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ImandraX API build (OCaml 4) build (OCaml 5)

This is the public facing repository for ImandraX.

This contains:

  • a programmatic API for ImandraX, based on protobuf and OCaml type definitions
  • an ImandraX installation script

Getting started

ImandraX currently supports Linux on x86_64, and macOS on aarch64 (ie ARM machines).

To install the imandrax-cli locally, use:

$ ./scripts/

To install the development version, export VERSION=latest-main:

$ VERSION=latest-main ./scripts/

Once the CLI is installed (and, in the case of linux, in path), you can login using:

$ ./

and configure imandrax to talk to the relevant cloud server:

$ mkdir -p ~/.config/imandrax
$ cat <<EOF > ~/.config/imandrax/config.toml
deployment = "prod"

(or for the development version:

$ mkdir -p ~/.config/imandrax
$ cat <<EOF > ~/.config/imandrax/config.toml
deployment = "dev"


This is necessary for the CLI to be able to communicate with the server. Once logged in, the CLI can be freely used, e.g. with

$ cat > foo.iml <<EOF
let f x = x+1
verify (fun x -> f x > x)

$ imandrax-cli check foo.iml

VS Code Plugin / LSP

The VS Code plugin needs to be obtained separately. If you have access, you can find the latest release binary (.vsix) file here:

Soon we will bundle this with the installer and/or make the plugin available through the VS Code extensions marketplace.


Example if the server is listening on port 8083:

$ curl -X POST http://localhost:8083/api/v1/System/gc_stats -H 'content-type: application/json' -d {}

OCaml client library

See library imandrax-api-client.

Python API

Requires: python >= 3.12

Install dependencies to be able to fetch the package, and login to google cloud:

$ pip install keyring keyrings-google-artifactregistry-auth twirp google-cloud-storage
$ gcloud auth application-default login

then install via:

$ pip install --index-url imandrax-api

Building Python API package locally

$ python --version

$ python -m venv venv
$ . venv/bin/activate
$ pip install build
$ make build-python
$ pip install src/py/dist/imandrax_api-0.7-py3-none-any.whl



todos - [ ] use - [ ] write a RPC client implementation on top (websocket+JSON? or directly use the binary version)