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RelayerNext Concurrency Architectures
In this document, we give a high-level picture of the possible concurrency architectures that can be be adopted for Hermes relayer v2. The relayer framework makes it possible to implement modular concurrency, and allows the v2 relayer to offer multiple modes of operation. Aside from that, advanced users will be able to customize the relayer framework and introduce new concurrency architectures that are best suited for specific relaying use cases.
The relayer v2 implementations are centered around three kinds of contexts: relay context, chain context, and transaction context. Each context contains the environment and dependencies that are required for operations in that context to work. For instance, the chain context would contain parameters for talking to a full node, and the transaction context would contain the wallet credentials for signing transactions.
The relay context is special in that it contains two chain sub-contexts. The two chain contexts are referred to as the source context and the destination context, corresponding to the sending of an IBC packet from the source chain to the destination chain. Compared to relayer v1, the roles of the two chain sub-contexts are fixed, i.e. a source chain would always remain a source chain. This means that to perform bi-directional relaying for IBC packets for two chains, two relay contexts will needed for handling packets for each direction separately.
In addition to the source and destination chain contexts, the relay context also has two dynamic context parameters: the target chain context, and the counterparty chain context. This is to denote which chain context the relay context is currently targeting. For example, if the relay context were to send messages to the source chain context, then the target chain context would be the source chain, while the counterparty chain context would be the destination chain. This helps differentiate the different kinds of chains the relay context is interacting with, and helps us avoid coding errors caused by mistaking one chain with another chain.
To help visualize the concurrency architecture, a lot of details are omitted regarding how the relayer performs the operations. Instead, we focus on the steps that the relayer will take for specific use cases.
The first use case focuses on the relaying of multiple IBC packets from one relay context:
In the above scenario, we have a relay context with chain A being the source
chain, and chain B being the destination chain. In our scenario, we have chain A
emitting multiple source chain events that are of interest to the relay context,
which are SendPacket
events that are targetting chain B.
When the SendPacket
events are handled, the event handler spawns three
concurrent async tasks, all of which handle the relaying of the packets by
holding a shared reference to the relay context. The worker tasks call the
method, which start the lifecycle of relaying an IBC packet.
The packet relayer may contain logics such as checking on whether the packet
has already been relayed. In our scenario, the packet relayers would construct
messages that are targeting the destination chain, chain B.
To optimize for efficiency, the packet relayers send the messages to a message
batch worker, which runs on a separate async task and receives the incoming
messages via MPSC channels.
Inside the batch worker, it collects all messages that are sent over a certain
period, such as 500ms, and attempts to consolidate them into a single batch.
In our scenario, we can assume that all chain events are emitted at the same
time, and the packet relayers manage to finish the construction of the
messages within the 500ms time frame.
With that, the batch worker attempts to consolidate the three RecvPacket
messages into a single batch. However, there is also a configuration for batch
size limit, and for our simplified scenario, the batch size limit is exceeded after
two RecvPacket
messages are batched. Therefore, the batch worker sends the
three messages as two batches instead of one. The first batch would contain
the first and second RecvPacket
messages, while the second batch contains
the third RecvPacket
The batch worker sends the batched messages by spawning concurrent async tasks
for each batch. For each batch, the messages would go through the
middleware component, which would build and attach UpdateClient
messages to
each message batch. In this specific case, we can see that the relayer is not
being very cost-efficient, as the same UpdateClient
messages are sent twice
for the two batches. However, the upside for this design is that the two
message batches are completely independent, and thus any failure from the first
batch would not affect the second batch. We will discuss alternative
concurrency architectures later, where there can be less redundancy on the
number of UpdateClient
messages being sent, together with the tradeoffs made.
Moving forward, the two tasks are running concurrently to send the batched messages to the transaction context. In there, the messages are processed by a nonce allocator, which handles the incoming messages with a shared state and use different strategies to assign nonces for each transaction. For example, the nonce allocator may use a naive strategy, where it blocks on concurrent tasks and only allows one task to proceed at a time. A more complex strategy would be for the nonce allocator to assign multiple nonces and resume multiple tasks in parallel. This would allow multiple transactions to be submitted to the chain at the same time, and have them potentially be committed into the same block.
For the purpose of the architecture discussion, we do not go into detail about the specific strategies of the nonce allocator use, and assume that it allows concurrent allocation of nonces across multiple tasks. Once the nonce is allocated, the task continues and builds the transaction with the given nonce and messages. After that, the transactions are broadcasted to the blockchain and the tasks would wait for the transactions to be committed.
