Live Demo:
One time dependencies (you only need to do these the first time you set up this app). If you have set up this app before, skip to step 5.
Download the latest version node.js if you have not already You can confirm that node is successfully installed on your machine by opening up Terminal and typing 'node'. If you don't get an error, it's installed! You can exit the node process with Ctrl+c.
Download this project repo and navigate into the code directory with Terminal. To download it, click "Download Zip" at the repo... (do not clone it).
cd path/to/this/code/directory
Run npm install to get all required libraries.
npm install
Note: this command also build the project.
Run npm run dev to start the server.
npm run dev
Run npm run test-server to run the server tests.
npm run test-server
Open your favorite browser and navigate to:
The server hotel offers API is available at the following path:
You can append query sting parameters as required, for example:
If at any point you want to re-build the project you can execute:
npm run build