This is a repository of official plugins that Headlamp uses or recommends.
Plugin | Description | Notes | Maintainers |
app-catalog | Provides a new area where users can install Helm charts and manage releases. | Desktop only. Shipped with Headlamp desktop builds by default. | @ashu8912 |
backstage | Provides links to the resource's views in Backstage. | See also the Headlamp integration for Backstage. | @yolossn |
flux | Visualize Flux in Headlamp. | @ashu8912 | |
kompose | Translates docker-compose manifests to Kubernetes's. | Runs kompose in a job in the cluster for now. | @joaquimrocha |
opencost | See the costs of your workloads in Headlamp. | @yolossn | |
plugin-catalog | Install Headlamp plugins with one click. | Shipped with Headlamp desktop builds by default. | @yolossn |
prometheus | Provides a Prometheus-powered chart in the details views of workloads. | Needs Prometheus installed in the cluster for the chart to be shown. Shipped with Headlamp desktop and CI builds by default. | @yolossn |
cert-manager | A UI for viewing and managing cert-manager. | @yolossn |
For examples of plugins created for learning and documentation purposes, please refer to the examples folder in Headlamp's repository.
The plugins in this repository are released under the terms of the MIT license.