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GGCom : Docker : hubiC

Docker-based encapsulation of the HubicFuse project, allowing you to mount OVH's hubiC as a network share.

Build from Dockerfile:

git clone
cd ggcom-docker-hubic
sudo docker build -t gotget/hubic .


Pull from Docker Hub:

sudo docker pull gotget/hubic

Initializing a credentials file:

Step 1: Obtain a Client ID and reciprocal Secret Key from hubiC:

  • Login to the hubiC Developer API portal.
  • Click on "Add an application"
  • For "Last name", I use the name of the server that I'm configuring this for.
  • For "Redirection domain", I use
    • (I literally use "" for the domain name)
  • Click "OK", and the application will appear in your list.
  • Click on "Details" next to the newly-created entry for application.
  • Copy the Client ID from the text field to use below, for retrieving an access token.
  • Copy the Secret Client from the text field to use below, for retrieving an access token.

Step 2: Obtain a hubiC access token:

sudo docker rm -f hubic
sudo docker run \
    --rm \
    --interactive --tty \
    --name=hubic-init \
    --entrypoint=/usr/local/bin/hubic_token \

Follow the on-screen instructions, and stick with the defaults in parenthesis if you don't need to change them for a special need. When finished answering questions, the output will comprise the bulk of your hubiC credentials file that you should save with read-only access by your specific user (probably root) that you're running the Docker as:



Testing our setup:

sudo docker run \
    --rm \
    --interactive --tty \
    --privileged \
    --name=hubic \
    -v /path/to/hubicfuse.ini:/root/.hubicfuse \

If everything works properly, you should see something along the lines of:

hubiC has been successfully mounted to /root/hubic/

You are now inside of the hubiC container with your mounted volumes from your host.

(list of directories and files stored on your hubiC will appear here)


If a failure occurs, then ideally, you'll receive a specific message indicating what went wrong.

Manually launching the container, detached:

sudo docker run \
    --detach \
    --interactive --tty \
    --privileged \
    --name=hubic \
    -v /path/to/hubicfuse.ini:/root/.hubicfuse \
    -v /media/drive1/:/mnt/drive1/ \
    -v /media/drive2/:/mnt/drive2/ \
    -v /media/drive3/:/mnt/drive3/ \

Automatically launching the container with Upstart:

3 simple steps:

  1. Save docker-hubic.conf to /etc/init/docker-hubic.conf
  2. Modify where appropriate, for your needs.
  3. Run /usr/bin/env service docker-hubic restart

You can monitor the output of this service's status at /var/log/upstart/docker-hubic.log

Example: processing raw data and sending it to hubiC:

Enter the hubiC container that's detached and running in the background:

sudo docker exec -it hubic bash

Gather a directory's contents together in an uncompressed file:

cd /mnt/drive3/
tar -cvf largeDirectory.tar ./largeDirectory/

Split the archive into segments (hubiC seems to choke on anything greater than (or equal to?) a Gigabyte, so we'll split the file into a sequence of files that each measure 950 MegaBytes, sans the last file of the sequence which may be smaller)

split \
    --bytes=950M \
    largeDirectory.tar \

(Notice the ending .? This is what separates the name from the sequence that's named as an alphabetical suffix, which would save as: largeDirectory.tar.aa, largeDirectory.tar.ab,, etc.)

Move split-sequence files to a holding directory:

mkdir -pv /mnt/drive3/tmp/
mv -iv largeDirectory.tar.* /mnt/drive3/tmp/

Synchronizing with hubiC: (You can reverse paths if you want to synchronize from hubiC to your host volume)

hsync \
  /mnt/drive3/tmp/ \


  • hsync is an alias to rsync with a long list of options for hubiC compatibility, that was setup with this Docker container, and resides in ~/.bashrc inside of the Docker container.
  • hcp is an alias to rsync with similar functionality to hsync but meant for non-destructive delivery to the destination (e.g. deleting files on the destination end, that aren't part of the source).
  • Many extra utilities are packaged into the container:
    • cURL - command-line tool for transferring data using various protocols.
    • Duply (simple duplicity) - a frontend that simplifies the use of Duplicity.
      • (requires, and thus, includes Duplicity, which provides an encrypted, digitally signed, versioned, remote backup of files requiring little of a remote server)
    • EncFS - FUSE-based cryptographic filesystem.
    • Nano - a text editor for Unix-like computing systems or operating environments using a command line interface.
    • rsnapshot - a filesystem snapshot utility based on rsync (and similar to Duplicity, but with less built-in security, and geared more towards trusted environments).
    • rsync - a widely-used utility to keep copies of a file on two (or more) computer systems.
    • SSHFS - SSHFS (SSH Filesystem) is a filesystem client to mount and interact with directories and files located on a remote server or workstation over a normal ssh connection.
    • tree - a recursive directory listing program that produces a depth-indented listing of files.
  • If you want to use additional utilities inside (e.g. FMDMS from GGCom Bash Utilities), mount a volume to /root/bin/, as it's set in the container's $PATH variable:
    • -v /path/to/utilities/:/root/bin/
  • Additional documents and notes are on my pet project, "open-sourcey"

Thanks, and please enjoy. :-)

-Louis T. Getterman IV (@LTGIV) / GitHub / LinkedIn

Written with StackEdit.


Easily access hubiC from Docker.






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