The document in question serves as a comprehensive resource guide for both PHP and Laravel. It includes references to general PHP libraries, detailed Laravel documentation, and a broad range of Laravel packages that contribute to various functional aspects of development. Additionally, this document provides numerous links to other tools and packages connected to Laravel. Therefore, the document is an essential asset, providing extensive guidance for those participating in PHP and Laravel development.
- Laravel
- Laravel News
- Laravel Partners
- Laravel Careers
- Laravel Documentation
- Laravel Api Documentation
- Laravel Envoyer
- Laravel Forge
- Laravel Herd
- Laravel InertiaJS
- Laravel Livewire
- Laravel Nova
- Laravel Spark
- Laravel Vapor
- Laravel Breeze
- Laravel Cashier (Stripe)
- Laravel Cashier (Paddle)
- Laravel Dusk
- Laravel Echo
- Laravel Envoy
- Laravel Fortify
- Laravel Folio
- Laravel Homestead
- Laravel Horizon
- Laravel Jetstream
- Laravel Mix
- Laravel Octane
- Laravel Passport
- Laravel Pennant
- Laravel Pint
- Laravel Precognition
- Laravel Prompts
- Laravel Pulse
- Laravel Reverb
- Laravel Sail
- Laravel Sanctum
- Laravel Scout
- Laravel Socialite
- Laravel Telescope
- Laravel Valet
- Laravel Artisan Cheatsheet
- Splade
- Laravel Payment Gateways
- Laravel Auto Translate
- Laravel Simple Query Filter
- Laravel Api Toolkit
- Laravel Subscriptions
- Spatie Menu
- Laravel Mobile Verification
- Laravel Debugbar
- Laravel Ide Helper
- Laravel Excel
- Laravel Permission
- Voyager
- Jwt Auth
- Laravel Subby
- Laravel Quiz
- Laravel Magic Login
- Laravel Migration Views
- Explore Laravel
- Laravel Heyman
- Laradumps
- Laravel Translations
- Crawler
- Rest Presenter
- Statamic
- Laravel Firewall
- Laravel Google Captcha
- Laravel Backpack CRUD
- Laravel JS Validation
- Laravel Sweet Alert
- Laravel Multiauth
- Laravel Translation
- Laravel Route Interface
- Laravel Mix Standalone
- Laravel Rateable
- LaraPersonate
- Laravel Blanket
- Ladmin
- Multitenancy
- Laravel Package Manager
- laravel Email Database Log
- Laravel Device Tracking
- Blade Icons
- Blade Academicons
- Blade Akar Icons
- Blade Ant Design Icons
- Blade Bootstrap Icons
- Blade Boxicons
- Blade Bytesize Icons
- Blade Carbon Icons
- Blade Clarity Icons
- Blade Coolicons
- Blade CoreUI Icons
- Blade Country Flags
- Blade Cryptocurrency Icons
- Blade CSS Icons
- Blade Dev Icons
- Blade Element Plus Icons
- Blade Elusive Icons
- Blade Emblemicons
- Blade Entypo
- Blade EOS Icons
- Blade Eva Icons
- Blade Evil Icons
- Blade Feather Icons
- Blade File Icons
- Blade File Type Icons
- Blade FluentUi System Icons
- Blade Flowbite Icons
- Blade Font Audio
- Blade Font Awesome
- Blade Fontisto Icons
- Blade Fork Awesome
- Blade Github Octicons
- Blade Google Material Design Icons
- Blade Gov Icons
- Blade Gravity UI Icons
- Blade Grommet Icons
- Blade Health Icons
- Blade Heroicons
- Blade Hugeicons
- Blade Humbleicons
- Blade IcoMoon Icons
- Blade Icon Park Icons
- Blade Iconic Icons
- Blade Iconoir
- Blade Iconsax
- Blade Ikonate Icons
- Blade Ionicons
- Blade Jam Icons
- Blade Lets Icons
- Blade Line Awesome Icons
- Blade Lineicons
- Blade Lucide Icons
- Blade Majestic Icons
- Blade Maki Icons
- Blade Material Design Icons
- Blade Memory Icons
- Blade Microns
- Blade Mono Icons
- Blade Pepicons
- Blade Phosphor icons
- Blade Pixelarticons
- Blade Polaris Icons
- Blade Prime Icons
- Blade Radix Icons
- Blade Remix Icon
- Blade RPG Awesome Icons
- Blade Simple Icons
- Blade Simple Line Icons
- Blade Solar Icons
- Blade System UIcons
- Blade Tabler Icons
- Blade Teeny Icons
- Blade Typicons
- Blade Uiw Icons
- Blade Unicons
- Blade UntitledIU Icons
- Blade Vaadin Icons