We will next look at what happens after the transactions are submitted to the blockchain. We first focus on the success case, where the transactions are committed successfully to the blockchain:
The direction of information flow for the diagram above is reversed, and flows
from right to left. First, the blockchain returns the transaction result as a
single TXResponse
that contains the events emmitted from each message.
The events are extracted from the transaction response, and returned by
passing through the nonce allocator.
When the events are returned to the SendIbcMessagesWithUpdateClient middleware, the component extracts the update client event from the top of the list, and returns the remaining events. This is required, as the downstream components require the events returned in the same order as the original ordering of messages submitted.
After the update client event is extracted, the remaining events are split out by the batch message component within the same task as the batched messages are sent. i.e. the result returned are not processed by the batch worker task. For the first message batch, the messages are originated from two separate packet worker tasks. Hence, the batch component splits the first event to be returned to the first task, and the second event to be returned to the second task. (Note that in the actual operation, the transaction events are grouped into a list of list of events. So in our example, there are three list of events with one event being present in each list)
For the second batched message worker task, since there were only one message coming from the third worker task, the event is returned directly to the third packet worker task. Once the events are returned, the packet workers can continue with the next operations, such as relaying the ack packet messages.
The relayer architecture would be significantly simpler if it did not have to account for failures and recovery. However, in practice, there are many cases of errors that the relayer needs to handle differently, and we will go through some of the error cases below:
A common source of error during relayer operation is failures upon submitting transactions. There are several variants of such errors. The first is that the transaction was committed successfully to the chain, however there are errors processing some messages, or there are transaction-level failures such as running out of gas. In such cases, since the transaction has already been processed, the error would need to be handled by higher-level application logic.
A second case of error is when there are errors before the transaction is processed by the blockchain. This could result from error in communication with the full node, or error from the full node communicating with the blockchain's P2P network. In such cases, there are not many options for the relayer other than to assume that the transaction has failed, and retry on submitting the messages again in a different transaction.
However, since blockchains are eventually consistent systems, there is no way for the relayer to reliably know if the transaction has truly failed or not. There is also a possibility that the transaction has already been broadcasted and received by other full nodes, and the transaction is eventually committed to the blockchain, albeit more slowly than the relayer expects.
If the relayer incorrectly interprets a transaction as being a failure when in reality the transaction is eventually committed successfully to the blockchain, this can cause inconsistency in the relayer's subsequent operations. In particular, this can cause the relayer to submit subsequent transactions with the same nonce, thus causing the infamous account sequence (nonce) mismatch errors. In other words, a false failure on the relayer could result in true failure in subsequent relayer operations.
The first line of recovery on the relayer is handled by the nonce allocater. It needs to interpret the returned error and choose appropriate actions to take. In the case that the error is a nonce mismatch error, that means the nonce allocator's cached nonce sequences have become out of sync with the blockchain. In that case, the nonce allocator needs to fetch the up-to-date nonce from the blockchain.
However, the nonce allocator cannot just refresh the nonce upon encountering the first nonce error. Instead, it has to wait for all pending transactions to return, and then refresh the nonce before allowing new transactions to be submitted to the blockchain. The nonce allocator would also have to be mindful of false failures returned from the transaction sender, which may once again invalidate the nonce that it just fetched from the blockchain. If necessary, the nonce allocator may need to make use of exponential back off when refreshing the nonce, in order to avoid the nonce getting perpetually out of sync.
In this first layer of error handling, the relayer needs to make a trade off between reliability and efficiency. On one hand, the relayer can increase reliability by waiting for a longer time to ensure that its local state reach eventual consistency with the blockchain's state. On the other hand, the relayer can ignore the eventual consistency and resume transaction submission quickly, in the hope that its local state is already in sync with the blockchain's state. To maximize the reliability, the Cosmos ecosystem may require both types of relayers to work in tandem, so that a more reliable but potentially slower relayer can be used as a backup for the more effecient but less reliable relayer.
After the error is handled by the nonce allocator, it is then propagated to the upstream components. In the message batch component, another source of error is when the transaction sender rejects the incoming messages, due to it exceeding the maximum transaction size limit. This can potentially happen, because it is not possible to know the actual size of the transaction until it is encoded together with the other parameters such as nonce, signer, and transaction memo.
