Releases: home-assistant/frontend
Releases ยท home-assistant/frontend
- Increase core start seconds (@wendevlin - #24604)
- Energy self sufficiency gauge needs grid consumption (@karwosts - #24606)
- Landingpage add core checks before show errors (@wendevlin - #24493)
- Fix height of chart legend (@MindFreeze - #24519)
- Ignore excessive keydown events in charts (@MindFreeze - #24523)
- Only recreate stack editor when the type or index change (@piitaya - #24530)
- Correctly parse number state for numeric input card feature (@piitaya - #24453)
- Remember hidden energy devices from storage (@karwosts - #24470)
- Tweak legend expand/collapse button (@MindFreeze - #24484)
- Set chart axis pointer line to --info-color (@MindFreeze - #24494)
- No integer validation on ha-form-float (@karwosts - #24501)
- Remove touch action none for toggle feature (@piitaya - #24514)
- Don't show no config flow message when source = system (@bramkragten - #24425)
- Use border color for focus state of button and select in dashboard (@piitaya - #24429)
- Small fixes for Bluetooth device info (@bdraco - #24436)
- More height fixes in devtools/statistics (@karwosts - #24438)
- Change label on BT advertisement timestamp (@karwosts - #24439)
- Fix control number buttons height (@piitaya - #24441)
- More info panel: Replace "Dismiss dialog" tooltip with "Close info" (@NoRi2909 - #24449)
- Align common dialog translations (@bramkragten - #24450)
- Use card text align variable for header text alignment (@piitaya - #24451)
- Add support for toggle card feature for automation domain (@piitaya - #24452)
- Allow the card features buttons to be smaller if needed (@piitaya - #24431)
- Fix energy gauge tooltip (@wendevlin - #24404)
- Swap button positions of toggle feature (@jpbede - #24416)
- Translate state in entity table (@wendevlin - #24417)
- Swap default positions of increment and decrement in counter actions feature (@jpbede - #24418)
- Don't show features settings if none is compatible (@piitaya - #24419)
- Reverse the order of all modes features and toggle (@piitaya - #24420)
- Add features position description in tile card editor (@piitaya - #24421)
- Fix select box radio click on firefox (@piitaya - #24422)
- Fix header hidden when no badges (@piitaya - #24423)
- Use switch and add support for light, fan and valve (@piitaya - #24426)
What's Changed
- Reduce size of address column on Bluetooth Advertisement monitor by @bdraco in #23942
- Restore scroll position go back to backup settings page by @piitaya in #23955
- Fix untracked energy in compare by @karwosts in #23949
- Add node memory to allow commit by @yosilevy in #23954
- Add correct link to backup.create_automatic by @wendevlin in #23959
- Display device name in bluetooth panel by @piitaya in #23960
- Fix for "Increase generic entity row touch target" by @ildar170975 in #23953
- Use CSS variables to theme echarts by @MindFreeze in #23963
- Improve backup settings display on mobile by @piitaya in #23967
- Dynamically reorder energy devices (echarts) by @MindFreeze in #23966
- Fix backup location config not updated by @piitaya in #23965
- Fix location icon when many locations in backup datatable by @piitaya in #23964
- Add localizable "Actions" label to OAuth credentials picker by @NoRi2909 in #23958
- Backup location translations improvements by @silamon in #23940
- Update typescript-eslint monorepo to v8.22.0 by @renovate in #23972
- Fix for "Increase generic entity row touch target (2) by @ildar170975 in #23973
- Improve statistics graph axis when using energy_date_selection by @karwosts in #23974
- Reduce chart height to 300px by @piitaya in #23979
- Update vaadinWebComponents monorepo to v24.6.3 by @renovate in #23981
- Fix statistics echarts with negative values by @MindFreeze in #23983
- Fix legend resetting on zoom by @MindFreeze in #23985
- Use smooth line for statistic line chart by @piitaya in #23984
- Improve develop and serve by @wendevlin in #23990
- Hide irrelevant errors from echarts zoom by @MindFreeze in #23992
- Echarts: show all series in tooltip by @MindFreeze in #23989
- Echarts: fix Y scaling by @MindFreeze in #23988
- Improve encrypted backup dialog by @piitaya in #23991
- Remove name from the chart series when using showNames = false by @piitaya in #23995
- Echarts: auto scale Y in log charts by @MindFreeze in #23994
- fix time input width by @bramkragten in #23998
- Hide "heating" data from climate charts by @MindFreeze in #23997
- Display year conditionally when script was last triggered on script list by @jpbede in #24012
- Make date period picker respect timezone settings by @bramkragten in #23996
- Update dependency @types/chromecast-caf-receiver to v6.0.21 by @renovate in #24038
- Fix for "Increase generic entity row touch target (3): climate entities by @ildar170975 in #24002
- Scroll todo list if it overflows grid_layout by @karwosts in #24000
- Fix legend in charts by @MindFreeze in #24025
- Fix chart height by @MindFreeze in #24028
- Fix browser media player showing more info dialog by @insomniac2305 in #24021
- Fix click action for timeline chart labels by @MindFreeze in #24039
- Use ignoreDiacritics in fuse library by @piitaya in #24041
- Show seconds on x axis when chart is zoomed a lot by @MindFreeze in #24043
- Fix download unencrypted backup logic by @piitaya in #24045
- Improve chart height and narrow option in grid section by @piitaya in #24046
- Fix more keyboard menus (devices/helpers/scenes/scripts) by @karwosts in #24037
- Workaround for chart size bug in editor preview by @MindFreeze in #24040
- Increase margin to avoid fab overlap on backup overview page by @piitaya in #24047
- Prioritize local image over entity_picture in picture-entity card by @karwosts in #24032
- FIx console errors in charts by @MindFreeze in #24048
- Fix menus in Todo list for Keyboard by @karwosts in #24054
- Improve weather forecast card layout by @watercrossing in #23704
- Improve value formatting inside backup tooltip by @piitaya in #24057
- Align view mount dialog with design guidelines by @jpbede in #24060
- Fix energy charts with leap years by @MindFreeze in #24059
- Dont show voice wizard for voip by @bramkragten in #24050
- Display unavailable backups locations by @piitaya in #24058
- Add support for add-on update type for backups in the UI by @piitaya in #24044
- Add support package download to cloud by @bramkragten in #24051
- Update dependency vitest to v3.0.5 [SECURITY] by @renovate in #24066
- Fix statistic chart tooltip values by @piitaya in #24074
- Fix spacing & colors in statistics-graph chart by @MindFreeze in #24068
- fix condition in tracing graph by @bramkragten in #24075
- Fix device energy bar chart by @MindFreeze in #24079
- fix label truncated timeline chart by @bramkragten in #24077
- Set list color of update more info to dialog background by @bramkragten in #24076
- Charts: add styles for legend page controls by @bramkragten in #24081
- Fix chart preview by @MindFreeze in #24080
- Set min height for graphs, adjust margins by @bramkragten in #24078
- Chart: Add tooltip styling to theme by @bramkragten in #24082
- Charts: set tooltip triggerOn to click on mobile by @bramkragten in #24083
- Disable chart update animation by @MindFreeze in #24084
- Use max of width and actualBoundingBox to get text width by @bramkragten in #24085
- Fix area registry dialog field by @jpbede in #24090
- Update more-info dialog layout for weather entities by @cgarwood in #22818
- Add network adapter translations by @wendevlin in #24096
- Update dependency barcode-detector to v3 by @renovate in #24015
- Reduce padding in energy charts and align unit by @MindFreeze in #24095
- Fix punctuation in some toast and warning messages by @curtgrimes in #24093
- Add Mastodon and Bluesky to help tip by @ZephireNZ in #24099
- Show energy-self-sufficiency-gauge card without grid return by @MindFreeze in #24098
- Set charts font to Roboto by @MindFreeze in #24097
- Fix energy dashboard data formatting by @MindFreeze in #24101
- Update typescript-eslint monorepo to v8.23.0 by @renovate in #24108
- Update dependency @codemirror/state to v6.5.2 by @renovate in #24105
- Update dependency @vitest/coverage-v8 to v3.0.5 by @renovate in #24106
- Stack solar forecasts by @kar...
- Make part of the chart rendering async for large datasets (@MindFreeze - #24260)
- Fix duplicate id in energy-devices-detail-graph-card (@karwosts - #24261)
- Fix backup forever retention settings (@wendevlin - #24299)
- Enable downsampling in echarts (@MindFreeze - #24311)
- Fix hassio backup restore url (@wendevlin - #24313)
- Add Mastodon and Bluesky to help tip (@ZephireNZ - #24099)
- Fix section border radius (@piitaya - #24159)
- Optimize chart performance (@MindFreeze - #24215)
- Fix config flow URLs linking to device (@balloob - #24223)
- Fix endTime of statistics-chart (@MindFreeze - #24233)
- Fix inclusion dialog in ZwaveJS panel (@MindFreeze - #24234)
- Fix area registry dialog field (@jpbede - #24090)
- Reduce padding in energy charts and align unit (@MindFreeze - #24095)
- Add network adapter translations (@wendevlin - #24096)
- Set charts font to Roboto (@MindFreeze - #24097)
- Fix energy dashboard data formatting (@MindFreeze - #24101)
- Stack solar forecasts (@karwosts - #24113)
- Fix device energy card with
(@MindFreeze - #24150) - Round log scale limits (@MindFreeze - #24151)
- Limit max label width of hui-energy-devices-graph-card (@MindFreeze - #24152)
- Bring back energy usage graph order (@MindFreeze - #24156)
- Fix spacing & colors in statistics-graph chart (@MindFreeze - #24068)
- Fix statistic chart tooltip values (@piitaya - #24074)
- fix condition in tracing graph (@bramkragten - #24075)
- Set list color of update more info to dialog background (@bramkragten - #24076)
- fix label truncated timeline chart (@bramkragten - #24077)
- Set min height for graphs, adjust marginsย (@bramkragten - #24078)
- Fix device energy bar chart (@MindFreeze - #24079)
- Fix chart preview (@MindFreeze - #24080)
- Charts: add styles for legend page controls (@bramkragten - #24081)
- Chart: Add tooltip styling to theme (@bramkragten - #24082)
- Charts: set tooltip triggerOn to click on mobile (@bramkragten - #24083)
- Disable chart update animation (@MindFreeze - #24084)
- Use max of width and actualBoundingBox to get text width (@bramkragten - #24085)