Releases: hazendaz/base-parent
Releases · hazendaz/base-parent
Base Parent 51
- Switch yuicompressor-maven-plugin to my fork at com.github.hazendaz.maven at 2.1.0
- Add back maven changes plugin as its now supported again
- Add back maven changelog plugin as its now supported again
- Support java 25 on builsd
- Ignore '.pmdruleset.xml' in spotless processing
- Add '--should-stop=ifError=FLOW' for error prone
- Change logging block to allow commons-logging and now block jcl-over-slf4j or spring-jcl as it replaces need for both
- No longer care about byte code enforcer for provided artifacts
- Add message about enforcer for jdk usage
- Move modernizer plugin java version to use release instead of target
- Add directory maven plugin
- Add rewrite m2e filter to ignore
- Drop old lombok add opens items
Base Parent 50
- general updates
- drop jdk 22 support
- more added to open rewrite
Base Parent 49
- Plugins and tools moved to jakarta, if using javax namespace still, make sure to downgrade to javax versions
- htmlcompressor maven plugin
- htmlcompressor
- hibernate validator annotation processor
- joinfaces maven plugin
- spring boot maven plugin
- jaxws maven plugin
- Plugin Updates
- Moved maven site plugin to 3.20.0 which is continuation of the 4.0.0-M16 for maven 3
- Add hack for single module builds to overcome staging issues with maven site plugin using topSiteURL. This ensures staging lands in target/staging regardless of site information. For multi module builds, make sure to disable that hack so it acts as it did or it will lose part of the site. Most if not all using this parent are single module builds.
Base Parent 48
- plugin updates / library updates
- Require maven 3.9.8 to build
- Last to directly support javax namespace plugins. Only tangible change on future release if still using javax means to define the version numbers in the downstream poms.
Base Parent 47
- plugin updates / library updates
- Require java 17 to build now due to formatter and impsort plugins (still defaults to java 11 runtime)
- Drop java 11 from GHA build matrix
- Using maven 3.9.8 to build but will allow 3.9.7 still
- Allow java 24 for building
- Adjust ignore on generated content from error prone checking as original broke in some cases
- Updated error prone that was broken on java 23 (may still have some edge cases as jdk 23 is not GA yet)
Base parent 46 Release
- plugin updates / library updates
- Require java 11 runtimes now
- Remove old ignores for LICENSE.txt, LICENSE.TXT, and license.txt as now just LICENSE or LICENSE_HEADER exist
- Update GHA
- Bump maven wrapper to 3.3.2
- Make checker qual properly compile scoped
- Ignore generated content for error prone scanning
- Update fluido to 2.0.0-M9
- Add 'edu' to impsort
- Require maven 3.9.7
Base parent 45 Release
- plugin updates / library updates
- Remove old hack for versions plugin to figure out parent updates as now built into versions plugin
- Remove hibernate validator annotation processor from classpath of build (provided scope) as used in newer way on compiler annotation scanner itself. This will eventually change again with maven 4 but for now gets it to the right place instead of mixture of old and new.
- Update htmlcompressor parameter from fileExt (missing 's') to fileExtensions
- Add 'dev', 'oracle', 'oshi', 'waffle' to import sorting rules
- More config for checkstyle / pmd
- Update deprecated renovate config
Base parent 44 Release
- Update plugins
- Update versions
- Correct coveralls version property
- Require maven 3.9.6 usage to build
- Separate out versions for spotbugs extensions to its own section.
- Remove unlicensed from license plugin as now part of license plugin directly
- Remove property settings that were long removed from usage
- Bump maven wrapper to 3.2.0
- Alpha sort profiles
- Bring read me up to date
- Sort more plugins
Base parent 43 Release
- plugin updates
- library updates
- Add workflow_dispatch to GHA ci job with name showing the java and distribution used
- Migrate to maven site 4
- Run sortpom during normal build cycle now
- Sort order of formatter runs
- Drop changes plugin as not supported with newer maven site
- Drop changelog plugin as not supported with newer maven site
- Fix maven compiler target test release version
- Change site xsd to site 2.0
- Fix version usage on cyclonedx
- Fix duplicate source run by switch to jar-no-fork and test-jar-no-fork
- Start running cyclonedx
- Rework dependency check to use nvd api key
- Add pmd reports as aggregates
- Add new site GHA action due to issues with maven site processing being highly buggy
- Move coveralls to my modernized fork that coveralls and original author now acknowledge as the new plugin
- For any array usage in pom, use correct names. Maven doesn't care, but its better clarity instead of made up array names
- Add failsafe plugin
- Fix up the site distro page for GHA as it has changed since original usage elsewhere
Base parent 42 Release
- Plugin updates
- Add open rewrite to remove star imports
- Remove spotless m2e setting as now in plugin
- Require maven 3.9.5 now as maven 3.9.5 code applied for profiles to resolve project.basedir instead of nothing.
- Prohibit legacy license plugin usage
- Add m2e for import sort to make it run in eclipse
- Ignore byte enforcement on test libraries