Create a windows form application in Visual Studio for C# (.NET framework). Implement a class Customer that contains name, age, address and amountOwed in pounds sterling of the student (assume the name and address are string, age is int and amountOwed is a float, remember 5.99f represents a float value). Customer class should also implement appropriate properties (get / set methods) in the class Customer.
Also add in the class Customer a method, GetInformation() public string GetInformation() { // to be completed }
that returns a string containing all the information of the customer (concatenation of name, age, address and amountOwed). Create an array-backed Queue class of type Customer, needs to have methods : Enqueue, Dequeue, Peek. Add a windows form that allows :
- new customer details to be entered and a new customer to be added to the Queue (enqueue).
- display the number of customers in the queue.
- remove the next customer and display their details (dequeue).
- display the total amount owed by all customers in the queue.
- display the amount and details of the customer who owes the maximum amount in the queue.
- Make the Queue a circular queue, retaining the functionality above.
Create a C# windows form application to maintain a binary search tree of type int. Your windows application should allow
- a new item (int) to be inserted in the tree
- total number of items in tree to be displayed
- items in tree to be traversed using PreOrder, InOrder and PostOrder and displayed
- Alter your tree and windows form to store Customer objects (re-use the class from Assessed Exercise 1) and ammend your form to allow customer details to be entered. The number of items in the tree should be retained.
- Add functionality to allow retrieval of a customers details by providing a name.
Create a console application to test the GraphNode and Graph class. Add (and test) graph methods to :
- return the number of nodes in a graph
- return the number of edges in a graph
- return a list of visited id’s generated by a BreadthFirstSearch
- amend your graph to store people’s names (string rather than id) and construct the social network (below) and test it using your BreadthFirstSearch method. Each connection shows a one-way friendship from one person to another.
- Add a method to return true if its possible to traverse (friend of friends …) between 2 people in the network, false otherwise.