57 commits
to refs/heads/master
since this release
๐ New features and improvements
- Add
to the managed set (#4727) @basil - Add Node and Label Parameter to the managed set (#4726) @basil
- Add Built On Column to the managed set (#4725) @basil
- Add PowerShell to the managed set (#4720) @basil
- Add Ansible to the managed set (#4719) @basil
- Add SSH Pipeline Steps to the managed set (#4718) @basil
- Add Thin Backup to the managed set (#4717) @basil
- Add Build Name Setter to the managed set (#4716) @basil
- Add Job Configuration History to the managed set (#4715) @basil
- Add Office 365 Connector to the managed set (#4714) @basil
- Add Swarm to the managed set (#4713) @basil
- Add Simple Theme to the managed set (#4711) @basil
- Add Docker plugin to the managed set (#4706) @basil
- Add URL Trigger to the managed set (#4705) @basil
๐ท Changes for plugin developers
- chore(deps): bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins.workflow:workflow-cps from 4045.v0efb_cb_7cea_e9 to 4046.v90b_1b_9edec67 in /bom-weekly (#4751) @dependabot[bot]
- chore(deps): bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins:JiraTestResultReporter from 272.v3dd41b_194f54 to 275.v69b_ed741e69b_ in /bom-weekly (#4750) @dependabot[bot]
- chore(deps): bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins:cloudbees-bitbucket-branch-source from 935.1.2 to 935.1.3 in /bom-weekly (#4749) @dependabot[bot]
- chore(deps): bump io.jenkins.plugins:flyway-api from 11.4.0-249.v8c10c32fed5e to 11.4.0-251.v7f2f731e5d63 in /bom-weekly (#4748) @dependabot[bot]
- chore(deps): bump io.jenkins.plugins:design-library from 358.vcc903045e088 to 371.v171782a_56701 in /bom-weekly (#4747) @dependabot[bot]
- chore(deps): bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins:azure-vm-agents from 1003.v3f8b_46de698d to 1012.vb_4260776578d in /bom-weekly (#4746) @dependabot[bot]
- chore(deps): bump io.jenkins.plugins:file-parameters from 358.v9ed4456a_169a_ to 367.vc2cc39fb_b_593 in /bom-weekly (#4745) @dependabot[bot]
- chore(deps): bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins:build-timeout from 1.36 to 1.37 in /bom-weekly (#4744) @dependabot[bot]
- chore(deps): bump configuration-as-code-plugin.version from 1932.v75cb_b_f1b_698d to 1947.v7d33fe23569c in /bom-weekly (#4740) @dependabot[bot]
- chore(deps): bump io.jenkins.plugins:eddsa-api from 0.3.0-13.v7cb_69ed68f00 to in /bom-weekly (#4737) @dependabot[bot]
- chore(deps): bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins:oic-auth from 4.487.v5eb_cdf31cf09 to 4.494.v6b_f419104767 in /bom-weekly (#4736) @dependabot[bot]
- chore(deps): bump aws-java-sdk-plugin.version from 1.12.772-477.v650d756dcf6d to 1.12.780-480.v4a_0819121a_9e in /bom-weekly (#4735) @dependabot[bot]
- chore(deps): bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins:ansible from 500.v7564a_db_8feec to 524.v9fa_a_4c989224 in /bom-weekly (#4732) @dependabot[bot]
- chore(deps): bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins:ec2 from 1873.vf0b_f234b_e2f3 to 1881.vc14132ea_f042 in /bom-weekly (#4731) @dependabot[bot]
- chore(deps): bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins.workflow:workflow-cps from 4043.va_fb_de6a_a_8b_f5 to 4045.v0efb_cb_7cea_e9 in /bom-weekly (#4729) @dependabot[bot]
- chore(deps): bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins.workflow:workflow-api from 1363.v03f731255494 to 1366.vf1fb_e1a_f6b_22 in /bom-weekly (#4728) @dependabot[bot]
- chore(deps): bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins:junit-attachments from 282.vf662e91dc1e5 to 288.vcb_96b_d3a_b_350 in /bom-weekly (#4724) @dependabot[bot]
- chore(deps): bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins:matrix-auth from 3.2.4 to 3.2.5 in /bom-weekly (#4723) @dependabot[bot]
- chore(deps): bump io.jenkins.plugins:commons-compress-api from 1.27.1-2 to 1.27.1-3 in /bom-weekly (#4721) @dependabot[bot]
- chore(deps): bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins:htmlpublisher from 424.va_e57f1253461 to 425 in /bom-weekly (#4722) @dependabot[bot]
- chore(deps): bump io.jenkins.plugins:forensics-api from 3.0.0 to 3.1.0 in /bom-weekly (#4709) @dependabot[bot]
- chore(deps): bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins:jsoup from 1.18.3-30.v952e9442d416 to 1.19.1-36.v63b_c859911d0 in /bom-weekly (#4710) @dependabot[bot]
- chore(deps): bump io.jenkins.plugins:git-forensics from 3.1.0 to 3.2.0 in /bom-weekly (#4708) @dependabot[bot]
โ Other changes
- chore(Jenkinsfile) disable cron trigger outside the
branch (#4742) @dduportal - Add release lead rotation schedule (#4707) @MarkEWaite
- Add jobcacher to the managed set (#4704) @jonesbusy
๐ฆ Dependency updates
- Update dependency org.jenkins-ci.main:jenkins-war to v2.502 (#4730) @renovate[bot]
- Update dependency org.jenkins-ci.main:jenkins-test-harness to v2418 (#4734) @renovate[bot]