Wild hunt is a NFT Marketplace where a digital artist can create NFT of his art and list it for a price. From there anyone whos intrested in buying can purchase it; by paying for the highest bid. NFT: Non-fungible Tokens-are the tokenised form of an art. It can be anything from art,, collectables, domain names, music, photography, sports, trading card, utility, to virtual world. Terra Nullius is the first NFT on the Ethereum blockchain with a mint date of August 7, 2015 Full stack NFT Marketplace on ethereum with polygon, Nextjs, Tailwind CSS, Hardhat for the solidity development enviroment ethers for the client library to interact with the chain. When a user puts an NFT for sale, the ownership of the item will be transferred from the creator to the marketplace contract.
When a user purchases an NFT, the purchase price will be transferred from the buyer to the seller and the item will be transferred from the marketplace to the buyer.
The marketplace owner will be able to set a listing fee. This fee will be taken from the seller and transferred to the contract owner upon completion of any sale, enabling the owner of the marketplace to earn recurring revenue from any sale transacted in the marketplace.