3/3/2025 Joined a confidential unit to work, due to the adaptation period, suspended for a period of time
🦀 lang: Rust, C, java, python
🔨 tools: Docker, Shell, (neo)vim / Vscode, Nix(devOps and TeamEnv), make, just
💻 fields: Computer Architecture, OS
- Collector Master branch development stalled, temporarily borrow hello branch to implement simple BF password manager
- lglr-controller Current development progress stalled
- CMU15-418/CS149: work in progress but BC Academic Integrity Policy will not publish code.
- CS61B
- rCore && ArceOS
- ...
- Currently only provide personal blog via logseq (publish)
This language statistics have no meaning, most of the code caught should be logseq or obsidian, then I want to facilitate multi-channel synchronization of plug-ins and themes
這個語言統計沒什麼意義,大部分捕捉的代碼應該都是借用他人的主題(被用在靜態站點生成或 LogSeq, Obsidian 同步上)