Releases: home-assistant/frontend
Releases · home-assistant/frontend
What's Changed
- Fix input_number flexbox. (#1586) @jeradM
- Cleanup (#1575) @balloob
- Add support for JS modules in custom panels. (#1588) @SquidwardY
- Reset entity properties in zwcp on 404 (#1591) @turbokongen
- Fix custom icon colors in entities and glance cards. (#1587) @jeradM
- Lovelace: Hide toolbar on scroll. (#1595) @jeradM
- Add default_zoom option to map card. (#1592) @jeradM
- Notification drawer (#1536) @jeradM
- Fix for missing 'Disarm' button (#1549) @gwww
- Add ha-mfa-modules-card and setup flow (#1590) @awarecan
What's Changed
- Remove _hiddenState method. (#1557) @jeradM
- Cleanups (#1566) @balloob
- Ask to store auth (#1568) @balloob
- Fix disconnected notification (#1569) @balloob
- Media Player: Standardize computePlaybackControlIcon (#1571) @hunterjm
- Fix group more-info dialog (#1572) @awarecan
- Include ES5 version of hass-icons (#1574) @balloob
- Zwcp small fixes, style, refactor etc. (#1570) @turbokongen
- Z-wave usercode fixes (#1577) @turbokongen
- Fix automation editor safari (#1576) @balloob
What's Changed
- Fix wrong targetnode and nonupdating othergroupnodes (#1541) @turbokongen
- Don't put components in entrypoint (#1548) @balloob
- Fix access token expires issue (#1554) @awarecan
- Remove zwave rename functions (#1553) @turbokongen
- Right-align climate row state display. (#1558) @jeradM
- Reorg root (#1559) @balloob
- Move user settings to profile page (#1560) @balloob
What's Changed
- Hide change password card for non-homeassistant auth_providers. (#1526) @jeradM
- Vacuum: Added support for STATES (#1497) @cnrd
- Add profile badge to sidebar header (#1525) @balloob
- Add conditional card for Lovelace (#1524) @c727
- allow 'same-origin' credentials for fetch() (#1530) @Adminiuga
- Fixed passing service_data to call-service-button. (#1531) @jeradM
- Use correct keys for localization. (#1533) @balloob
What's Changed
- Update translations @balloob
- Use webpack plugin to generate HTML (#1521) @balloob
- Fix name styling (#1522) @quthla
- Fix margin for row action buttons (#1520) @c727
- Add icon support for picture glance (#1518) @c727
- Added row entity for climate entities. (#1494) @jeradM
- Add support for CSS imports (#1517) @c727
- Fix header toggle for entity objects (#1514) @c727
- Allow empty names (#1515) @quthla
What's Changed
- Make automation and vacuum rows toggleable. (#1490) @jeradM
- Improve CSS for entity rows (#1491) @c727
- Add example to show single entity conditionally (#1498) @balloob
- Tweak divider example (#1505) @balloob
- Use local and optimized images in gallery (#1506) @c727
- Fix toggle-able for group row elements (#1507) @c727
- Fix toggle if state = unavailable (#1512) @c727
- Add call-service row element (#1513) @c727