chore(deps): bump the dependencies group across 1 directory with 12 updates #1603
10 errors and 1 warning
Run govulncheck
pplang.DetectUsingAPI calls github.RepositoriesService.ListLanguages, which eventually calls http.Client.Do
Run govulncheck
gh.Gh.FetchLatestArtifact calls github.ActionsService.DownloadArtifact, which eventually calls http.Client.PostForm
Run govulncheck
gh.Gh.FetchLatestArtifact calls http.Get
Run govulncheck
datastore.New calls s3.NewFromConfig, which eventually calls x509.CertPool.AppendCertsFromPEM
Run govulncheck
coverage.Printer.Print calls fmt.Fprintf, which eventually calls x509.Certificate.Verify
Run govulncheck
coverage.Printer.Print calls fmt.Fprintf, which eventually calls x509.Certificate.VerifyHostname
Run govulncheck
cmd.Execute calls cobra.Command.Execute, which eventually calls x509.HostnameError.Error
Run govulncheck
artifact.Artifact.FS calls strings.Replacer.Replace, which eventually calls x509.ParseCertificate
Run govulncheck
datastore.New calls storage.NewClient, which eventually calls x509.ParseECPrivateKey
Run govulncheck
gh.New calls factory.NewGithubClient, which eventually calls x509.ParsePKCS1PrivateKey
Run lint
Input 'fail_on_error' has been deprecated with message: Deprecated, use `fail_level` instead.