Although the message batch worker does estimation on the message size when batching messages, the estimated size may not match the actual transaction size, depending on the way the transaction is encoded. In practice, a slight deviation in the max transaction may not affect the relayer operations. However, some relayer operators may have strict requirements on the maximum transaction size. If so, the transaction sender would have to reject the transaction if the size exceeds the max limit.
In case if the transaction size exceeds both the estimated message batch size and the maximum transaction size limit, the error would be propagated back to the message batch component. It the given message batch comes from more than message sender, the batch component may retry the submission by splitting the messages into smaller batches. Otherwise if a single message sender sends messages that exceed the transaction size limit, the error would propagate back to the originating message sender.
The relayer needs to have a careful strategy of when to check for the transaction limit. On one hand, it could potentially check for the transaction size limit when building the actual transaction. However, doing so may interfere with the nonce allocator. This is because if the transaction sender aborts the sending of transaction, the nonce that is being allocated to it would not be used. This would in turns invalidate other parallel transactions that make use of nonces that are higher than the current nonce.
An alternative strategy is to build and estimate the transaction size using dummy fields for the nonce, signer, and fees. This may also come at the expense of increased CPU load for encoding the transactions one extra time. Furthermore, this requires the assumption that the size estimation using this approach is fully accurate, as we can't fasify that assumption when the actual transaction is built.
If the error is not handled by the batch message component, it would then be cloned and propagated to multiple upstream message senders. This would eventually be handled by the packet relayer, which needs to decide whether to retry relaying the packet or not.
A potential source of error downstream is when multiple messages are batched into a single transaction. If any message causes an on-chain error, this would result in failure of the transaction as a whole. As a result, if any part of the relayer submits faulty messages, it would result in failure on the other parts of the relayer which are implemented correctly.
Fortunately, since the relaying of packets are done by separate tasks, each packet relayer may attempt to retry the relaying independent of each others. The first thing that a packet relayer should check is on whether it should retry relaying the packet for the given error. For instance, if the error is arise from transaction error caused by message batching, the packet relayer may perform random exponential backoff to retry sending the message at a later time. With that, the next submission of messages can hopefully not be in the same batch as the faulty message, which would allow the message to be committed to the chain.
The packet relayer could also perform retry if the relaying operation failed
in any stage of the pipeline. For example, there could be temporary network
failure when the update client component attempts to build the UpdateClient
message. There could also be errors within the packet relayer itself, such as
temporary failures when constructing the RecvPacket
message. All these would
be handled by the top-level
component, which would call the core packet relaying logic again if the error
is considered retryable.
In the earlier section, we discussed about a potential room for optimization on
the construction for the building of UpdateClient
messages, so that one
message is built for two batches of messages.
In the simplest case, a naive version of the optimization can be done by having the batch message worker to send one batch of messages at a time, as compared to spawning multiple tasks to send the messages. However, this would be a trade off of minimizing the cost by increasing the latency of messages, since the transactions cannot be submitted in parallel.
A more advanced version of the optimization can be done with the following modification:
The above optimization can be done by having a custom implementation of
Using a shared state across tasks, we can make it such that the component blocks
a task if multiple tasks are trying to build UpdateClient
messages at the
same height.
In our scenario, the UpdateClient
message would only be built when the first
message batch, while the second message batch is blocked to wait for the
first message batch to be sent. When the UpdateClient
message is encoded
into transactions and submitted to the mempool, the task can then send a signal
back to SendIbcMessagesWithUpdateClient
and let it unblock the second message
The optimization is slightly more complicated, because it requires the relay
context to provide shared states that can be used across the UpdateClient
component and the transaction sender component. It may also reduce the
reliability of the relayer, as while the second message batch is being sent, the
transaction for the first message batch may fail. If that happens, the second
message batch would also fail, due to the IBC client not being updated by
the first transaction.
It is worth noting that the first transaction would also cause the second
transaction to fail in other ways, such as nonce mismatch. However there can
be alternative ways of handling nonce, such as using multiple nonce lanes
or multiple signers. In such cases, the UpdateClient
message would still
introduce additional coupling between the two transactions. Thus, it is still
important to ensure that the optimization of the UpdateClient
messages do not
affect the improvement of reliability made by other components.
