Custom segues are fun and useful.
The current view controller is replaced in the navigation controller by a new view controller after a push animation.
###Simple Usage
Create a custom segue from source view controller to the destination view
controller. Set the segue class to JLTReplaceSegue
. Set the segue identifier
to be the number of navigation view controllers you wish to pop.
For example, to replace the top 2 view controllers, set the segue identifier to
. You can also use "replaces 2"
, or
. The word replaces is case insensitive and the number can be
separated by a space, a hyphen or an underscore. In fact, any segue identifier
which matches the regular expression:
/(?:^|[- _])[Rr][Ee][Pp][Ll][Aa][Cc][Ee][Ss][- _]*([0-9]+)(?:[- _]|$)/
This means you can set set the segue identifier to "Show Profile: Replaces 2 View Controllers"
. Replaces 2
will get picked out of the segue identifier.
If you wish to replace only the top view controller, then you don't need a
special segue identifier. For example, the segue identifier "Show Profile"
replaces the top view controller with the destination view controller.
###Advanced Usage
In the destination view controller, implement
. The replace segue is passed.
Return the number of view controllers to pop. Create a custom segue from the
source view controller to the destination view controller. Set the segue class
to JLTReplaceSegue
. You can use any segue identifier you choose.
- (NSUInteger)numberOfViewControllersPoppedByReplaceSegue:(JLTReplaceSegue *)replaceSegue
if ([replaceSegue.identifier isEqualToString:@"MySegue1"]) {
return 2; // Replace top 2 view controllers
} else if ([replaceSegue.identifier isEqualToString:@"MySegue2"]) {
return 1; // Replace the top view controller
} else {
return 0; // Replace no view controllers, just a normal push
Instead of segueing to a new view controller, segue to a different tab in the tab bar controller.
###Simple Usage
Create a custom segue from source view controller to the destination view
controller. Set the segue class to JLTTabSegue
. Set the segue identifier to
be the tab index you wish to switch to.
For example, to switch to tab 1, set the segue identifier to "Tab1"
. You can
also use "TAB 1"
, "tab-1"
, or "tAb_1"
. The word tab is case insensitive
and the number can be separated by a space, a hyphen or an underscore. In fact,
any segue identifier which matches the regular expression:
/(?:^|[- _])[Tt][Aa][Bb][- _]*([0-9]+)(?:[- _]|$)/
This means you can set set the segue identifier to "Show Tab 1 From Profile"
Tab 1
will get picked out of the segue identifier.
Please remember that tab index begin with 0, so tab 1 is the second tab.
###Advanced Usage
In the source view controller, implement
. The segue identifier
is passed. Return the tab index to switch to. Create a custom segue from the
source view controller to the destination view controller. Set the segue class
to JLTTabSegue
. You can use any segue identifier you choose.
- (NSUInteger)indexOfDestinationViewControllerForTabSegueIdentifier:(NSString *)identifier
if ([identifier isEqualToString:@"MySegue1"]) {
return 0; // Tab Index 0
} else if ([identifier isEqualToString:@"MySegue2"]) {
return 1; // Tab Index 1
} else {
return 2; // Tab Index 2