Talltale is a Clojure(Script) library that generates fake data, useful for prototyping or load testing. Can be used with clojure.spec for instance.
Talltale provides traditional Clojure's functions that generates values but also test.check/clojure.spec generators (with -gen
suffix). The date objects used are Java Time objects (version 0.3.0) instead of Joda Time.
I was inspired by the JFairy lib (I actually copied the nice data used by their generators).
Declare the lib dependency in your deps.edn
talltale/talltale {:mvn/version "0.5.14"}
Declare the lib dependency in Leiningen:
[talltale "0.5.14"]
Require the core namespace, every generators is merged into the core namespace for convenience.
(use '[talltale.core])
(company :fr)
;; => {:address {:city "Le Perreux-sur-Marne", :postal-code "10000",
;; :street "Grande Rue", :street-number 1},
;; :domain "buapel.com", :email "[email protected]", :full-name "Buapel Ltd",
;; :identification-number "00000001",
;; :logo-url "http://via.placeholder.com/350x150?text=Buapel", :name "Buapel",
;; :org-id "BUAPEL", :phone-number "0100000000", :tld "com", :type "Ltd",
;; :url "https://www.buapel.com"}
(company);; default is always :en locale
;; => {:address {:city "Miami", :postal-code "10076", :street "Ford Street",
;; :street-number 233},
;; :domain "adapt.com", :email "[email protected]",
;; :full-name "Adapt Associates", :identification-number "12-0000016",
;; :logo-url "http://via.placeholder.com/350x150?text=Adapt", :name "Adapt",
;; :org-id "ADAPT", :phone-number "124-124-0124", :tld "com",
;; :type "Associates", :url "https://www.adapt.com"}
;; => {:address {:city "San Francisco", :postal-code "10000",
;; :street "Summer Place", :street-number 1},
;; :age 37,
;; :password "62x4awex6m32s",
;; :date-of-birth #object[org.joda.time.LocalDate 0x7d24c344 "1981-01-08"],
;; :email "[email protected]", :first-name "Khloe", :last-name "Shannon",
;; :phone-number "122-122-122",
;; :picture-url "https://randomuser.me/api/portraits/women/4.jpg", :sex :female,
;; :username "khloe"}
(username (first-name) (last-name))
(age);; => 56
(-> age date-of-birth);; => return a LocalDate object on JVM or cljs-time on JS
(first-name :fr);;random considering the gender (frequency 0f 0.5 for both)
(first-name-male :en);;=> "Logan"
(email (first-name) (last-name) );; =>
(picture-url :female)
;;you got the test.check generator version
(gen/sample (person-gen))
(address);; => {:city "San Francisco", :postal-code "10000",
;; :street "Summer Place", :street-number 1}
(address-gen);; => return a Generator
(phone-number);;=> "124-124-0124"
(company-gen);; => return a Generator
(gen/sample (company-gen))
Notes: I use test.check generators for numbers, so don't be surprised by the value as they respect the "Growth and Shrink" manner of test.check.
(keys (ns-publics 'talltale.core))
;; Common
;; Address
;; Company
;; Person
;;various generator
;; => "robust" "unreal" etc.
;; => "circular" "oval"
;; => "blue" "rose"
;; => "horse" "koala"
;; => "moulin" "cave"
Remember that you can just add the -gen
suffix to get a test.check/clojure.spec generator and then use it with gen/sample
Also each function/generator accept a locale as first argument with :en
and :fr
as the first ones provided.
If you want to try Talltale with Planck:
planck -D talltale:0.2.11,com.andrewmcveigh/cljs-time:0.5.2,org.clojure/test.check:0.10.0-alpha2
(require 'talltale.core)
(in-ns 'talltale.core)
Copyright © 2019 Jeremie Grodziski
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0.