Work in Progress.
High-performance caching, throttling, and backoff middleware for reqwest, powered by SIMD-accelerated single-file storage.
is a middleware based on reqwest-middleware
that provides:
- High-speed request caching using SIMD R Drive, a SIMD-optimized, single-file-container data store.
- Adaptive request throttling with support for dynamic concurrency limits.
- Configurable backoff strategies for handling rate-limiting and transient failures.
Note: This is not WASM compatible.
- Efficient single-file caching
- Uses SIMD acceleration for fast reads/writes.
- Supports header-based TTLs or custom expiration policies.
- Customizable throttling & backoff
- Control request concurrency.
- Define exponential backoff & jitter for retries.
- Seamless integration with
- Works as a
layer. - Easy to configure and extend.
- Works as a
cargo add reqwest-drive
use reqwest_drive::{init_cache, CachePolicy};
use reqwest_middleware::ClientBuilder;
use std::path::Path;
use std::time::Duration;
async fn main() {
let cache = init_cache(Path::new("cache_storage.bin"), CachePolicy {
default_ttl: Duration::from_secs(3600), // Cache for 1 hour
respect_headers: true,
cache_status_override: None,
let client = ClientBuilder::new(reqwest::Client::new())
let response = client.get("").send().await.unwrap();
println!("Response: {:?}", response.text().await.unwrap());
To enable request throttling and exponential backoff:
use reqwest_drive::{init_cache_with_throttle, CachePolicy, ThrottlePolicy};
use reqwest_middleware::ClientBuilder;
use std::path::Path;
use std::time::Duration;
async fn main() {
let (cache, throttle) = init_cache_with_throttle(
ThrottlePolicy {
base_delay_ms: 200,
adaptive_jitter_ms: 100,
max_concurrent: 2,
max_retries: 3,
let client = ClientBuilder::new(reqwest::Client::new())
let response = client.get("").send().await.unwrap();
println!("Response status: {}", response.status());
Initializing a client with both caching and throttling, without manually attaching middleware via .with_arc()
use reqwest_drive::{
init_cache_with_throttle, init_client_with_cache_and_throttle, CachePolicy, ThrottlePolicy,
use reqwest_middleware::ClientWithMiddleware;
use std::path::Path;
use std::sync::Arc;
use std::time::Duration;
async fn main() {
let cache_policy = CachePolicy {
default_ttl: Duration::from_secs(300), // Cache responses for 5 minutes
respect_headers: true,
cache_status_override: None,
let throttle_policy = ThrottlePolicy {
base_delay_ms: 100, // 100ms delay before retrying
adaptive_jitter_ms: 50, // Add jitter to avoid request bursts
max_concurrent: 2, // Allow 2 concurrent requests
max_retries: 2, // Retry up to 2 times on failure
// Initialize cache and throttling middleware
let (cache, throttle) = init_cache_with_throttle(Path::new("cache_storage.bin"), cache_policy, throttle_policy);
// Initialize a client with cache and throttling middleware
let client: ClientWithMiddleware = init_client_with_cache_and_throttle(cache, throttle);
// Perform a request using the client
let response = client.get("").send().await.unwrap();
println!("Response status: {}", response.status());
To override the throttle policy for a single request:
use reqwest_drive::{init_cache_with_throttle, CachePolicy, ThrottlePolicy};
use reqwest_middleware::ClientBuilder;
use std::path::Path;
use std::time::Duration;
async fn main() {
let (cache, throttle) = init_cache_with_throttle(
ThrottlePolicy {
base_delay_ms: 200, // Default base delay
adaptive_jitter_ms: 100, // Default jitter
max_concurrent: 2, // Default concurrency
max_retries: 3, // Default retries
let client = ClientBuilder::new(reqwest::Client::new())
// Define a custom throttle policy for this request
let custom_throttle_policy = ThrottlePolicy {
base_delay_ms: 50, // Lower base delay for this request
adaptive_jitter_ms: 25, // Less jitter
max_concurrent: 1, // Allow only 1 concurrent request
max_retries: 1, // Only retry once
// Apply the custom throttle policy **only** for this request
let mut request = client.get("");
let response = request.send().await.unwrap();
println!("Response status: {}", response.status());
The middleware can be fine-tuned using the following options:
use std::path::Path;
use reqwest_middleware::ClientBuilder;
use reqwest_drive::{init_cache, CachePolicy};
use std::time::Duration;
let cache_policy = CachePolicy {
default_ttl: Duration::from_secs(60 * 60), // Default: 1 hour
respect_headers: true, // Use HTTP headers for caching decisions
cache_status_override: Some(vec![200, 404]), // Define which status codes are cacheable
let cache = init_cache(&Path::new("cache_storage.bin"), cache_policy);
// Configure `reqwest` client with `SIMD R Drive`-powered cache
let client = ClientBuilder::new(reqwest::Client::new())
use std::path::Path;
use reqwest_middleware::ClientBuilder;
use reqwest_drive::{init_cache_with_throttle, CachePolicy, ThrottlePolicy};
let throttle_policy = ThrottlePolicy {
base_delay_ms: 100, // Base delay before retries
adaptive_jitter_ms: 50, // Add jitter to prevent synchronization issues
max_concurrent: 1, // Allow only 1 concurrent request
max_retries: 2, // Number of retries before failing
// Creates two middleware agents
let (cache, throttle) = init_cache_with_throttle(&Path::new("cache_storage.bin"), CachePolicy::default(), throttle_policy);
// Configure `reqwest` client with `SIMD R Drive`-powered cache and throttle/backoff support
let client = ClientBuilder::new(reqwest::Client::new())
// Integrate `cache` middleware
// Integrate `throttle` middleware
✅ Faster than traditional disk-based caches (memory-mapped, single-file storage container with SIMD acceleration for queries).
✅ More efficient than in-memory caches (persists data across runs without RAM overhead).
✅ Backoff-aware throttling helps prevent API bans due to excessive requests.
is licensed under Apache License, Version 2.0 LICENSE.