Tested versions
-Reproducible in 4.4-stable, 4.4-rc3, 4.4-rc2, 4.4-rc1, 4.4-dev1
-Not reproducible in 4.3-stable
System information
Windows 11 - Vulkan Forward+ - NVidia GeForce RTX 3050 Ti Laptop GPU
Issue description
Batching breaks in the Forward+ renderer when a material has the Transparency set to Depth Pre-Pass. I tested both the RenderingServer
API as well as the node approach (MeshInstance3D
) and the result is the same.
In Godot 4.3-stable, we can see the expected result, 3 draw calls (shadows disabled for simplicity):
In Godot 4.4-dev1, we see the regression (showing 2433 draw calls):
Steps to reproduce
The core of the code is to instantiate a bunch of meshes with a few materials - we expect the batcher to be able to sort these properly and reduce draw calls in Forward+.
@onready var node_3d: Node3D = $Node3D
const BOX_MESH = preload("res://box_mesh.tres")
const MATERIALS := {
0: preload("res://red.tres"),
1: preload("res://blue.tres"),
2: preload("res://green.tres")
func node_test() -> void:
var mat := 0
for x in range(100):
for z in range(100):
var m :=
m.mesh = BOX_MESH
var t := Transform3D()
t.origin = Vector3(-100,0,-100) + Vector3(2 * x, 0, 2 * z)
m.transform = t
m.set_surface_override_material(0, MATERIALS[mat])
mat += 1
if mat >= 3: mat = 0
Minimal reproduction project (MRP)
Run the MRP, check the Total Draw Calls from the Monitors tab.