This is a repo for some helper methods/structs that involve generics (added in Go 1.18).
This package contains all the functions in the official slices package but adds extra functions as well, resulting in a superset of the official API. Any official functions are just forwarded to the official implementations. This allows you to use this package wherever you would otherwise use the official slices package.
As the official slices package evolves, so too will this package. If a function is added to the official package that does basically the same thing as a function from this package, we'll replace our function for the official function.
Here are the newly added functions.
func Some[T any](slice []T, test func(T) bool) bool
func Every[T any](slice []T, test func(T) bool) bool
func ForEach[T any](slice []T, f func(T))
func ForEachWithIndex[T any](slice []T, f func(T, int))
func TryForEach[T any](slice []T, f func(T) error) error
func TryForEachWithIndex[T any](slice []T, f func(T, int) error) error
func Map[T any, V any](slice []T, f func(T) V) []V
func MapWithIndex[T any, V any](slice []T, f func(T, int) V) []V
func TryMap[T any, V any](slice []T, f func(T) (V, error)) ([]V, error)
func TryMapWithIndex[T any, V any](slice []T, f func(T, int) (V, error)) ([]V, error)
func MapInPlace[T any](slice []T, f func(T) T)
func Filter[T any](slice []T, test func(T) bool) []T
func FilterWithIndex[T any](slice []T, f func(T, int) bool) []T
func TryFilter[T any](slice []T, test func(T) (bool, error)) ([]T, error)
func TryFilterWithIndex[T any](slice []T, test func(T, int) (bool, error)) ([]T, error)
func FilterInPlace[T any](slice []T, test func(T) bool) []T
func FilterMap[T any, E any](slice []T, test func(T) (E, bool)) []E
func TryFilterMap[T any, E any](slice []T, test func(T) (E, bool, error)) ([]E, error)
func TryFilterMapWithIndex[T any, E any](slice []T, test func(T, int) (E, bool, error))
func FlatMap[T any, V any](slice []T, f func(T) []V) []V
func Flatten[T any](slice [][]T) []T
func Find[T any](slice []T, f func(T) bool) (T, bool)
func FindMap[T any, V any](slice []T, f func(T) (V, bool)) (V, bool)
func Reverse[T any](slice []T) []T
func ReverseInPlace[T any](slice []T)
func Prepend[T any](slice []T, values ...T) []T
func Remove[T any](slice []T, index int) []T
func Move[T any](slice []T, fromIndex int, toIndex int) []T
func Swap[T any](slice []T, index1 int, index2 int)
func Concat[T any](slice []T, values ...T) []T
func ContainsFunc[T any](slice []T, f func(T) bool) bool
func Pop[T any](slice []T) (T, []T)
func Shift[T any](slice []T) (T, []T)
func Partition[T any](slice []T, test func(T) bool) ([]T, []T)
func MaxBy[T any, V constraints.Ordered](slice []T, f func(T) V) V
func MinBy[T any, V constraints.Ordered](slice []T, f func(T) V) V
There's a good chance I'll have the Map/Filter functions take an index argument unconditionally and leave it to the user to omit that if they want. That will cut down on the number of functions here, but add some boilerplate. I'm currently comparing both approaches on a sizable repo to help decide.
This package provides a List struct which wraps a slice and gives you access to all the above functions, with a couple exceptions. For example, there's no Map method because go does not support type parameters on struct methods.
This package provides a Set struct with the following methods:
Add(values ...T)
AddSlice(slice []T)
Remove(value T)
RemoveSlice(slice []T)
Includes(value T) bool
ToSlice() []T
Provides some helper methods for maps:
func Keys[Key comparable, Value any](m map[Key]Value) []Key
func Values[Key comparable, Value any](m map[Key]Value) []Value
func TransformValues[Key comparable, Value any, NewValue any
func TransformKeys[Key comparable, Value any, NewKey comparable](m map[Key]Value, fn func(Key) NewKey) map[NewKey]Value
func MapToSlice[Key comparable, Value any, Mapped any](m map[Key]Value, f func(Key, Value) Mapped) []Mapped
func Filter[Key comparable, Value any](m map[Key]Value, f func(Key, Value) bool) map[Key]Value
Check out for some more generic helper functions