Provides a simple way to render a js object of a particular format into a DOMElement
"tag" : "div",
"attributes" : {
"className" : "class1 class2",
"id" : "specialId",
"style" : "display:block;"
"content" : "text" | { <renderable object> } | [ { <renderable object1> }, { <renderable object2> } ]
Can also accept an array of renderable objects.
Finally, provides a class called Renderable object which can be instantiated like:
//Create a new Renderable with parameters
var render = new Renderable('div', {'className':'holder'}, 'This is a div');
//append it to an element and return the inserted element
var insertedElement = render.appendTo(DOMElement);
//create a renderable from a renderable object
var renderableObject = {
"tag" : "div",
"attributes" : {
"className" : "class1 class2",
"id" : "specialId",
"style" : "display:block;"
"content" : "text" | { <renderable object> } | [ { <renderable object1> }, { <renderable object2> } ]
var newRender = Renderable.create(renderableObject);
It will also have special ways to create some elements, such as tables, checkbox/radio button lists, lists, ect.
Requires the mCreate library