4.4.4 - maintenance release
General maintenance release.
- Add experimental plugin generators for adding conditions, orders (graphile/graphile-engine#517)
can now pass an object to be used as the cache (@garcianavalon, graphile/graphile-engine#479)
- Fixed a 3 year old bug in the introspection query (means correct CRUD mutations are generated for views with triggers) (@rudism, graphile/graphile-engine#508)
- Improved the error message when orderBy is not unique and before/after are attempted (@soutot, graphile/graphile-engine#515)
- Improved error messages for smart comments (graphile/graphile-engine#525)
- Remove sortable/filterable from functions that require args (@mattbretl, graphile/graphile-engine#519)
- Ensure X-GraphQL-Event-Stream is domain relative (@mathroc, #1148)
- Recommend using
with Docker; turn off progress bars
- Updated to latest GraphQL, so @types/graphql is no longer required (@none23, graphile/graphile-engine#511)
- Updated to latest Flow (@none23, graphile/graphile-engine#514)
- Standardise database setup instructions (@ab-pm, graphile/graphile-engine#512, #1145)
- Move from TSLint to ESLint (graphile/graphile-engine#526)