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The following configuration options are currently available:
var slideshow = remark.create({
// Set the slideshow display ratio
// Default: '4:3'
// Alternatives: '16:9', ...
ratio: '4:3',
// Navigation options
navigation: {
// Enable or disable navigating using scroll
// Default: true
// Alternatives: false
scroll: true,
// Enable or disable navigation using touch
// Default: true
// Alternatives: false
touch: true,
// Enable or disable navigation using click
// Default: false
// Alternatives: true
click: false,
// Timer options
timer: {
// Start timer when first change occurs
// Default: true
// Alternatives: false
startOnChange: true,
// Is it possible to reset the timer
// Default: true
// Alternatives: false
resetable: true,
// Is the timer enabled
// Default: true
// Alternatives: false
enabled: true,
// A formatter for the elapsed time in milliseconds, defaults to H:mm:ss
formatter: function (elapsedTime) {
var left = elapsedTime;
var millis = left % 1000; left = Math.floor(left / 1000);
var seconds = left % 60; left = Math.floor(left / 60);
var minutes = left % 60; left = Math.floor(left / 60);
var hours = left;
return '' + hours + ':' + ([minutes, seconds]
.map(function (d) { return '' + d; })
.map(function (s) { return s.length < 2 ? '0' + s : s; })
// Customize slide number label, either using a format string..
slideNumberFormat: 'Slide %current% of %total%',
// .. or by using a format function
slideNumberFormat: function (current, total) {
return 'Slide ' + current + ' of ' + total;
// Enable or disable counting of incremental slides in the slide counting
countIncrementalSlides: true,
// Provide a source markdown for slides explicitly as an option
// instead of the textarea with id="source"
// Default: undefined
// Alternatives: 'Slide 1\n---\nSlide 2', ...
source: undefined,
// Read source markdown for slides from URL (local or external) instead
// of the textarea with id="source"
// Default: undefined
// Alternatives: 'some_file.md', 'https://example.host.com/file.md', ...
sourceUrl: undefined,
// Value indicates if presenter notes should be visible or not.
// Default: true
// Alternatives: false
includePresenterNotes: true,
Highlighting is done using Highlight.js. Check out the demo/test page for the available styles and languages.
- Set default language for syntax highlighting
- Default: - (no highlighting)
- Alternatives:
, ... (see available language definitions for Highlight.js) - To disable automatic highlighting, use
- Set highlight style for syntax highlighting
- Default:
- Alternatives:
- Highlight background of code lines prefixed with *
- Default:
- Alternatives:
- Inside code blocks, highlight (the background of) content between special delimiters.
- Default:
: use`backticks`
as delimiters.
To create a slideshow, you use the remark.create
function as follows:
var slideshow = remark.create();
Optionally, you can pass in a number of configuration options:
var slideshow = remark.create({
highlightLanguage: 'javascript',
highlightStyle: 'monokai',
This should all go in a <script>
block in the end of your <body>
Check out the list of configuration options at the top of this page.
After creating your slideshow, a number of functions are available for navigating:
// Navigate to the beginning and end of the slideshow
// Navigate a single slide forward and backward
// Navigate to a specific slide, either by slide number or name
// Suspend/resume remarks process of keyboard and touch events for custom builds, etc...
Read more about naming slides.
After creating your slideshow, a helper function like the one below can be used to automatically navigate through the slides:
var slideshow = remark.create();
// every 8 seconds (change to your desired interval), fire the helper function
setInterval(function () {carousel(slideshow)}, 8000);
function carousel(varObject) {
var slideCount = varObject.getSlideCount()-1;
var currentSlide = varObject.getCurrentSlideIndex();
// if the slideshow is on the last slide, go back to the first slide; if not, call gotoNextSlide();
if (currentSlide == slideCount) {
else { varObject.gotoNextSlide(); }
Upon navigation (and later, other stuff as well), events are emitted from the slideshow:
slideshow.on('showSlide', function (slide) {
// Slide is the slide being navigated to
slideshow.on('hideSlide', function (slide) {
// Slide is the slide being navigated away from
Alternatives include beforeShowSlide
, afterShowSlide
, beforeHideSlide
, and afterHideSlide
which trigger before or after changes are actually made to the DOM. Please see below for more information on the slide
A slide has the following format:
// Function returning the slides number (0..N-1, where N is the number of slides)
getSlideIndex: function (),
// The notes for the slide
notes: <string>,
// The slide properties extracted from the Markdown
properties: {
class: "center, middle",
name: "agenda",
// The Markdown representing the slide
content: <string>
body { font-family: 'Droid Serif'; }
h1, h2, h3 {
font-family: 'Yanone Kaffeesatz';
font-weight: normal;
.remark-code, .remark-inline-code { font-family: 'Ubuntu Mono'; }
def add(a,b)
a + b
<script src="https://remarkjs.com/downloads/remark-latest.min.js">
var slideshow = remark.create();