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TZM Responsive Block Controls

Screenshot of Responsive Controls Panel

TZM Responsive Block Controls enhances the WordPress Block Editor with advanced responsive design controls. Tailor block visibility, alignment, spacing, and more for different screen sizes — no custom CSS required!


  • Hide Blocks: Create tailored, clutter-free layouts by hiding blocks on specific devices.
  • Custom Block Widths: Adjust block widths per device for a consistent layout.
  • Reverse Block Direction: Optimize block flow for Columns or Row blocks across devices.
  • Justify Blocks: Achieve fluid layouts with adjustable block justification.
  • Media Alignment: Align images, text, and backgrounds consistently.
  • Font Size Adjustments: Fine-tune font sizes for readability on any device.
  • Padding & Margins: Customize spacing with per-device padding and margins.
  • Block Heights: Maintain proportional block heights across screen sizes.
  • Border Radius: Customize the border-radius to achieve consistent rounded corners across different devices.

With these tools, you can easily craft beautiful, responsive designs without writing code.


  1. Edit a block in the Block Editor.
  2. Access the Responsive Controls panel in the block settings.
  3. Configure device-specific settings like visibility, alignment, font size, and more.
  4. Preview changes instantly across different screen sizes.

Hooks and Filters

How do I define custom breakpoints?

Add the following to your functions.php file:

function override_responsive_block_controls_breakpoints( $breakpoints ) {
	$breakpoints['phone'] = '781px';
	$breakpoints['tablet'] = '1024px';
	$breakpoints['laptop'] = '1366px';
	return $breakpoints;
add_filter('tzm_responsive_block_controls_breakpoints', 'override_responsive_block_controls_breakpoints');

How do I disable the default CSS?

Disable the plugin's CSS output with:

function enqueue_responsive_block_controls_css( $bool ) {
	return  false;
add_filter('tzm_responsive_block_controls_output_css', 'enqueue_responsive_block_controls_css');



  • Added responsive "Border-Radius" support
  • Hook for load_textdomain changed to "init"


  • Bugfix regarding some styles not being added correctly


  • Added an option to toggle visibility of hidden blocks
  • Bugfix regarding "reverse" and "block width" settings


  • Enhanced UI visuals
  • Added "Focal Point" media control
  • Improved "Width" settings
  • Blocks remember last selected device
  • Bug fixes


  • Added "Justification" and "Reverse" for Social Links block
  • Minor bug fixes
  • Migrated to GitHub


  • Initial release