Releases: gravitl/netmaker-ui
Releases · gravitl/netmaker-ui
What's New?
- Enrollment Keys Page
- Network Create no longer has IsLocal option
What's fixed
- removed option for allowing nodes to signup without keys
Known Issues
- Much functionality will not work with versions prior to v0.18.0
- Enrollment keys are difficult to distinguish currently
Netmaker UI v0.18.1
What's New?
- New workflow updates
What's fixed
- host info is loaded immediately
- bug around admin privilege being unchecked on refresh fixed
- fixed ability to sort nodes by name
- endpoint of static hosts are editable
Known Issues
Much functionality will not work with versions prior to v0.18.0
Netmaker UI v0.18.0
What's New?
- All new screen for Hosts
- Ability to manage Hosts relays + networks they belong to
- Updated components for v0.18.0 release
- No longer have to input interface name for egress selection
What's fixed
- refactors + QoL enhancements
- double listing of networks bug fixed
- graph bug fixed
Known Issues
Much functionality will not work with versions prior to v0.18.0
Netmaker UI v0.17.1
What's New?
- Ability to select Local Address for nodes (after nodes have reported local interfaces)
- added name validation for nodes + ext clients
What's fixed
- bug where user Groups in EE mode would not load if refreshed on user groups page
- bug where graph would not render relay nodes correctly
- bug where ACLs could load infinitely if no ACLs found