- Blade VSCode Codicons
- Blade Weather Icons
- Blade Zondicons
- Laravel Livewire 3.x
- Laravel Livewire
- Tallstack UI
- Livewire PowerGrid
- Wire In The Wild
- Wirebox
- Curso De Livewire
- Livewire Rate Limiting
- Laravel Livewire Tables
- Livewire Charts
- Spotlight
- Filament Livestream: Pet Clinic Admin Panel - New Project
- Build a CMS With Filament 3 and Laravel 10
- Filament PHP
- Filapanel
- FilaStart
- Shield
- Filament General Settings
- Filament Edit Profile
- Filament World Clock
- Filament Components
- Filament Google Maps
- FilamentGlow
- Filament Jetstream
- Filament Json Media
- Filament PT-BR Form Fields
- Filament Email Template
- Filament Character Counter
- Filament Maillog
- Filament Blog
- Filament Queueable Bulk Actions
- Filament Modules
- Filament Env Editor
- Filament Rating
- Filament Plugin Skeleton
- Filament Json Editor
- Filament Tel Input
- Filament Adjacency List
- Filament Curator
- Filament Drafts
- Filament Tailwind Color Picker
- Filament Knowledge Base
- Filament Simple Light Box
- Filament Login Screen
- Filament Tree
- Filament Access Management
- Filament Firewall
- Filament Translate Field
- Filament Tab Plugin
- Filament Email 2FA
- Filament Time Range Picker
- Filament Pill Select
- Filament Timezone Field
- Filament Spatie Roles Permissions
- Filament Activitylog
- Filament Logger
- Filament Postal Code
- Filament Reports
- Filament Approvals
- Filament Star Rating
- Filament Icon Picker
- Filament Clusters
- Filament Spotlight
- Filament Nested List
- Filament Context Menu
- Filament Relation Manager Component
- Filament Code Field
- Filament Multiselect Two Sides
- Filament Phone Numbers
- Filament Toggle Icon Column
- Filament Image Library
- Laravel Nova
- Nova Packages
- Nova Permissions - serenysoft
- Nova Duplicate Field
- Nova Html Field
- Nova Permissions
- Nova Medialibrary Field
- Nova Detached Actions
- Nova Translatable
- Dependent Filter
- Nova Nested Form
- Nova Webhooks
- Nova Searchable Belongs To Filter
- Advanced Nova Media Library
- Nova ProgressBar Field
- Nova SeoTitle
- Nova Tinymce Editor
- Nova Card Html
- Dependent Filter
- MultiTenancy Nova Tool
- Nova Advanced Number Field
- Nova Enum Field
- Nova Order Field
- Nova Permission
- Nova Sluggable
- Input Mask
- Nova Dashboard
- Nova Welcome Card
- Icon Action Toolbar
- Expandable Table Row
- Collapsible Resource Manager
- Resource Navigation Tab
- Resource Navigation Link
- Nova Mega Filter
- Nova Pill Filter
- Nova Slider Filter
- Nova Range Input Filter
- Nova Filepond
- Custom Relationship Field
- Column Toggler
- Batch Edit Toolbar
- ChartJS Widget
- Freezer Control
- SleepingOwlAdmin
- Barbershop
- Payvel
- Dinero
- Tall Commerce
- Laraticket
- Plaid
- Laravel Multi DB
- School Management System
- Laravel AdminPanel
- Laravel Starter
- Laracoffee
- Laravel Ecommerce
- Hospital System Management
- Book Stack
- Cachet
- Bagisto
- October
- Invoice Ninja
- Koel
- TomatoPHP Demo
- TomatoPHP Tomato
- Dinero
- Laravel 11 Stisla
- Easy Email Marketing
- Ticket Laravel
- Laravel Admin Panel
- Hospital Management System Laravel
- Larafood
- Controle De Estoque
- Multi Domain Laravel
- Speedtest Tracker
- Basic Crud
- Livewire Autocomplete Demo
- Multi Step Form Using Laravel Livewire
- Laravel Booking App
- Tall Stack Todo
- LaraTrust Admin Painel
- Seminar Library Management System Laravel
- Handesk
- Shopavel
- Materio Bootstrap Html Laravel Admin Template Free
- Coreui Free Laravel Admin Template
- Tablar Demo Project
- Akaunting
- Laravel Restaurant Reservation
- Coders Shop
- Larawind
- FilamentPHP Intranet
- Accounting Laravel
- Automation Laravel
- CMS Laravel
- Ecommerce Laravel
- Maintenance Laravel
