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jdfalko edited this page Mar 27, 2019 · 5 revisions

Contents | Preface | Introduction | Architecture | Environment | Standalone | Deployment | Configuration


For standalone deployments, you will need to install the controller, database, and as many agent machines as needed. These steps assume that you have java installed on all machines needed.

Install Server Components

On the machine that will serve as the controller.

  1. Download and Install Tomcat 6x from apache

  2. Download mysql connector and install in TOMCAT_HOME/lib wget

  3. Uncompress and move the jar file mysql-connector-java-nnnn.jar to TOMCAT_HOME/lib

  4. Download Weld support jar and install in TOMCAT_HOME/lib wget -O TOMCAT_HOME/lib

  5. Build the project mvn clean install -P release

  6. Move the war to the tomcat webapp directory as tank.war or ROOT.war For context /tank mv PROJECT_ROOT/web/web_ui/target/tank.war /opt/tomcat/webapps/tank.war

    For context /mv PROJECT_ROOT/web/web_ui/target/tank.war /opt/tomcat/webapps/ROOT.war

  7. Install Mysql server

  8. Change the root password mysqladmin -u root password 'NEW_PASSWORD'

  9. Start mysql client mysql –u root –p

  10. Create tank schema CREATE SCHEMA wats DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8;

  11. Create the tank directories. mkdir [TS_HOME]; mkdir [TS_HOME]/conf; mkdir [TS_HOME]/jars

  12. Add variable declarations to /etc/profile and add the following export WATS_PROPERTIES=[TS_HOME]/conf

  13. Start and stop tomcat to initialize the system. Ensure that the settings file is created in $WATS_PROPERTIES and that the database tables are created.

  14. Edit the settings.xml file Change the standalone entry to true and change any other settings.

  15. Add Datasource definition to server.xml edit the file [TOMCAT_HOME]/conf/server.xml. Inside the <GlobalNamingResources> tag add the following replacing values appropriately:

    <Resource name="jdbc/watsDS" auth="Container"
                     maxActive="100" maxIdle="30" maxWait="10000"
                     username="admin"  password="replace_password_here"
                     url="jdbc:mysql://replace_host_name_here:3306/replace_db_name_here?autoReconnect=true" />
  16. Add Datasource definition to context.xml edit the file [TOMCAT_HOME]/conf/context.xml. Inside the <Context> tag add the following:

    <ResourceLink global='jdbc/watsDS' name='jdbc/watsDS'
                    type="javax.sql.Datasource" />

Create Agents

Agents will typically run on separate machines. The default is 4000 users per agent but that number can be adjusted by editing the script.

  1. Upload the agent standalone zip file PROJECT_ROOT/agent/agent_standalone_pkg/target/

  2. unzip the file unzip

  3. Read the README.txt for further instructions

Contents | Preface | Introduction | Architecture | Environment | Standalone | Deployment | Configuration