An alternative approach is to continue blocking the second message batch until
the transaction for the first message batch is committed on the chain. While
this would look similar to the batch worker itself sending messages in serial,
it still differs in that other forms of parallelism are allowed. In particular,
the message batches are only blocked when they try to build UpdateClient
messages at the same height. If there are new message batches arrive with
different UpdateClient
message heights, they would be able to continue
and submit transactions to the chain in parallel.
The previous examples we have all work with only one relay context. Recall that
a relay context have its source and destination chains fixed. With that, a
relay context would be sending RecvPacket
messages to the destination chain,
and AckPacket
and TimeoutPacket
messages to the source chain. To build a
bi-directional relayer, two relay contexts are needed to send all
three kinds of packet messages to each chain. In this case where two relay
contexts are working together to relay the IBC packets for two chain pairs,
we say that the two relay contexts are coupled.
When it comes to relaying efficiency, we want to ensure that the two coupled
relay contexts share the same batch worker so that messages targetting the
same chain could be in the same message batch and reuse the same UpdateClient
Recall that a chain context also has a target mode, with the target being either the source target or the destination target. When two relay contexts are coupled, the source target of the first relay context would be equivalent to the destination target of the second relay context, and vice versa. Using that property, we can run the message batch worker with just one of the relay contexts with a fixed target, and still use it to process messages from the other relay context with an inversed target.
The arrangement would be as follows:
In the above scenario, we have have a relay context X, with chain A being the
source chain, and chain B being the destination chain. Next, we have a relay
context Y, with chain B being the source chain, and chain B being the
destination chain. Relay context X would be responsible for sending RecvPacket
messages to chain B, while relay context Y would be responsible for sending
and TimeoutPacket
messages to chain B. Both relay contexts listen
to the event source from chain A, to build IBC messages that are targetted for
chain B.
To share the batch workload between relay contexts X and Y, the message batch worker would work in a relay context Z. For the purpose of the batch worker, it doesn't matter whether relay context Z has which chain as the source or destination targets. Instead, it fixes the target chain for relay context Z to be chain B, and the counterparty chain for relay context Z to be chain A. This means that it is valid to use either relay context X with destination target, or relay context Y with source target to be relay context Z.
The reason both relay contexts can be used for running the message batch worker is because of the symmetric relation between two coupled chain contexts. As long as the message batch worker do not make use of the source or destination chain, it can be used for sending batched messages on behalf of both relay contexts X and Y.
In our scenario, relay context X sends one RecvPacket
message to the message
batch worker, and relay context Y sends one AckPacket
message and one
message to the message batch worker. In the given scenario,
the message batch worker is able to combine both RecvPacket
and AckPacket
messages into one batch, but have to leave the TimeoutPacket
batch in the
second batch due to size limit. We make use of this scenario to demonstrate that
messages coming from different relay contexts can still be combined into a
single batch.
The the combined batch, both RecvPacket
and AckPacket
can share the same
. If we apply further optimization for UpdateClient
such as
from the previous section, we would also be able to share the same
message with the TimeoutPacket
message from the second batch.
Traditionally, the v1 relayer would use either the latest chain height, or the
height when an IBC event is emitted to build the IBC messages such as
. While this strategy is simple, there are rooms to improve on
how the relayer should choose the height to construct the IBC messages.
For example, if the relayer needs to send a RecvPacket
message with proof at
height 5, and then send a AckPacket
message with proof at height 6, the
relayer would need to construct at least two UpdateClient
messages for height
5 and 6, respectively. With the earlier concurrency architectures, the relayer
would be able to share the same UpdateClient
messages if there are other
IBC messages with proof at heights 5 or 6. But in the case where there are only
one IBC message with proof at each of heights 5 and 6, then the relayer would
have no option but to send two separate UpdateClient
The reason why the UpdateClient
messages cannot be shared when the proof
heights are different has to do with how merkle proofs and light client
verification works. If we want both the RecvPacket
and AckPacket
in the example earlier to share the UpdateClient
message, then it is necessary
for the relayer to construct both messages at the same proof height, such as at
height 6.
To do that, the relayer needs to have an intelligent strategy to determine the appropriate height to build IBC messages, based on the messages that it needs to send within a given time frame. It can does so with the following architecture:
The above scenario is similar to the arrangement in the previous section, except that we added a new "wait update client" component that would synchronize with a new "batch UpdateClient" component. Other than that, the packet relayers are started at different time, and each attempts to build the IBC messages with different proof heights.
When the first packet relayer attempts to build a RecvPacket
message, it
determines that it needs to build the message with a min proof height of 5.
