This is a straightforward boilerplate for building REST APIs with ES6 and Express.
- ES6 support via babel
- REST resources as middleware via resource-router-middleware
- CORS support via cors
- Body Parsing via body-parser
- Node-mysql with promise api via promise-mysql
- Webpack via webpack
Tip: If you are using Mongoose, you can automatically expose your Models as REST resources using restful-mongoose.
# clone it
git clone [email protected]:developit/express-es6-rest-api.git
cd express-es6-rest-api
# Make it your own
rm -rf .git && git init && npm init
# Install dependencies
npm install
# Start development live-reload server
PORT=8080 npm run dev
# Start development live-reload web
PORT=8080 npm run dev-web
# Build production server:
npm prod-server
# Build production web:
npm prod-web
# Build production server & web:
npm prod
# Start production server:
PORT=8080 npm start