A handy image preprocessing pipeline.
import imgflow
dataset = imgflow.fromDir(
dataset = imgflow.resize(width=1024, height=1024)(dataset)
subsets = imgflow.train_test_split(train_val_test_percent=(0.8, 0.1, 0.1))(dataset)
for subset in subsets:
DAG based lazy or eager execution.
Convert ImgFlow into Cloud Dataflow and run in parallel.
Cache on local storage.
Global config.py.
Multiple data source, e.g. local directory, cloud storage bucket.
Classic object detection dataset format, e.g. MS COCO, PASCAL VOC.
Custom dataset parser and loader.
- Attach shapes to images, e.g. bboxes.
- Attach extra info to images, e.g. labels.
- Basic stat anaylsis.
- Basic preprocessing, e.g. resize, pad, grayscale, RGB/BGR.
- Basic augmentations.
- Visualize bboxes, labels, etc.
- Save all intermediate results for manual validation.
- Export the processed dataset to JSON, MS COCO, PASCAL VOC, TFRecord format.
- Serialize/deserialize the pipeline.
- Model inference operation.
- Flask API integration.
- Dockerization.
- Smart dataset loading, automatically detect the directory hierarchy.