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This is full stack application for sharing recipes based on ReactJS frontend SPA and .NET 6 API backend

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Cook Book - Digital cooking book for sharing recipes


Hristo Topalov

Demo project which runs on .NET 6 Api backend and ReactJS frontend, supports CRUD operations over recipe collections.


  • Guest
  • User

Getting Started

Site guest (visitor) options:

  • can visit Landing page(component) which offers limited functionality(guest can see four recipes as a sample to the web application but can't perform any operations over them)
  • can visit Signup and Login pages to authorize or register in to the application.

Registered user options:

  • gains access to the application
  • can create new recipes and like already created ones by other users(liked recipes are stored as favorite, so they can be checked any time later)
  • can edit or delete owned recipes

Template Layout

Project technology stack

Programming Languages

  • C#
  • Java Script
  • T-SQL
  • HTML
  • CSS


Used techniques

  • Services
  • Web Api
  • AJAX
  • Eager Loading when using Entity Framework to avoid N + 1 problem and have more control over data
  • Mapping domain models to view or service models to avoid leakage of unnecessary properties to users and reduce data transfer.

Application Layers

  • Data layer (Backend)
  • Business layer (Backend)
  • Presentation layer (Frontend)


  • Generation of JWT tokens when user logs in order to make authenticated request to backend(server).
  • Auth guard and private route guard to check if unauthorized user is trying to access authenticated content of the application.

Typical Workflow

When guest visit the application he will have the following options:

  • Can click on sample recipes cards on landing page and see details about them but can't perform any operations over them.
  • Can use register or login links in navbar in order to create new profile or login in existing one.

If user is already registered and logs in, will have the following options:

  • Create new recipe, delete or edit only owned recipes and like other users recipes.
  • Can access all recipes in the application.
  • Can access favorite recipes(previously liked ones).


Landing for guest Unregistered user

Landing for user Unregistered user

Login Route details

Signup Admin panel

New recipe Live Broadcast

New recipe with input Beacon

Details for owner Live Broadcast

Details for non-owner with like option Beacon

Edit recipe Beacon


This is full stack application for sharing recipes based on ReactJS frontend SPA and .NET 6 API backend






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