However, instead of building the message straight with proof height
5, it sends a blocking query to the batch UpdateClient worker to consult
which proof height is safe for it to build the IBC messages with. Similarly,
the second packet relayer wants to build an AckPacket
message with a min
proof height 6, and the third packet relayer wants to build a TimeoutPacket
message with a min proof height 8, and they also send the queries to the
batch UpdateClient worker.
The batch UpdateClient worker accepts queries asynchronously and do not process
the requests immediately. Instead, it only process the queries at fixed interval,
or when there are enough number of pending queries. In our scenario, the batch
UpdateClient worker waits until it has received the queries from all three
packet workers. The worker checks that the highest proof heights from all
queries are at height 8, thus it attempts to build an UpdateClient
with the update height being at least height 8.
It also happens that when the worker attempt to build the message, it also finds
the latest height of chain A to be at height 9. So instead, it builds the
message at height 9, so that the same UpdateClient could also be
potentially used for future IBC messages. The UpdateClient
message is then
submitted as a standalone transaction to chain B.
Once the UpdateClient
message is committed to the chain, then only the
batch UpdateClient worker returns the result to all three packet workers.
In our case, all the packet workers would get height 9 being the query result,
and build the IBC messages with that being the proof height.
After building the messages, the packet relayers send the constructed IBC
messages to the batch message worker, and the messages are batched as usual.
However, when the batch message worker submits the batched messages to the
transaction context, this time it does not build or include any UpdateClient
message to any of the message batch. This is because the batch UpdateClient
worker has already previously submitted the UpdateClient
message as a separate
transaction, there is no need for subsequent IBC messages to include the
message if they are using the same proof heights.
In this concurrency architecture, the relayer may be much slower in relaying
individual IBC packets. However, the relayer is also much more cost efficient,
as it only needs to send one UpdateClient
message instead of three for the
above scenario. Because UpdateClient
messages often come with high gas fees,
the reduction in the number of UpdateClient
messages submitted could
potentially help with significant cost savings for smaller relayer operators.
As a result, this architecture allows us to build a cost-efficient relayer, at the cost of increasing the latency of each IBC packet getting relayed. The use of cost-efficient relaying could be helpful in use cases where the relayer operator has low margin, and when there is little competition or pressure for the relayers to relay IBC packets as soon as possible.
By sending the UpdateClient
messages in separate transactions, the
architecture also gives more flexibility on how transactions can be parallelized.
If all parallel transactions are fully independent of each others, then the
failure of one transaction cannot affect the other transaction. We would also
able to make use of other parallelization approaches, such as making use of
multiple signers instead of multiple parallel nonces for submitting transactions.
On the other hand, this architecture is not necessarily useful with the current IBC traffic load in the Cosmos ecosystem. For a cost-optimized relayer to be useful, there needs to be on average at least one IBC packet to be relayed between two chains at the same time. If not, the relayer could be waiting for more than half a minute to gather enough IBC messages to batch, but still waited for nothing when the timeout reaches. In such case, the relayer would not only relay IBC packets more slowly, but also fail to gain any cost savings arised from batching multiple IBC messages from nearby proof heights.
At the moment, the average IBC traffic of Cosmos chains is not high enough for a cost-optimized relayer to be productive. There are typically gaps of dozens of heights, before there is another IBC packet becoming available for relaying. With such a high gap, the relayer would have to wait for minutes before it can find two IBC packets to be batched together. As a result, the time difference may be too high to be considered viable from a user experience perspective.
In conclusion, it is best to revisit this architecture when there is significant increase in IBC traffic in the future. However, considering that we optimistically aim for a 10x to 100x increase in IBC traffic for the future, the need for building a cost-efficient relayer may come sooner than we expect.
In the earlier sections, we have been covering the scenarios of relaying between one relay context, or two coupled relay contexts. However both cases only involved the relaying of IBC packets between two chains. In a multichain world, the relayer would need to relay packets from many chains, and with that there are additional room for improving the efficiency of relaying IBC packets from multiple chains.
Consider a simple scenario, where the relayer needs to send one RecvPacket
message from chain A to chain B, and one RecvPacket
from chain C to chain B.
In this case, the relayer would need to also build an UpdateClient
message for
chain A's client on chain B, as well as an UpdateClient
message for chain C's
client on chain B. With that, there are a total of four IBC messages to be sent
to chain B.
