Converter for CK2 savegames to EU4.
User instructions are in documentation.pdf. This file is for people interested in compiling the code themselves.
Dependencies are Qt (I use the ancient 2010.05 version; newer ones should work), my ParadoxParser library which you can find here:
The parser in turn depends on Boost; I use 1.41.0, which is older than the hills, but newer versions should also work.
I generate makefiles for the converter thus:
c:\Qt\2010.05\qt\bin\qmake -project "CONFIG+=exceptions c++0x"
c:\Qt\2010.05\qt\bin\qmake -makefile -after
This assumes that you have Qt installed; adjust the paths according to taste. To compile, I do:
mingw-make -f Makefile.[Debug,Release]
You will likely need some tweaking to make it work on Linux, since I do use some Windows-specific file munging; sorry about that. If you take the time to do this, please let me know so I can try to include it.