Clone the repository and copy all the files of src into the src in your catkin workspace.
Build th packages using catkin_make
in your catkin workspace.
Copy the shellscripts folder and .sh files into your home directory.
Copy the the arduino libraries into your arduino folder in home directory.
Plug in the usb cables and turn on the switch.
Open the terminal window.
Run ./
Open another terminal window and run rosrun robomuse_drivers
and maneuver the robot to create a map.
To save the map, open another terminal window and run rosrun map_server map_saver -f "mapname"
Run ./
Click MAP
button in the GUI to start mapping.
To save the map, open another terminal window and run rosrun map_server map_saver -f "mapname"
Set the required map in "nav_move_base.launch" and markers in "nav_marker_publish.launch" files and run ./
Set the required map in "nav_move_base.launch", markers in "nav_marker_publish.launch" files and the goal values in the corresponding python file.
Run ./
button in the GUI.
To move autonomously, press AUTONOMOUS
To move manually, press TELE-OPERATION
To close, press TURNOFF