What's Changed
- Fix default FCM_MAX_RECIPIENTS by @djch in #725
- Update README.rst by @jamaalscarlett in #719
- Update README.rst by @KienTPhan in #728
- Update WebPush.rst by @KienTPhan in #726
- Fix spelling in README by @pfcodes in #732
- modernize distribution builds by @dimbleby in #734
- Fix error handling on duplicated APNS devices by @bielfrontera in #738
- Add db_index=True for registration_id on APNSDevice model by @mikaelengstrom in #747
- Fix #744: Bulk messages with aoiapns not working properly by @mikaelengstrom in #746
- feat(dependabot): automate dependency management and security updates by @50-Course in #749
New Contributors
- @djch made their first contribution in #725
- @KienTPhan made their first contribution in #728
- @pfcodes made their first contribution in #732
- @dimbleby made their first contribution in #734
- @50-Course made their first contribution in #739
- @bielfrontera made their first contribution in #738
- @mikaelengstrom made their first contribution in #747
Full Changelog: 3.1.0...3.2.0