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Custom segues are fun and useful.


The current view controller is replaced in the navigation controller by a new view controller after a push animation.

###Simple Usage

Create a custom segue from source view controller to the destination view controller. Set the segue class to JLTReplaceSegue. Set the segue identifier to be the number of navigation view controllers you wish to pop.

For example, to replace the top 2 view controllers, set the segue identifier to "Replaces2". You can also use "replaces 2", "REPLACES-2", or "rEpLaCeS_2". The word replaces is case insensitive and the number can be separated by a space, a hyphen or an underscore. In fact, any segue identifier which matches the regular expression:

/(?:^|[- _])[Rr][Ee][Pp][Ll][Aa][Cc][Ee][Ss][- _]*([0-9]+)(?:[- _]|$)/

This means you can set set the segue identifier to "Show Profile: Replaces 2 View Controllers". Replaces 2 will get picked out of the segue identifier.

If you wish to replace only the top view controller, then you don't need a special segue identifier. For example, the segue identifier "Show Profile" replaces the top view controller with the destination view controller.

###Advanced Usage

In the destination view controller, implement -numberOfViewControllersPoppedByReplaceSegue:. The replace segue is passed. Return the number of view controllers to pop. Create a custom segue from the source view controller to the destination view controller. Set the segue class to JLTReplaceSegue. You can use any segue identifier you choose.

- (NSUInteger)numberOfViewControllersPoppedByReplaceSegue:(JLTReplaceSegue *)replaceSegue
    if ([replaceSegue.identifier isEqualToString:@"MySegue1"]) {
        return 2; // Replace top 2 view controllers
    } else if ([replaceSegue.identifier isEqualToString:@"MySegue2"]) {
        return 1; // Replace the top view controller
    } else {
        return 0; // Replace no view controllers, just a normal push


Instead of segueing to a new view controller, segue to a different tab in the tab bar controller.

###Simple Usage

Create a custom segue from source view controller to the destination view controller. Set the segue class to JLTTabSegue. Set the segue identifier to be the tab index you wish to switch to.

For example, to switch to tab 1, set the segue identifier to "Tab1". You can also use "TAB 1", "tab-1", or "tAb_1". The word tab is case insensitive and the number can be separated by a space, a hyphen or an underscore. In fact, any segue identifier which matches the regular expression:

/(?:^|[- _])[Tt][Aa][Bb][- _]*([0-9]+)(?:[- _]|$)/

This means you can set set the segue identifier to "Show Tab 1 From Profile". Tab 1 will get picked out of the segue identifier.

Please remember that tab index begin with 0, so tab 1 is the second tab.

###Advanced Usage

In the source view controller, implement -indexOfDestinationViewControllerForTabSegueIdentifier:. The segue identifier is passed. Return the tab index to switch to. Create a custom segue from the source view controller to the destination view controller. Set the segue class to JLTTabSegue. You can use any segue identifier you choose.

- (NSUInteger)indexOfDestinationViewControllerForTabSegueIdentifier:(NSString *)identifier
    if ([identifier isEqualToString:@"MySegue1"]) {
        return 0; // Tab Index 0
    } else if ([identifier isEqualToString:@"MySegue2"]) {
        return 1; // Tab Index 1
    } else {
        return 2; // Tab Index 2


Custom segues are fun and useful.







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