Greetings! My name is Jerimiah Fink, and I want to share with you my personal creed. What is the most admirable creature on God's green Earth? Why, it's the bee! Have you ever seen a bee on vacation? Have you ever seen a bee take a sick day? Well, my friends, the answer is no! So I say, be… the bee! Be the bee!
- Clone and open project in IntelliJ.
- Try to run Main/the tests (and fail).
- Go to Run > Edit Configurations.
- Set "Working directory" to "...\src\main\java\inf112\skeleton\app\assets".
- Run successfully!
- In your pom.xml, between <dependencies> </dependencies>, add this:
Make a GameTest class:
When making tests, extend GameTest, a la
public class PlayerActionTest extends GameTest {}
Google Docs: