I'm a Software Test Engineer specializing in test automation, API testing, and performance testing. With a focus on improving software quality, I leverage tools like Selenium, Postman, Rest Assured, and Jenkins for continuous integration to build reliable testing pipelines.
- Testing Tools: Selenium WebDriver, TestNG, Cucumber, Rest Assured, Apache JMeter, Postman
- Programming Languages: Java, JavaScript, C#
- CI/CD Tools: Jenkins, GitHub Actions
- Version Control: Git, GitHub
- Database Testing: MySQL, SQL Server, JDBC
- Agile Testing: Scrum, TDD, BDD
- Cloud: AWS, Azure (basic knowledge)
I'm currently focused on automating tests for web and mobile platforms using Selenium WebDriver, Cucumber, TestNG, and Postman. I'm also exploring Jenkins CI/CD pipelines to improve the development lifecycle and reduce manual testing time.
- GitHub: My GitHub URL
- LinkedIn:
Feel free to check out my repositories, collaborate, or ask any questions related to automation testing and quality assurance!
🔭 I’m currently working on: Automation testing with Java, Selenium WebDriver, TestNG, Cucumber, Postman, Rest Assured, Jenkins, and Apache POI.
🌱 I’m currently learning: Parallel testing, Page Object Model, DataProvider in TestNG, and Gherkin for writing more efficient BDD scenarios.
👯 I’m looking to collaborate on: Test automation projects, particularly in e-commerce platforms, improving efficiency and scalability of automated tests, and exploring new automation frameworks.
🤔 I’m looking for help with: Improving my test automation skills, debugging issues in automation frameworks, optimizing Jenkins pipelines, and learning advanced techniques for API Testing using Postman and Rest Assured.
💬 Ask me about: GitHub integration, Selenium WebDriver, TestNG, JUnit, API Testing with Postman, BDD with Cucumber, Apache POI for data-driven testing, and Jenkins for continuous integration and delivery.
📫 How to reach me: [email protected]
⚡ Fun fact: I enjoy discovering ways to optimize testing for complex systems.