Quickly setup devolping or demo cluster based on Hortonworks HDP Platform on multiple virtual host providers like Azure, Virtualbox, VMWare, Amazon Webservice, etc. (Currently only Azure and VirtualBox supported).
- VirtualBox
- Vagrant (1.7+)
- Vagrant Plugins:
** Vagrant Hosts
vagrant plugin install vagrant-hosts
** Vagrant Cachier (for Repo caching)vagrant plugin install vagrant-cachier
git clone [email protected]:hkropp/vagrant-hdp.git
After installing VirtualBox and Vagrant it should be enough to run vagrant up
inside vagrant-hdp folder.
$ cd vagrant-hdp
$ vagrant up
By default the Vagrantfile will pick up the configuration under conf/hdp.rb and conf/nodes.rb.
The HDP environment can be configured using conf/hdp.rb
:hdp_ambari => "2.0.0",
:hdp_os => "centos6",
:hdp_stack => "2.2",
:hdp_update => "",
:hdp_util => "",
:vagrant_provider => "virtualbox", # "azure",
:ambari_node => "one.hdp", "n01-hdp-vagrant-demo.cloudapp.net",
Multiple nodes can be configured using conf/nodes.rb
:name => "one.hdp",
:cpu => 8,
:mem => 9216,
:ip => "",
:manifest_file => "one.pp",
:tcp_endpoints => "8080,8443,10000,10001,4040,4041,9083,8020,50070,50075,6080,8881,8882",
By default this manifest is being used for the one node manifest/one.pp
include interfering_services
include ntp
include hdp_mysql
include ambari_views::file_view
include ambari_views::hive_view
include ambari_views::capacity_scheduler_view
include ambari_services::zeppelin_service
class {'etchosts':
ownhostname => $ownhostname
# Install and enable ambari server
class { 'ambari_server':
ambari => $hdp_ambari,
os => $hdp_os,
stack => $hdp_stack,
update => $hdp_update,
util => $hdp_util,
# Install and enable ambari agent
class { 'ambari_agent':
ownhostname => $ownhostname,
serverhostname => $ambarihostname,
ambari => $hdp_ambari,
os => $hdp_os,
# Establish ordering
Class['interfering_services'] -> Class['ntp'] -> Class['etchosts'] -> Class['hdp_mysql'] -> Class['ambari_server'] -> Class['ambari_agent']
-> Class['ambari_views::file_view'] -> Class['ambari_views::hive_view'] -> Class['ambari_views::capacity_scheduler_view'] -> Class['ambari_services::zeppelin_service']