Spotify plugin for Flow Launcher
Control your Spotify client from the Flow Launcher. Search for tracks, artists, or albums and launch the results directly to your client.
This plugin requires the use of the Spotify Web API, which is only accessible through Spotify Premium.
Keyword | Description |
sp |
Show currently playing track |
sp {spotify search query} |
Search all of Spotify |
sp track {track name} |
Search for a track |
sp artist {artist name} |
Search for an artist |
sp album {album name} |
Search for an album |
sp playlist {playlist name} |
Search personal playlists |
sp queue {track name} |
Search for track and queue it |
sp next |
Play next track |
sp last |
Play previous track |
sp play |
Resume currently playing track |
sp pause |
Pause currently playing track |
sp mute |
Toggle Mute |
sp volume {level} |
Set Volume (absolute 1-100 or relative +/- 20) |
sp device |
Set Active Device |
sp shuffle |
Toggle Shuffle Mode |
sp reconnect |
Force a full reconnection |
sp like |
Add the playing track to liked songs |
sp like {track name} |
Search for a track to add to liked songs |
sp unlike |
Remove the playing track from liked songs |
- Spotify relies on Web Authentication Calls to Connect to the API remotely - you will need to authorize it to use this plugin.
- You NEED a client secret and client ID to use this plugin! This app currently hardcodes my personal Client ID and Client Secret to interact with Spotify. If current app usage hits any API limits, naturally you will need to switch out the current Client ID and Secret.
- To use a custom ID/Secret, create a file called in yourFlowUserDataDirectory\Plugins\SpotifyPremium-ver\ with the following format:
{"ClientId":"yourClientSecret", "ClientSecret":"yourClientSecret"}
- If using roaming, your Flow Userdata Directory is:
- If using portable, your Flow Userdata Directory is:
- To generate a Client ID and Secret, navigate to your Spotify developer dashboard, login, and generate your own ID & Key.
- After generating a key pair, under "edit settings", add
as a Redirect URI.
- This plugin cannot currently search for Podcasts - this is due to a restructure of the Spotify API which enabled support for "FullEpisode", among other things. See the SpotifyAPI-NET Documentation for more information.
- The Spotify queue API currently only supports adding single tracks to queues, not albums, even though the player can add albums, etc.
- Set Flow Launcher Maximum Results Shown to 12 or higher for best results.
- To get started developing:
- Restore all NuGet dependencies (dotnet restore)
- Build with
dotnet build
- Copy the
folder to your FlowLauncherUserdata\Plugins
- SpotifyAPI-NET : Spotify API wrapper
- Json.Net : High performance json library
- Search user content (saved music)
- Configurable default search type
- Add configuration menu
- Would really like a config menu for people to put their own app ID/Secrets