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NodeBots Challenge Details

Rachel Simone Weil edited this page Jan 11, 2017 · 1 revision

The NodeBots Challenge

After lunch, sign-ups for the NodeBots challenge will begin. Then, at 2:00 PM, we'll stop our work and move outside for the NodeBots challenge.

To qualify

To qualify for the challenge, you must:

  • Arrive for the challenge at 2:00 PM with the NodeBot you built at CodeMash. (Sorry, no bringing pre-made superbots.)
  • Have already registered your bot with RoboWriter. (The motion tracking code doesn't need to be present, you just need to have registered the name of your bot via the instructions in Step 3.)
  • Agree to play fair. Each bot can only enter the challenge once. Don't cheat, steal, or sabotage. (Y'all knew that, right?)

Challenge details

It's a Donut Delivery Derby! There will be square arena on the floor, approx. 4 ft. x 4 ft. Your bot will be on one side of the arena, your opponent's bot on the other. You each have two goal areas, located in the corners opposite from the side on which you start. Your challenge is to drive your bot to the center of the arena where a pile of plastic donuts is located. Then, push, pick up, throw, pull, or otherwise transport one donut to each of your two goals in 3 minutes or less. If neither bot achieves this feat in 3 minutes, the bot who has pushed a majority of donuts beyond the middle line wins. Rounds will be played bracket style until half of participants are eliminated. The challenges will continue round to round until the last 2 to 3 bots remain. They'll face off for a final challenge that will determine the winner.