtual environment
. .venv/bin/activate

pip install tpch-datagen

Option 2 - from source - for development

git clone

cd tpch-datagen

# Create the virtual environment
python3 -m venv .venv

# Activate the virtual environment
. .venv/bin/activate

# Upgrade pip, setuptools, and wheel
pip install --upgrade pip setuptools wheel

# Install TPC-H Datagen - in editable mode with client and dev dependencies
pip install --editable .[dev]


For the following commands - if you running from source and using --editable mode (for development purposes) - you will need to set the PYTHONPATH environment variable as follows:

export PYTHONPATH=$(pwd)/src


Here are the options for the tpch-datagen command:

tpch-datagen --help
Usage: tpch-datagen [OPTIONS]

  --version / --no-version        Prints the TPC-H Datagen package version and
                                  exits.  [required]
  --scale-factor INTEGER          The TPC-H Scale Factor to use for data
  --data-directory TEXT           The target output data directory to put the
                                  files into  [default: data; required]
  --work-directory TEXT           The work directory to use for data
                                  generation.  [default: /tmp; required]
  --overwrite / --no-overwrite    Can we overwrite the target directory if it
                                  already exists...  [default: no-overwrite;
  --num-chunks INTEGER            The number of chunks that will be generated
                                  - more chunks equals smaller memory
                                  requirements, but more files generated.
                                  [default: 10; required]
  --num-processes INTEGER         The maximum number of processes for the
                                  multi-processing pool to use for data
                                  generation.  [default: 10; required]
  --duckdb-threads INTEGER        The number of DuckDB threads to use for data
                                  generation (within each job process).
                                  [default: 1; required]
  --per-thread-output / --no-per-thread-output
                                  Controls whether to write the output to a
                                  single file or multiple files (for each
                                  process).  [default: per-thread-output;
  --compression-method [none|snappy|gzip|zstd]
                                  The compression method to use for the
                                  parquet files generated.  [default: zstd;
  --file-size-bytes TEXT          The target file size for the parquet files
                                  generated.  [default: 100m; required]
  --help                          Show this message and exit.


Default values may change depending on the number of CPU cores you have, etc.

Handy development commands

Version management

Bump the version of the application - (you must have installed from source with the [dev] extras)
bumpver update --patch