For today's lab ,I started to build an Android app that will be a main focus of the second half of the course: TaskMaster. While I started small today, over time this will grow to be a fully-featured application.
- I updated the home page to use a RecyclerView for displaying Task data. This has hardcoded Task data for now.
- I created a Task class. A Task should have a title, a body, and a state. The state should be one of “new”, “assigned”, “in progress”, or “complete”.
- I updated the add Task page to add task to room database .
- I Updated a Task class , to represent tabel in databse
- I fetched the data from the database to the home's RecyclerView
- Finally , there is a bottun to clean al tasks
Ensured espreeso tests are functional.
Refactored Main Activity
Added styling to UI
Updated Homepage
- Updated all references to the Task data to instead use AWS Amplify to access data in DynamoDB instead of in Room.
- Refactored Main Activity
- Modified Add Task form to save the data entered in as a Task to DynamoDB.
- Updated Homepage to add FloatingActionButton
- Updated tasks to be owned by teams.
- Three default teams have been made; elves, robots, and humans.
- Spinner used to select a team when creating a task was added.
- Added ability to allow users to choose a team, and filter the tasks on the homepage corresponding to the chosen team.
- I went go through the process of publishing to the Google Play Store.
- I Built a signed AAB for your application. Included that AAB in my GitHub repo (amplify folder).
- Cognito has been added to the Amplify setup. A user login and signup flow has been integrated into th app. Once the user has succesfully logged in, their username is displayed at the top of the homepage.
- Users can logout of the application.
- Users can optionally select a file to attach to a task. If a user attaches a file to a task, the file is uploaded to S3, and associated with that task.
- Users can now view the image associated with that Task.
- An intent filter was added to the application such that a user can hit the “share” button on an image in another application, choose TaskMaster as the app to share that image with, and be taken directly to the Add a Task activity with that image pre-selected.
- When the user adds a task, their location is retrieved and included as part of the saved Task.
- The user can now see the location associated with a given task.
- Added Analytics *Events are now being tracked using Amazon Pinpoint. Everytime a user enters the Home Activity, it is recorded.
- On task body thers on long click lisenrt showing a dialog box
- Added ability to hear Task description spoken aloud on View Task page.
- Added ability to view a translated Task description to Spanish on View Task page.
- Google ads (AdMob) has been incorporated into activity.
- A banner ad is now displayed at bottom of main activity.
- An interstitial ad can be viewed upon clicking Interstitial button.
- An rewarded ad can be viewed after clicking Rewarded button.