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vertical + gpu + free join + datalog


  • CMake >= 3.20
  • Nvidia HPC sdk >= 24.1
  • OpenMP
  • OneTBB


cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -Bbuild . && cd build && make -j

Datalog queries

Test queries in paper are under test folder. After compile, the binary for queries will under build/test.

Supported Relational Algebra Machine(RAM) operators

  • print_size : print the size of relation
  • cache_update: This operator is used to update the cache of a relation. The cache map var name to the surrogated ID values of a relation and is used to store join/copy results and specify subsets of the relation used inside a relational algebra (RA) operator.
  • cache_init: This operator is used to initialize a cache slot with all IDs of a relation.
  • cache_clear: This operator is used to clear the cache
  • prepare_materialization: Materialization means project column to a relation based on cached IDs. This operator is used to prepare the materialization of a relation, (usually for join/filter). It allocates the required memory at the end of the newt, which has a size equal to the cached variable's ID size.
  • end_materialization: This operator is used to end the materialization of a relation. This will update the relation's size and the number of tuples.
  • project_op: This operator is used to project a column from one relation to another.
  • join_op: This operator is used to join two relations column. (WARNNING: join will change cache to facillitate k-way join, but this will be changed in future soon, when real k-way join is implemented)
  • fixpoint_op: This operator is used to run a fixpoint operator. It will loop over all RA op list until the fixpoint is reached.
  • persistent: This operator is used to populating DELTA and clear NEWT of a relation. Generated DELTA will be merged into full immediately.

Example : TC

    auto ram = vflog::RelationalAlgebraMachine();

    auto edge = ram.create_rel("edge", data_path, 2);
    auto path = ram.create_rel("path", nullptr, 2);

    // All surrogated column buffer must be allocated before running,
    // its similar to "register", we will reuse these buffer in compiled RA ops 
    auto input_indices_ptr = std::make_shared<vflog::device_indices_t>();
    auto tmp_id0 = std::make_shared<vflog::device_indices_t>();
    auto tmp_id1 = std::make_shared<vflog::device_indices_t>();

    using namespace vflog;

        {// path(a, b) :- edge(a, b).
         // cache can temporary store surrogate column 
         cache_update("edge", input_indices_ptr), cache_init("edge", edge, FULL),
         prepare_materialization(path, "edge"),
         project_op(column_t(edge, 0, FULL), column_t(path, 0, FULL), "edge"),
         project_op(column_t(edge, 1, FULL), column_t(path, 1, FULL), "edge"),
         end_materialization(path, "edge"), persistent(path),
         // path(a, c) :- path(a, b), edge(b, c).
                 cache_update("path", tmp_id0),
                 cache_init("path", path, DELTA),
                 join_op(column_t(edge, 0, FULL), column_t(path, 1, DELTA),
                         "path", tmp_id1),
                 cache_update("edge", tmp_id1),
                 prepare_materialization(path, "path"),
                 project_op(column_t(path, 0, DELTA), column_t(path, 0, DELTA),
                 project_op(column_t(edge, 1, FULL), column_t(path, 1, DELTA),
                 end_materialization(path, "path"),
                 print_size("path", path),

    std::cout << "Start executing" << std::endl;
    KernelTimer timer;
    auto elapsed = timer.get_spent_time();
    std::cout << "Elapsed time: " << elapsed << "s" << std::endl;


vertical + gpu + free join + datalog






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