If the relayer tries to relay all four IBC messages at roughly the same time,
there is an opportunity to batch all messages into a single transaction.
However in relayer v1, such optimization is not done, as the relayer only batch
IBC messages between two chains as specified in the RelayPath
In the v2 relayer, we can batch IBC messages from multiple chains by adding an additional layer of message batch worker as follows:
In the above scenario, we have a relay context X, with the source chain being
chain A, and the destination chain being chain B. We also have a relay context Y,
with the source chain being chain B, and the destination chain being chain C.
Relay context X would be using the IBC event source from chain A as the
source chain event source, and relay RecvPacket
messages from there. On the
other hand, relay context Y would be using the IBC event source from chain
C as the destination chain event source, and relay AckPacket
messages from there.
In relay context X, the packet relayers attempt to send two RecvPacket
messages from different concurrent tasks. The two messages would first be
handled by the relay-level message batch worker in the same way as previous
examples, and the two messages are combined into the same batch. The batch
worker then spawns a task for sending the batched messages. Inside the task,
the UpdateClient
message is built and prepended to the message batch.
Following that, instead of sending the messages to the transaction context,
the task sends the message batch to another message batch worker, which works
at the chain-level.
In relay context Y, the packet relayers attempt to send one TimeoutPacket
message. The message pass through the relay-level message batch worker without
additional batching, and then builds the UpdateClient
message to be sent
together with the TimeoutPacket
message. The two messages are then sent to
the chain-level message batch worker. Notice that the UpdateClient
here is from chain C, while the UpdateClient
message from relay context X is
from chain A.
The chain-level message batch worker receives the batched messages from both relay context X and relay context Y. It then combines all five messages into a single batch and sends it to the transaction context. The five messages are then submitted to the blockchain as a single transaction.
In this architecture, the relayer can potentially achieve higher cost efficiency by combining messages from multiple chain into a single batch. As today's IBC traffic is relatively low, it is less frequent to have the relayer sending multiple IBC messages from one chain to another chain. But as the relayer relays between more chains, it becomes increasingly likely that at any one time, there are IBC messages from two or more chain that needs to be sent to a common chain. As a result, this design may help reduce the relaying cost, if the fee for sending one transaction with the combined messages is lower than sending them as two or more transaction.
This architecture is likely also implemented by the Go relayer, as we have seen messages from multiple chains being batched in this way when inspecting the transaction logs from non-Hermes relayers.
The downside of this architecture is that there may be a slight increase in latency for the messages to be relayed. This is because there are now two batch message workers that are running separately, and each of them needs to collect incoming messages across a timeframe in order to combine them into one batch. Furthermore, there is a higher chance for faulty messages from one chain to affect the messages from other chains, due to them being batched into the same transaction.
On the other hand, this architecture may also help in improving the reliability of the relayer from a different aspect. If more messages can be combined into a single transaction, then there is less need for the relayer to submit multiple parallel transactions at the same time. If the relayer is able to submit only one transaction to each chain during most of the time, then there is less likely for the relayer to encounter concurrency errors caused by the nonce mismatch error arise from the use of multiple nonces.
In the previous sections, we discussed highly concurrent architectures that are designed to handle packets from unordered channels. However in IBC, ordered channels impose additional requirements that packets from that channel must be delivered in the same order. This introduce additional complexity when in our concurrent system, as tasks would need some ways to synchronize and wait for each others to complete.
To understand why the ordering of packets require additional synchronization, consider the original design we have for running multiple packet workers in parallel, and batching the outgoing messages with a message batch worker. A naive attempt to enforce the packet ordering would be to spawn a packet worker for a packet with lower sequence before spawning a packet worker for another packet with the next sequence. However since each packet worker would perform multiple operations in parallel before they can produce the message to be sent, there is no guarantee that the first packet worker that is spawned will send its messages before the second packet worker.
Furthermore, even if messages are sent in the same order, they would not ended
up being sent as transactions in the same order. This is because between the
time a message is sent and a transaction is sent, there are various other
operations involved such as the message batching operations, building the
messages, estimating the transaction fees, and encoding the
A naive workaround for this is that we could remove the concurrency aspects and send the ordered packets in serial. However this would mean that only one ordered packet can be relayed in one transaction at a time. A better alternative is to keep the existing concurrency architecture, and introduce additional layers for relaying ordered packets:
The above scenario describes a case where the relayer is using the same relay
context to relay multiple channels. Between chain A and chain B, there is one
ordered channel channel-1
and one unordered channel channel-2
. The source
chain event listener listens to the events from the source chain, chain A, and
found three packets to relay:
with sequence 8. -
with sequence 9. -
with sequence 16.
