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Bare for native application development


Notifications You must be signed in to change notification settings


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Bare for native application development. The kit provides a web worker-like API to start and manage isolated Bare threads, called worklets1, that expose an IPC abstraction with bindings for various languages.


Bare Kit provides two native classes for implementing push notification support on iOS and Android. In both cases, you must provide an entry point to the notification worklet responsible for handling incoming push notifications. To handle push notifications, add a listener for the push event emitted on the BareKit namespace:

BareKit.on('push', (payload, reply) => {
  console.log('📩 Received a notification: %s', payload)

  let err = null
  let data

  reply(err, data)
  • payload: Contains the notification content as a serializable object. The content varies depending on the platform.
  • reply: A function that takes three arguments:
    • error: An Error object in case of an error, otherwise null.
    • payload: A Buffer or string containing the data to pass back to the native code.
    • encoding: The encoding of the payload string, defaults to utf8.

Since the notification content structure (the payload argument of the reply() callback) differs by platform, we’ll detail the differences below.



On iOS you must create an app extension with a class that extends the BareKit.NotificationService base implementation. If using Xcode, follow the guide Modifying Content in Newly Delivered Notifications. We also maintain a template at to generate the extension automatically.

Creating the notification service

Basic example

import BareKit

class NotificationService: BareKit.NotificationService {
  override init() {
    super.init(resource: "push", ofType: "js")
  • push is the name of the worklet entry point.
  • js is the file extension.

Passing arguments and configuration

import BareKit

class NotificationService: BareKit.NotificationService {
  override init() {
    let arguments = ["foo", "bar"]
    let configuration = Worklet.Configuration()

    super.init(resource: "push", ofType: "js", arguments: arguments, configuration: configuration)

In the worklet, you can access arguments like this:

const foo = Bare.argv[0]
const bar = Bare.argv[1]

The configuration object allows you to customize the behavior of the worklet by setting:

  • memoryLimit: The heap memory limit of the worklet in bytes, e.g. 10 * 1024 * 1024 for 10 MiB.
  • assets: Path to where bundled assets of the worklet entry point may be written. Must be provided if the worklet entry point uses assets.


For more information on the Swift interface, see BareKit.swift.

iOS notification payload

iOS limits what can be modified inside a notification service extension. Bare Kit provides an encapsulated handler for creating and displaying notifications, so you only need to call reply with the notification description encoded as a JSON object.

BareKit.on('push', (payload, reply) => {
  const notification = {
    title: 'Hello',
    subtitle: 'Hello from a worklet',
    body: 'This is a test notification'

  reply(null, JSON.stringify(notification))

This table describes the properties you can pass for iOS:

Property Type Description
title string The title of the notification
subtitle string Subtitle of the notification
body string Main content text of the notification
userInfo object Additional data payload for the app
badge number Badge count on the app icon
targetContentIdentifier string Identifier for deep linking or targeting
sound.type "default" | "named" Type of notification sound string Sound file name (if type is "named")
sound.critical boolean Whether the sound is critical
sound.volume number Volume level (0.0 - 1.0)
threadIdentifier string Groups notifications under a thread
categoryIdentifier string Defines notification actions



On Android you must create a service that extends the MessagingService base implementation. We maintain a template at to generate the service automatically.

Creating the notification service

Start the worklet

import to.holepunch.bare.kit.Worklet
import to.holepunch.bare.kit.MessagingService as BaseMessagingService

class MessagingService : BaseMessagingService(Worklet.Options()) {
  override fun onCreate() {

    try {
      this.start("push.js","push.js"), null)
    } catch (e: Exception) {
      throw RuntimeException(e)

Passing arguments and configuration

import to.holepunch.bare.kit.Worklet
import to.holepunch.bare.kit.MessagingService as BaseMessagingService

class MessagingService : BaseMessagingService(Worklet.Options()) {
  override fun onCreate() {

    try {
      val arguments = ["foo", "bar"]

      this.start("push.js","push.js"), arguments)
    } catch (e: Exception) {
      throw RuntimeException(e)


For more information on the Java/Kotlin interface, see

Android notification payload

Unlike iOS, Android is much less restrictive in handling notifications. This is why, on Android, the MessagingService class provides the method onWorkletReply(reply: JSONObject) to handle the reply from the push listener:

override fun onWorkletReply(reply: JSONObject) {
  try {
      Notification.Builder(this, CHANNEL_ID)
        .setContentTitle(reply.optString("myTitle", "Default title"))
        .setContentText(reply.optString("mybody", "Default description"))
  } catch (e: Exception) {
    throw RuntimeException(e)

The properties provided in the reply object are entirely determined by what you implement in the push listener:

BareKit.on('push', (payload, reply) => {
  const notification = {
    myTitle: 'Hello',
    myBody: 'This is a test notification'

  reply(null, JSON.stringify(notification))




  1. This term was chosen to avoid ambiguity with worker threads as implemented by