Releases: jenkinsci/authorize-project-plugin
Releases Β· jenkinsci/authorize-project-plugin
The Job and Node Ownership Plugin depends on the Acegi security implementation that has been replaced in this release. Users of the Job and Node Ownership Plugin should not upgrade to this release of the Authorize Project Plugin until they have removed the Job and Node Ownership Plugin from their Jenkins controller.
π¨ Breaking
π» Maintenance
- Migrate from EE 8 to EE 9 (#290) @basil
- Remove developers section from pom file (#284) @MarkEWaite
π¦ Dependency updates
π Bug fixes
- JENKINS-74037 - Remove inline script block in AuthorizationAction/index.jelly (#269) @yaroslavafenkin
π¦ Dependency updates
- Bump from 3482.vc10d4f6da_28a_ to 3532.v8059503f6b_23 (#270) @dependabot
π Security fixes
- Fix SECURITY-3010.
π Bug fixes
- JENKINS-73958 - remove eval call from js (#269) @mawinter69
π» Maintenance
- Require Jenkins 2.452.3 or newer (#248) @MarkEWaite
- Use jenkins.baseline property to avoid BOM update mistakes (#247) @MarkEWaite
- Use scm.connection consistent with archetype (#267) @MarkEWaite
π¦ Dependency updates
25 changes
- Use scm.connection consistent with archetype (#267) @MarkEWaite
- Bump from 3413.v0d896b_76a_30d to 3435.v238d66a_043fb_ (#265) @dependabot
- Bump from 3387.v0f2773fa_3200 to 3413.v0d896b_76a_30d (#263) @dependabot
- Bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins:plugin from 4.87 to 4.88 (#262) @dependabot
- Bump from 3358.vea_fa_1f41504d to 3387.v0f2773fa_3200 (#261) @dependabot
- Bump from 3334.v18e2a_2f48356 to 3358.vea_fa_1f41504d (#260) @dependabot
- Bump from 3289.v3ff9637cd241 to 3334.v18e2a_2f48356 (#259) @dependabot
- Bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins:plugin from 4.86 to 4.87 (#257) @dependabot
- Bump from 3276.vcd71db_867fb_2 to 3289.v3ff9637cd241 (#256) @dependabot
- Bump from 3271.vf18ea_cb_9edfb_ to 3276.vcd71db_867fb_2 (#255) @dependabot
- Bump from 3258.vcdcf15936a_fd to 3271.vf18ea_cb_9edfb_ (#254) @dependabot
- Bump from 3234.v5ca_5154341ef to 3258.vcdcf15936a_fd (#253) @dependabot
- Bump from 3221.ve8f7b_fdd149d to 3234.v5ca_5154341ef (#251) @dependabot
- Bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins:plugin from 4.85 to 4.86 (#250) @dependabot
- Bump from 3208.vb_21177d4b_cd9 to 3221.ve8f7b_fdd149d (#249) @dependabot
- Require Jenkins 2.440.3 or newer (#248) @MarkEWaite
- Use jenkins.baseline property to avoid BOM update mistakes (#247) @MarkEWaite
- Bump from 3193.v330d8248d39e to 3208.vb_21177d4b_cd9 (#246) @dependabot
- Bump from 3180.vc1df4d5b_8097 to 3193.v330d8248d39e (#245) @dependabot
- Bump from 3157.vb_3e8b_8a_d185d to 3180.vc1df4d5b_8097 (#244) @dependabot
- Bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins:plugin from 4.84 to 4.85 (#243) @dependabot
- Bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins:plugin from 4.83 to 4.84 (#242) @dependabot
- Bump from 3143.v347db_7c6db_6e to 3157.vb_3e8b_8a_d185d (#241) @dependabot
- Bump from 3133.v1a_f4cc81b_b_26 to 3135.v6d6c1f6b_3572 (#238) @dependabot
- Bump from 3120.v4d898e1e9fc4 to 3133.v1a_f4cc81b_b_26 (#237) @dependabot
π· Changes for plugin developers
- Fix WebClient missing polyfill (#236) @janfaracik
π» Maintenance
- Require Jenkins 2.426.3 or newer (#216, #197) @MarkEWaite
- Remove redundant spotbugs details from pom (#212) @MarkEWaite
- Omit spotbugs CT_CONSTRUCTOR_THROWS visitor (#207) @MarkEWaite
- Replace deprecated functions with standard JS (#194) @zbynek
- Use Jenkinsfile from plugin archetype (#185) @MarkEWaite
- Automate PR review assignment with CODEOWNERS (#180) @MarkEWaite
π¦ Tests
- Test with Java 17 and 21 (#178, #176) @MarkEWaite
π¦ Dependency updates
- Bump bom-2.426.x from 2278.v47b_4508e256a to 3120.v4d898e1e9fc4 (#235) @dependabot
- Bump plugin pom from 4.71 to 4.83 (#234) @dependabot
- Bump release-drafter/release-drafter from 5.24.0 to 5.25.0 (#196) @dependabot
π Documentation updates
- Remove Java 19 javadoc warnings (#162) @MarkEWaite
π» Maintenance
- Match dependabot definition to GitHub docs (#163) @MarkEWaite
π¦ Tests
- Test with HTMLUnit 3 instead of HTMLUnit 2 @MarkEWaite
- Run tests with multiple cores in CI (#170) @MarkEWaite
- Parallelize tests (#167) @rahulsom
π¦ Dependency updates
- Bump bom-2.387.x from 2143.ve4c3c9ec790a to 2278.v47b_4508e256a (#150, #151, #153, #155, #159, #164, #166, #169, #171) @dependabot
