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Haley Clark edited this page Dec 4, 2021 · 3 revisions

DICOMautomaton can be built as a Docker image. This method automatically handles installation of all dependencies. The resulting image can be run interactively or accessed through a web server.

Pre-Built Docker Images

Docker containers are available in three variants: using Arch Linux, Debian, or Void Linux base images. Arch Linux and Void Linux provide the latest upstream packages, whereas Debian provides greater portability since an older glibc is used. Arch Linux builds use glibc whereas Void Linux builds use musl.

Build base images contain all dependencies and requirements necessary to compile DICOMautomaton, but may not themselves contain DICOMautomaton. The latest successfully-built base images are available from Docker Hub:

  • Arch Linux

  • Debian OldStable

  • Void Linux

  • MXE

Building Docker Images

In order to build the Docker image, you will need git, Docker, and a bash shell. On Windows systems the git shell should be used. To build the image:

 $>  git clone && cd DICOMautomaton/ # or
 $>  git clone && cd DICOMautomaton/ # or
 $>  cd /path/to/source/directory
 $>  ./docker/build_bases/arch/
 $>  ./docker/builder/arch/

After building, the default web server can be launched using the convenience script:

 $>  ./docker/scripts/arch/

and a container can be run interactively with the convenience script:

 $>  ./docker/scripts/arch/
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