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A CodeIgniter library to produce Google Maps and associated functionality

Copy the file google_maps.php into your library directory and then load the library using either the autoload in application/config/autoload.php or with the following in a controller


As well as adding the output function in your view

echo $this->google_maps->output();



This function needs to be called before any other function.

It creates a basic map and sets it's center and the zoom level.

The function accepts an optional parameter of an array containing the options you want to override. These are

elementId - The id of the HTML tag you will use to hold your map. If none is declared it defaults to map
sensor - This tells Google Maps if you will be using geolocation to detect a user's position. Pass in a string of true or false. Defaults to false
centerLat - The latitude you wish to focus the map on. Defaults to 0
centerLng - The longitude you wish to focus the map on. Defaults to 0
mapTypeId - Google Maps can display different styles of map depending on your application's needs. The options are
HYBRID 	This map type displays a transparent layer of major streets on satellite images.
ROADMAP 	This map type displays a normal street map.
SATELLITE 	This map type displays satellite images.
TERRAIN 	This map type displays maps with physical features such as terrain and vegetation.
Defaults to ROADMAP
zoom - How far in you want to zoom on the map. Accepts an integer between 0 and 21. Defaults to 0


This function can add one or more markers to the map.

It accepts a multi dimensional array. Each sub array must contain a lat and long value and can also contain optional keys of

infoWindowHtml - If you want an info window to appear when the marker is clicked pass in the HTML you want the window to contain

An example of adding two markers to a map, one with an info window, would look like the following

$markers[0]['lat']	= '50.3697';
$markers[0]['lng']	= '-4.1399';

$markers[1]['lat']				= '50.2697';
$markers[1]['lng']				= '-4.0399';
$markers[1]['infoWindowHTML']	= '<h1>My info window</h1><p>Some more info can go in here</p>';

If you want to extract the lat lng values from a click on the map you can use this function.

It requires two parameters. The id of the latitude and longitude inputs that you want to populate.

To see demonstrations of the library visit


A CodeIgniter Library to display Google Maps and also add associated functionality






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