Releases: henrikruscon/alcove-releases
Releases · henrikruscon/alcove-releases
📣 Important
- Tiny update to resolve some issues that were introduced with last patch...
✨ New Features
- Changed alerts to use system sounds instead
🐞 Bug Fixes
- Fixed incorrect position for notch on externals
- Fixed incorrect battery for connectivity devices
- Restored AirPod Max color support
- Fixed HUD animation glitch
- Increased volume for sound previews to max
- Reverted HUD stepper logic
📣 Important
- This update comes with massive performance gains and immense resource usage improvements. Just wanted to squeeze this one out before the v1.3 update that is still coming soon, don't want to rush it out, rather have it be perfect.
✨ New Features
- Added speed options for HUDs (smooth/fast/instant)
- Added ability to disable sync for HUDs
- Added battery support for AirPods Max
- Added Bluetooth step to onboarding
🐞 Bug Fixes
- Reduced CPU usage massively, down to 0% in most cases
- Reduced battery impact massively
- Reworked HUD animations entirely to be much smoother
- Improved native HUD mute to be more reliable
- Fixed expanded mode getting stuck (caused by Ice)
- Improved notification transitions
- Improved live activity transitions
- Prevented notifications from restoring now playing
- Fixed visual bug when collapsing with swipe
- Changed decibel HUD range to show orange earlier
- Increased glow on decibel HUD style
- Reworked updater to be more reliable
- Improved focus logic to prevent edge case 100% CPU usage
- Fixed album art dominant color edge case 100% CPU usage
- Fixed picker outline animations
- Changed Alcove to a constraint space instead of covering entire screen
- Prevented adaptive volume changes showing up in HUD
- Fixed issue where now playing would show livestream incorrectly
- Improved swipe to reveal in relation to live activity restores
- Fixed lock live activity sometimes being stuck after unlock
- Improved seeker position reset speed when skipping tracks
- Moved swipe to skip to general settings tab
- Prevented notch from overlapping menubar on non notch displays
- Reworked connectivity entirely
- Fixed bug where HUD overlap would animate fade incorrectly
- Fixed songs sometimes displaying incorrect progress
- Fixed changing battery threshold not updating timers
- Fixed issues with live activity restore when fullscreen is disabled
📣 Important
- Thank you for your patience while I spent time squashing the hardest bugs in Alcove! The v1.3 update is still coming soon (been hard at work on that as well).
✨ New Features
- Added glow option to display HUD
- Added decibel option to sound HUD
- Added swipe to skip while expanded
- Added menu bar items (controls)
- Added low battery sound
- Added low battery sound for connectivity
- Added sound previews
- Added device overview to license tab
- Added hide from screen capture option
- Improved fullscreen logic (no longer beta)
🐞 Bug Fixes
- Prevented native HUD from triggering
- Reworked swipes entirely
- Improved performance when changing volume while AirPods are connected
- Fixed toggle open bounce animation issues while swiping
- Disabled focus effects on setting items
- Fixed notch overflowing between transitions
- Decreased kerning in marquee text to better match iOS
- Fixed music progress slider animation bug on lower values
- Darkened lock screen icon to better match iOS
- Changed to hide play toggle if both spectrogram and hover is disabled
- Changed browsers to work with hide while active source app
- Prevented HUD from triggering without user input
- Improved onboarding
- Improved efficiency of low battery check for connectivity
- Removed dock menu option
- Prevented lock from showing on screen saver
- Fixed toggle not working for low battery on connectivity
- Fixed permission onboarding freeze
- Prevented whitespace and newlines in license input
- Raised luminance tolerance
- Fixed haptic feedback on repeat toggle
- Raised global volume by 20%
- Changed wording from "horizontally" to "vertically" for dismiss
📣 Important
- Unfortunately, there was a bug introduced in v1.2.0 that will cause the update logic to fail, simply redownload from Alcove's website and it will all be resolved. This is already patched in v1.2.1.
✨ New Features
- Added swipe to dismiss live activity gesture
- Added gradient progress bar option
- Added sound on unlock
- Added album art opacity on pause
- Improved logic to restore live activity on collapse
- Changed natural movement to only affect skip swipe
🐞 Bug Fixes
- Rewrote swipes and removed all situations where it could freeze in place
- Fixed permission issue freezing on first launch
- Fixed CPU leak caused by album art color algorithm
- Fixed animation glitch causing expand to animate inwards
- Fixed opacity bug for visualizer when expanded
- Prevented native HUD from restoring on additional edge cases
- Fixed now playing not restoring after screen unlock
- Fixed now playing not showing live activity on boot upon empty title
- Changed timer logic to be more efficient for seeker
- Reduced amount of duration changes to be more efficient
- Reduced timer occurrence for seeker updates for optimization
- Fixed incorrect fade applied to visualizer
- Fixed lag caused by seeking track
- Fixed quick peek animation glitch
- Fixed visual inset bug caused by press in combo with expand on hover
📣 Important
- The v1.3 update is just around the corner too, with a lot of new features that don't revolve around media playing. Thanks for your patience and support! Can't wait to show you what's coming next in Alcove!