- Real Estate Laravel
- Volt Laravel Dashboard
- Ticket Laravel
- CoreUI Generator
- Laravel Vue Ecommerce
- PingCRM Svelte
- Laravel Gentelella Admin Theme
- Lara Admin Starter
- Hospital Management System
- Laravel Mix Standalone With Tailwind
- Soft UI Dashboard Laravel
- Laravel Jetstream CRUD Roles
- Laravel Breeze Pages Skeleton
- Laravel Reverb Chat Support
- Laravel Asset Stock Management
- Filament CRM Course
- Laravel Filament Admin Course
- Property Enum
- Gravatar Helper
- Glide Cake
- CakePHP Utils
- CakePHP Utility
- CakePHP User Activity
- CakePHP Slack Log Engine
- CakePHP Settings
- CakePHP Server Monitor
- CakePHP Rest Api
- CakePHP Permission
- CakePHP Notifier
- CakePHP Ldap
- CakePHP Fractal Transformer View
- CakePHP FieldTypes
- CakePHP Datatables
- CakePHP Bugsnag
- CakePHP Auditing
- CakePHP Assets
- CakePHP Api Pagination
- CakePHP Analyser
- Flysystem Bundle
- CSV Doctrine
- Config
- Commonmark
- OAuth2 Server
- Flysystem
- Flysystem Gridfs
- Flysystem Adapter Test Utilities
- Flysystem Webdav
- Flysystem Path Prefixing
- Flysystem Read Only
- Flysystem Google Cloud Storage
- Flysystem Azure Blob Storage
- Flysystem Async AWS S3
- Flysystem AWS S3 v3
- Flysystem Ziparchive
- Flysystem Local
- Flysystem Memory
- Flysystem Sftp v3
- Flysystem Sftp
- Flysystem Ftp
- Glide
- OAuth2 Server Bundle
- OAuth2 Client
- html To Markdown
- Fractal
- Omnipay
- Omnipay Payflow
- Openapi Psr7 Validator
- Booboo
- Iso3166
- Factory Muffin Faker
- OAuth2 Github
- Tactician
- Omnipay Common
- Container
- URI Interfaces
- URI Components
- URI Src
- Period
- Omnipay Sagepay
- Geotools
- Factory Muffin
- Flysystem Cached-adapter
- Omnipay Multisafepay
- Tactician Bundle
- Mime Type Detection
- Omnipay Stripe
- OAuth2 linkedin
- Plates
- Object Mapper
- Glide Symfony
- Oauth1 Client
- Event
- Construct Finder
- OAuth2 Google
- Climate
- Color Extractor
- Route
- Omnipay Braintree
- OAuth2 Facebook
- OAuth2 Instagram
- Omnipay Mollie
- Pipeline
- Omnipay Eway
- Omnipay Paymentexpress
- Omnipay Paypal
- Omnipay Netaxept
- Omnipay Tests
- Omnipay Worldpay
- Statsd
- Tactician Phpstan
- Omnipay Payfast
- Tactician Container
- Tactician Doctrine
- Tactician Logger
- Omnipay Firstdata
- Omnipay Migs
- Flysystem Adapter Decorator
- Omnipay Rabobank
- Flysystem Rackspace
- Flysystem Replicate Adapter
- Glide Laravel
- Glide Zend
- Glide Cake
- Glide Slim
- Omnipay authorizenet
- Omnipay Securepay
- Flysystem vfs
- Fractal Serializer Jsonapi
- Fractal Paginator Phalcon
- Fractal Paginator Zend
- Fractal Paginator Pagerfanta
- Fractal Paginator Illuminate
- Fractal Paginator Doctrine
- Tactician Command Events
- Omnipay Pin
- Omnipay Buckaroo
- Omnipay 2checkout
- Shunt
- Omnipay Dummy
- Omnipay Skeleton
- Omnipay Example
- Omnipay Manual
- Omnipay Coinbase
- Monga
- Tactician Bernard
- Omnipay Netbanx
- Openid Connect Claims
- Omnipay Bitpay
- Omnipay Gocardless
- Oauth1 Trello
- Oauth1 Bitbucket
- Oauth1 Twitter
- Omnipay Targetpay
- Tactician Zf2 Module
- Omnipay Cardsave
- OAuth2 Server Mac Token
- Stack Attack
- AlpineJS
- Font Awesome
- Headless UI
- Radix-ui
- Material Tailwind
- Meraki UI
- Sailboat UI
- Kometa
- Daisy UI
- Hyper UI
- Flowrift
- CoreUI
- AdminLTE
- Boostrap
- Vue.js
- Astro
- Clipboard JS
- DripUI
- Icones
- Preline UI
- Shadcn UI
- Mazer Admin Dashboard
- Tail Admin Dashboard
- Classy Elements
- Html5 Slot Machine
- CSS Grid Generator
- Jquery
- Tail UI
- Cookie Consent
- NPM Check
- DaisyUI
- Tailblocks
- Flowbite
- Tailwind Colors
- Tailwindui
- Tailwind CSS
- Tailwind Elements
- BoowindCSS
- Versoly UI
- Packagist
- Composer
- Git
- Repman
- Bugsnag
- Centrifuge
- Kool
- Devilbox
- Deployer
- Coolify
- StackBricks
- TablePlus