Most configurable overall. Amazing.
Requires reload when toggling video.
Top stable, no bugs. Kinda hacker, many colors .
Not buggy, dynamic in accent color and dark/light mode. Amazing.
(Go to github to get the command to enable auto dark/light mode in spotify)
Basically classic spotify with dynamic accent color and dark/light mode. Dope.
Solid, 4 major themes and many accent colors in User settings.
Solid one, no bugs and performs well.
Almost same looking as Sleek, and with light options.
Original Spotify with long player bar and spinning small artwork.
Pretty good and several themes, but some minor bugs.
Currently has bugs in top bar. If not for that, very good option with tons of color schemes.
Buggy right now, not very special.
The ones I've not mentioned are not very special for me or have bugs.