GRN inference and in silico perturbation simulation by CellOracle (v0.16.0)
Codes: utils/CellOracle_scripts/*.py
For CellOracle dependencies it's worth making a pyenv virtual environment with Python version 3.8 (or above). CellOracle installation is documented thouroughly here.
Necessary inputs for hESC EZH2i CellOracle analysis:
- scRNA-Seq
In our case scRNA-Seq was initially processed by Seurat (see utils/sc_rna_workflow.R). As CellOracle needs scRNA-Seq data in h5ad format (AnnData), at first we must convert Seurat data object into h5ad. See: utils/create_h5ad_from_seurat.R script. Additionally, we must export the raw read count tables of the Seurat objects (e.g. seurat_obj@assays$RNA@counts), as CellOracle object needs the raw count table.
Seurat version: Seurat_5.0.2
- scATAC-Seq
For CellOracle's base GRN inference, we must quantify the co-accessibility sites by cicero. The cicero outputs (connections and the peaks used by cicero) are mandatory inputs for our celloracle_atac_prep Python file. The cicero analysis (utils/cicero.R) needs computational resources (worth running on Uppmax). Also, base GRN configuration script needs a reference genome in fasta format (in our case, it was a UCSC hg38 fasta). For the cicero analysis, scATAC-Seq data were processed by standard scATAC Seurat workflow (e.g. here) and afterwards only the most variable scATAC-Seq peaks were considered in the co-accessibility estimation.
cicero version: cicero_1.3.9, with monocle3_1.3.5 + needs available BEDTools in the path
- pseudotime analysis
Ideally, it is estimated by scanpy (see here: Pseudotime calculation). Pseudotime calculation ( needs the processed scRNA-Seq object in h5ad format.
Optional input:
The GRN construction might be supported by manually adding TF-target gene pairs (e.g. statistically significant TF-target gene predictions of Pando)
CellOracle run:
If the inputs are properly generated, we must run the individual Python scripts sequentially:
- Pseudotime calculation
- scATAC-Seq preprocessing ( = cicero output processing)
- base GRN construction
- in silico perturbations
GRN inference by Pando
utils/pando_alvis.R (for cluster Alvis)
utils/integration.R - multi-omic data integration by Seurat
- Gene regulatory network (GRN) reconstruction of EZH2i-treated naïve epiblast-like cells (ELCs).
- Finding lineage specific transcription factor (TF) hierarchy that interplays with EZH2 inhibition.
Reference: PANDO Nature paper - Fleck et al. (2022)
Data and results: hESC scATAC-Seq and hESC scRNA-Seq:
@ Uppmax: /crex/proj/snic2020-6-3/SZABOLCS/hESC_EZH2i/data
GRN inferences:
@ Uppmax: /crex/proj/snic2020-6-3/SZABOLCS/hESC_EZH2i/results/GRN
Pando provides a flexible framework that incorporates multi-omic data (in our case scATAC-Seq and scRNA-Seq) to infer a global gene regulatory network. Our aim was to describe the main transcription factor changes due to EZH2 inhibition in ELCs.
Pando leverages multimodal single-cell genomic measurements and models gene expression through TF - peak (=ATAC-Seq peak) interactions.
Four main steps of Pando:
(1) Selecting candidate regulatory genomic regions (coming from scATAC data layer).
(2) Scanning regions for transcription factor binding motifs (motif enrichment).
(3) Selecting region-TF pairs for each target gene (target gene = candidate gene).
(4) Constructing a regression model with region-TF pairs as independent variables and the expression of the target gene as the response variable.
Pando requires these inputs for GRN initialization:
- coembedded (merged) single-cell omic assays: scATAC-Seq, scRNA-Seq - mandatory (see utils/integration.R)
- coembedded_Seurat_object[['peaks']] = scATAC-Seq assay
- coembedded_Seurat_object[['RNA']] = scRNA-Seq assay
- candidate genes (targets) to consider for GRN inference - mandatory
- motif dataset for TF motif finding - PANDO has built-in dataset
- candidate regions - e.g. cis-regulatory data (SCREEN) - optional, if it is not set every scATAC-Seq peak region is considered.
Pando's version controlling is sensitive. Recently only Pando v1.1.0 runs successfully with Seurat v5 (SeuratObject_5.0.1, Seurat_5.0.3, Signac_1.12.0):
devtools::install_github("quadbio/[email protected]")