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AWS Resource APIs for Java

An object-oriented abstraction over the clients from the AWS SDK for Java.

Currently in a developer preview mode with support for Amazon EC2, AWS Identity and Access Management and Amazon Glacier. As the library is still at an early stage, there may still be rough edges left until we get closer to GA. At this point we're mainly looking to start conversations about the design of the API while we simultaneously work on adding support for more AWS services and battle-hardening the implementation.


This library provides a set of Resource objects that model the cloud resources you provision through Amazon Web Services. These objects provide a simple, easy-to-use interface for interacting with your cloud resources. Instead of a single "client" class for each service that directly maps the service's API, Resource objects provide contextual information about what you can do with a particular resource object.

For example, given an EC2 Vpc object, you can easily iterate through all of the Instance objects representing the EC2 Instances you have provisioned in that VPC, printing their DNS names and starting them (if they're currently stopped).

    Vpc myVpc = ec2.getVpc("vpc-xxxxxxx");
    for (Instance instance : vpc.getInstances()) {
        if (instance.getState().equals("STOPPED")) {

Getting Started


Creating a Service object

A Service object is your main point of entry into the Resource APIs. You can create a service object for the service of your choice by using the ServiceBuilder class:

    EC2 ec2 = ServiceBuilder.forService(EC2.class)

Service objects are immutable and threadsafe - typically you should share a single instance of this service object throughout your application. The currently-supported service objects include EC2, IdentityManagement, and Glacier.

Identifying Resources

At its core, a Resource object is a wrapper for a set of identifiers that uniquely name a particular AWS resource. To create a Resource object from scratch, you must provide values for these identifiers. For example, an EC2 instance is uniquely identified by its InstanceId.

    Instance instance = ec2.getInstance("i-xxxxxxxx");

A Resource object will always happily give you the values for its identifiers via handy getter methods:

    // Guaranteed not to require a remote service call, and will never block or
    // throw an exception.

Resource objects are lazy - they can be created without a round-trip to the service. This means that if you create a Resource object with bogus identifiers, you won't find out until you try to use the object to make a call to the service.

Navigating the Resource graph

From the Service object, you can navigate to all of the Resource objects exposed by the service. As we saw above, you can directly navigate to a resource by providing its identifier(s):

    // Immediately returns an Instance object wrapping the given
    // instanceId; does not make a remote service call.
    Instance instance = ec2.getInstance("i-xxxxxxxx");

You can navigate to entire collections of resources:

    // Lazily calls EC2's DescribeInstances API as needed to
    // enumerate all the instances for this account.
    for (Instance instance : ec2.getInstances()) {

And you can follow links from one resource to another via getter methods exposed on Resource objects. For example, an EC2 Instance may belong to a VPC, in which case its getVpc() method will return you the corresponding VPC resource. Likewise, a VPC links to the collection of Instances that it contains via its getInstances method.

    Instance instance = ec2.getInstance("i-xxxxxxxx");

    Vpc vpc = instance.getVpc();
    if (vpc != null) {
        for (Instance other : vpc.getInstances()) {

Describing Resources

One obvious use of a Resource object is to retrieve data from the service about the actual cloud resource it represents. Resource objects expose this data through getter methods:

    Instance instance = ec2.getInstance("i-xxxxxxxx");
    System.out.println("Public DNS Name: " + instance.getPublicDnsName());
    System.out.println("State: " + instance.getState());
    System.out.println("Launched at: " + instance.getLaunchTime());

Resource objects are lazily loaded the first time you access one of their data attributes. In the above example, the call to getPublicDnsName will make a call to EC2 to describe the instance. Subsequent calls in the above example will return data from this cached response and not make another call to the service.

You can check whether an instance's data members have been loaded already by calling the isLoaded method, and you can proactively load an instance by calling the load method (optionally passing additional arguments for the service call):

    if (!instance.isLoaded()) {

Acting on Resources

Other methods on a Resource object are actions that can be taken on the resource. Each action method will always result in a single call to the service. Parameters to the call which can be inferred from the identifiers or data attributes of the resource will be specified for you, so you don't need to explicitly specify them.

    Instance instance = ec2.getInstance("i-xxxxxxxx");

    // Call StopInstances, passing in the id of this instance and
    // 'true' for the 'Force' parameter.
    instance.stop(new StopInstancesRequest().withForce(true));

    // Call TerminateInstances, passing in this instance's InstanceId.

Some actions are exposed directly on the Service object, typically for creating new resources. These actions return a new resource object prepopulated with the identifiers of the created resource:

    Vpc newVpc = ec2.createVpc(new CreateVpcRequest(""));

Working with Collections

References to collections of resources are represented by ResourceCollection objects. Resource collections are, like resources themselves, lazy - they can be created without making any calls to the service.

    // No calls to the service have been made yet.
    InstanceCollection instances = ec2.getInstances();

Resource collections implement the Iterable interface, which is typically the easiest way to consume them. The returned iterator will lazily call the service to enumerate the collection of resources one page at a time as you read from it:

    // Will lazily call EC2's DescribeInstances API as needed.
    for (Instance instance : instances) {

Alternatively, you can directly access the pages of the response by calling the pages method on the collection:

    // Each call to will make a call to the service
    for (List<Instance> page : instances.pages()) {
        System.out.println("There were " + page.size() + " instances in this page.");

Or for the most control you can manually step through the pages of the result set:

    // Makes a call to retrieve the first page of instances.
    ResourcePage<Instance> firstPage = instances.firstPage();
    System.out.println("First page has " + firstPage.size() + " instances.");

    if (firstPage.hasNextPage()) {
        // Makes a call to retrieve the second page of instances.
        ResourcePage<Instance> nextPage = firstPage.nextPage();
        System.out.println("Second page has " + nextPage.size() + " instances.");


An object-oriented approach to managing your AWS resources







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