- Bump git-changelist-maven-extension from 1.6 to 1.7 (#157) @dependabot
- Bump plugin from 4.66 to 4.71 (#149, #152, #154, #156, #160, #165) @dependabot
- Bump release-drafter/release-drafter from 5.23.0 to 5.24.0 (#158) @dependabot
π New features and improvements
- Require Jenkins 2.387.3 or newer (#146) @MarkEWaite
- Use SVG icon for padlock (#145) @basil
π Documentation updates
- Update documentation (#147) @MarkEWaite
π¦ Dependency updates
- Bump plugin from 4.64 to 4.65 (#144) @dependabot
π New features and improvements
π» Maintenance
- Activate Spotless via Maven property rather than file (#140) @basil
- Format Java and pom with parent pom 4.59 (#138) @MarkEWaite
- Remove divBasedFormLayout conditional from jelly files (#137) @MarkEWaite
- Require Jenkins 2.375.4 or newer (#134) @shoelzle
- Miscellaneous code cleanup (#135) @basil
- Small Code Improvements (#131) @darxriggs
π¦ Tests
- Replace usage of deprecated ACL methods (#132) @darxriggs
π¦ Dependency updates
- Bump bom-2.375.x from 2025.v816d28f1e04f to 2062.v154408a_24d20 (#142) @dependabot
- Bump plugin from 4.61 to 4.62 (#141) @dependabot
- Bump bom-2.375.x from 1968.vb_14a_29e76128 to 1981.v17df70e84a_a_1 (#139) @dependabot
- Bump bom-2.361.x from 1945.v13a_1306588ff to 1968.vb_14a_29e76128 (#136) @dependabot
- Bump bom-2.361.x from 1935.v530f4395930f to 1945.v13a_1306588ff (#133) @dependabot
- Bump bom-2.361.x from 1887.vda_d0ddb_c15c4 to 1935.v530f4395930f (#130) @dependabot
π New features and improvements
- JENKINS-56774 - Add JCasC support (#129) @basil
- Refresh plugin to require Java 11 and Jenkins 2.361.4 or newer (#128) @basil
π Documentation updates
π» Maintenance
- Check a condition rather than catch an exception (#49) @jglick
- Check dependencies monthly (#122) @MarkEWaite
- Publish incremental development artifacts (#108) @MarkEWaite
- Add spotbugs checks (#107) @MarkEWaite
- Optimize Gitpod configuration (#101) @jmMeessen
- Gitpodify repository (#95) @jmMeessen
- EOL JSR 305 (#78) @basil
- Use https instead of git (#90) @debasishbsws
π¦ Dependency updates
17 changes
- Bump git-changelist-maven-extension from 1.4 to 1.6 (#127) @dependabot
- Bump release-drafter/release-drafter from 5.22.0 to 5.23.0 (#125) @dependabot
- Bump bom-2.332.x from 1757.vf3c66da_b_7492 to 1763.v092b_8980a_f5e (#121) @dependabot
- Bump release-drafter/release-drafter from 5.21.1 to 5.22.0 (#120) @dependabot
- Bump bom-2.332.x from 1750.v0071fa_4c4a_e3 to 1757.vf3c66da_b_7492 (#119) @dependabot
- Bump bom-2.332.x from 1742.vb_70478c1b_25f to 1750.v0071fa_4c4a_e3 (#118) @dependabot
- Bump bom-2.332.x from 1723.vcb_9fee52c9fc to 1742.vb_70478c1b_25f (#116) @dependabot
- Bump bom-2.332.x from 1706.vc166d5f429f8 to 1723.vcb_9fee52c9fc (#113) @dependabot
- Bump bom-2.332.x from 1678.vc1feb_6a_3c0f1 to 1706.vc166d5f429f8 (#112) @dependabot
- Bump plugin from 4.50 to 4.51 (#111) @dependabot
- Bump plugin from 4.49 to 4.50 (#109) @dependabot
- Bump bom-2.332.x from 1607.va_c1576527071 to 1678.vc1feb_6a_3c0f1 (#110) @dependabot
- Update parent pom (#106) @MarkEWaite
- Bump release-drafter/release-drafter from 5.21.0 to 5.21.1 (#104) @dependabot
- Bump release-drafter/release-drafter from 5.20.1 to 5.21.0 (#102) @dependabot
- Bump release-drafter/release-drafter from 5.14.0 to 5.20.1 (#98) @dependabot
- Bump symbol-annotation from 1.20 to 1.23 (#62) @dependabot
π New features and improvements
- JENKINS-64341 - Make the plugin compatible with Jenkins 2.266+ configuration form changes (#51) @ironcerocloudbees
π Documentation updates
- Move Documentation to GitHub (#52) @oleg-nenashev
- Improve wording in README (#33) @darxriggs
π» Maintenance
- Enable Dependabot and Release Drafter (#52) @oleg-nenashev
- Use Jenkins Plugin BOM as a source of dependencies (#52) @oleg-nenashev
- Update parent pom + adjustments (#46) @Wadeck
- Use Xstream2#addCriticalField directly instead of via reflection (#42) @darxriggs
- Remove partial equals() and hashCode() implementations (#43) @darxriggs
- Use recommended build configurations on (#41) @ikedam
- Use recommended configurations to test plugin (#40) @darxriggs
- Fix typos (#34) @darxriggs
- Code Improvements (#36) @darxriggs
- Remove outdated Javadoc on SpecificUsersAuthorizationStrategy (#39) @darxriggs
- Use more common MIT license URL (#45) @darxriggs