✨ New Features
- Added controls (shuffle/repeat)
- Added podcast support
- Added live stream support
- Added support for all AirPods Max colors (gen. 1)
- Added album tap to focus active tab
- Added clamshell support
- Reworked onboarding
- Improved smoothness in progress slider
- Improved to allow for empty media titles
🐞 Bug Fixes
- Restored open settings when opening app twice logic
- Prevented browsers from interacting with hide when active logic
- Fixed now playing restoration bug on screen unlock
- Fixed music retention on pause
- Prevented native HUD from being disabled if custom HUD is disabled
- Fixed visual height bug when menubar is hidden
- Fixed expanded notch padding for MacBook Air with notch
- Prevented native HUD restoring after unlock
- Improved reliability of connectivity for AirPods
- Disabled haptic for Quick Peek if it's disabled
- Fixed Quick Peek staying frozen if disabled while active
- Improved update view scroll logic
- Lowered overall volume of sounds in app
- Fixed bug with wireless mouse and keyboards causing a crash
- Fixed progress slider crash and negative durations
- Prevented music app change when quitting an app
- Fixed seeker position and duration sometimes retaining the previous media data
📣 Important
- The update you've all been waiting for, just before the New Year.
✨ New Features
- Added system player support (all media sources)
- Added support for focus modes (including custom ones)
- Added configurable preferred display choice
- Added natural movement option for swipes
- Added notification duration options
- Added hover duration option for expand on hover
- Added ability to hide song title extras
- Improved design on non notch displays
- Improved low battery warnings for connectivity to be instant
- Improved marquee design to better match iOS
- Improved fine tuner by adding haptic sound
- Improved AirPods connectivity to be more reliable
🐞 Bug Fixes
- Rewrote music manager for better overall experience
- Rewrote focus manager for instant feedback
- Fixed lock state sometimes getting stuck
- Replaced Safari media source with system instead
- Changed notifications to be allowed while expanded
- Changed expand to be allowed while notification is visible
- Prevented enable focus option from triggering focus state
- Changed tuning symbol
- Fixed HUD on external Apple displays
- Lowered default HUD duration
- Fixed transitions between focus states
- Fixed multiple swipe triggers spam
- Fixed slider bounce animation glitch
- Prevented native HUD from restoring on screen wake
- Prevented volume HUD from triggering on connectivity
- Fixed audio device symbol failing on certain Mac
- Fixed certain device type crashes
- Fixed bug displaying incorrect device type on volume change
- Fixed visually stuck bug when pressing and dragging notch
- Fixed open app bug when app has non default location
- Lowered notification default duration
- Fixed all known album art crashes
📣 Important
- Seems we get another patch before v1.1.0, last one... I promise!
✨ New Features
- Added percentage option to HUD
- Added additional device symbols to volume HUD
🐞 Bug Fixes
- Fixed lock icon animation freeze during unlock
- Stopped native HUD from relaunching on screen wake
- Fixed crash in licensing logic
- Fixed notch tuning not triggering on manual input
📣 Important
- Last patch before the v1.1.0 release. Thanks for your patience!
✨ New Features
- Added ability to fine tune notch height
- Added AirPods 4 connectivity support
🐞 Bug Fixes
- Fixed design inconsistencies on the update view
- Fixed expand state being stuck after hover in rare situations
- Fixed crash when Mac goes to sleep with AirPods connected
- Increased safe padding around notch area
- Fixed low battery warning for AirPods not working properly
- Fixed crash on certain external displays
- Fixed native HUD sometimes being restored after unlock
- Changed now playing icon to better reflect future media types
- Fixed trial text animation bug when changing tabs
- Fixed update controller breaking the app in certain edge cases
📣 Important
- Quick patch before the big one. Lots of features and even more fixes coming very soon. Thanks for your patience!
✨ New Features
- Added option to hide labels on HUD
- Added option to disable spectrogram
🐞 Bug Fixes
- Fixed lock screen option from disabling notifications entirely
- Prevents volume HUD changes from restoring now playing even when disabled
- Fixed an edge case where battery levels didn't show for certain AirPods models
- Improved clarity of menu bar icon in light appearance mode
- Fixed natural scrolling for swipe gestures
- Fixed now playing not resuming after focus toggle
- Fixed marquee not updating on text change
- Fixed AirPods connectivity not showing properly in certain situations
- Fixed Alcove not launching properly with Launch on Login option enabled
- Improved marquee when artist is empty
- Improved logic when album is not set