The first two packets are from the ordered channel channel-1
with sequences 8
and 9, and they must be sent in the same order. The third packet is from the
unordered channel channel-2
, and it can be sent without need for
synchronization. The event listener spawns three packet worker tasks for each
packet, but with the worker tasks for the ordered packets behaving differently.
In the packet worker task for the first packet, it tries to relay the packet
with sequence 8 from channel-1
. But since channel-1
is an ordered channel,
it performs a check on whether the packet with sequence 7 from the same channel
has been relayed previously, or is currently being relayed by another packet
worker. It finds that neither case is true, and thus it spawns an extra packet
worker task to relay the packet with sequence 7. The packet then resumes
immediately to relay the packet with sequence 8.
Inside the extra packet worker, it also performs the same check for ordered packets, and found that the packet with sequence 6 has already been relayed, so it proceeds to relay the packet with sequence 7.
In the packet worker task for the second packet, it tries to relay the packet
with sequence 9 from channel-1
. It performs the ordered packet checks, and
found that the other packet worker has already been relaying the packet with
sequence 8. So it continues its operation to relay sequence 9.
In the packet worker task for the third packet, it tries to relay the packet
with sequence 16 from the unordered channel channel-2
. So it proceeds straight
to the relaying operation, and send the constructed RecvPacket
message to
the message batch worker in the same way as described in previous sections.
For the packet workers relaying the ordered packets, instead of sending the
constructed RecvPacket
messages directly to the message batch worker, they
would send the messages to a packet sequencer. The packet sequencer is a
worker task that runs separately from the message batch worker. It is
responsible for enforcing the ordering of sent packets before sending them to
the message batch worker. The packet sequencer task is spawned
per ordered channel. So if there are packets from multiple ordered channels,
they will be sent to different packet sequencer tasks.
In our scenario, the RecvPacket
message for sequence 8 is the first one to be
sent to the packet sequencer. The packet sequencer checks on whether the
message for sequence 7 has already been sent before, and found that
it has not. So the packet sequencer stores the RecvPacket
message in the queue,
and wait for the message with sequence 7 to arrive.
While our packet sequencer is waiting for sequence 7, the RecvPacket
with sequence 9 has also been sent. The packet sequencer once again confirms
that the RecvPacket
with sequence 7 has not been sent by other tasks or by
external relayers, so it continues to wait.
Finally, the RecvPacket
for sequence 7 is received by the packet worker. The
packet sequencer also confirms that the packet for sequence 6 has already
previously been relayed. So with that, it attempts to send all three RecvPacket
messages for sequence 7, 8, 9. It first checks that the combined message size
have not exceeded the batch size limit, and then sends the three messages
in a single batch to the message batch worker.
In case if the packet sequencer did not receive the RecvPacket
message with
sequence 7 within a time limit, it would instead return an error to signal to
the packet workers that the ordered packets for earlier sequence was not
received within the time limit. In reaction to that, the ordered packet workers
may attempt to spawn new packet workers for the earlier sequence, in case the
previous packet workers failed for some reason.
The message batch worker runs in the same way as described in the earlier
sections. In this scenario, it first receives the RecvPacket
message from
the unordered channel channel-2
. It waits for a while, and then receives the 3
messages from the packet sequencer. It then attempt to combine all 4 messages in
a single batch. In this scenario, the total batch size are within the limit,
and the message batch worker proceeds to send the 4 messages together.
The 4 messages are then go through the UpdateClient
message sender, which
scans through the messages and prepend UpdateClient
messages to the front
of the message list. Finally, all messages are sent to the transaction sender,
which sends the messages all in a single transaction.
The above scenario demonstrates that messages from ordered channels can be processed in parallel by adding a packet sequence component to process the messages between the ordered packet workers and the message batch worker. The scenario also shows that ordered packet messages can be processed in parallel with unordered packet messages, and then be batched together in the same transaction.
This concurrency architecture helps ensure that the relayer pays for the cost of relaying ordered packets only when necessary. If there is no ordered channels, the additional logic for relaying ordered packets wouldn't be triggered. If there are multiple ordered channels, they can be relayed in parallel, have the ordering enforced by multiple packet sequences, and then be batched into the same transaction.