Sample Angular 2 based application for learning purpose only (beginners).
This project uses a number of open source projects to work properly:
- AngularJS - HTML enhanced for web apps!
- Spring Boot - Awesome boot framework
- Spring Data - We are using JPA repository
- Spring Security - Just for basic authentication
- HSQL - Embedded database.
- Ng Material - Material Design components for Angular 2
- Rest Assured - Testing and validating REST services
Running Backend Module (OES-service)
java com.gognamunish.learning.OesApplication
-- All services by default are running on port 8080 http://localhost:8080/api/order
Running Frontend Module (OES-web)
npm install
npm start
All API Requests to routed as follow /api/** -> http://localhost:8080 If your services are running on a different port (other than 8080), please update proxy.config.json
- Create Order
- Update Order
- Delete Order
- Cancel Order
- Get All Orders
Basic Authentication:
- User: munish
- Password: s3cr3t
- Extend and add more use cases and components