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Combat Automation

javier Rivera edited this page Sep 7, 2023 · 4 revisions

The Better Rolls 2 for Savage Worlds module can account the following:


Make sure your scene has the right distance measures to get best result.

Grid Scale

Change the height of a token by right clicking it and adding +/- and a number to the height box in the right left corner.

Distance with height example

Gang Up

Gang Up calculation uses Token Disposition and distance to trigger.

Token Disposition


  • You must set the PCs as Friendly.
  • You must set the hostile NPCs as Hostile.
  • They must be near (1 in) see Grid Scale Image

The three tokens are set to Hostile. The token in the middle will receive +2 to attack the PC token. You can check p101 from SWADE core or Gang Up too.

Gang Up

The Gang Up modifier can also be manipulated by using an Active Effect.


The GM can set up a light level on which Better Rolls will calculate the illumination penalties for each token. For this it takes into account Special Abilities like Low Light Vision or Infravision. The illumination penalty can also affected by using an Active Effect.

Size/Scale Modifier

If you set the size, this will be trigger the bonus/penalty.

You can learn about Size/Scale at p106 in the SWADE Core rules.

Size/Scale Example


When you are in a combat and a turn starts for a character who is Shaken or Stunned, a card appears in the chat asking for a roll to remove the condition.

This behaviour can be removed by a setting.

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